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1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
#! /bin/gsh
# This is a script that builds a bootable system given the components
# of a partial v2.0.6, plus an available v2.0.4 distribution. It is
# an interim hack.
# Devin Reade, September 1997.
# $Id: fudgeinstall,v 1.9 1999/02/15 21:39:11 gdr-ftp Exp $
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# What is our release directory? (The second one must be HFS, and
# may be the same as the first.)
setenv RELDIR /gno
setenv RELDIR2 /gno-hfs
setenv RELBOOT /gno.boot
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# What is the "root" filesystem for the currently running GNO?
setenv ROOT /trenco3/v.206
# Where are the GNO (and other) sources?
setenv SRC /src
setenv DIST /dist
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# Where do we keep the Finder.Data, Finder.Root, and icons files
# that are created on the GS and copied over to the GNO boot disk?
# Unfortunately, we can't put these into the repository because of
# their resource forks (unless we were to binscii them)
setenv BINSRC /scratch/gnoboot.bins
# We need a scratch file for some operations
setenv JUNKFILE /tmp/finstall.junk
# Create the directories we need. Unfortunately, gsh is too stupid to
# even allow us multiline commands by escaping the newline, so we have
# to call install many times.
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "creating directories"
install -dV $RELDIR2/HFSinclude
install -dV $RELDIR/Icons
install -dV $RELDIR/System/Desk.Accs
install -dV $RELDIR/System/Drivers
install -dV $RELDIR/System/System.Setup
install -dV $RELDIR/bin
install -dV $RELDIR/dev
install -dV $RELDIR/doc
install -dV $RELDIR/etc
install -dV $RELDIR/home/root
install -dV $RELDIR/lang/orca/shell
install -dV $RELDIR/lang/orca/languages
install -dV $RELDIR/lib/orcacdefs
install -dV $RELDIR/lib/rinclude
install -dV $RELDIR/sbin
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/ainclude
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/bin
# when we finally get a working cp(1) again, we can eliminate creating
# of the /usr/include and /HFSinclude directories.
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/arpa
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/gno
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/machine
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/net
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/netinet
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/protocols
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/rpc
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/include/sys
install -dV $RELDIR2/HFSinclude/net
install -dV $RELDIR2/HFSinclude/netinet
install -dV $RELDIR2/HFSinclude/sys
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/games
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/guest/operator
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/lib/tmac
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man1
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man2
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man3
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man4
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man5
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man6
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man7
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/man8
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat1
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat2
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat3
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat4
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat5
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat6
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat7
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/man/cat8
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/orca/bin
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/sbin
install -dV $RELDIR/var/adm
install -dV $RELDIR/var/adm/newuser/skel
install -dV $RELDIR/var/run
install -dV $RELDIR/var/spool
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /"
install -V $ROOT/kern.971027 $RELDIR/kern
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/initrc $RELDIR
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /HFSinclude"
install -V /HFSinclude/net/*.h $RELDIR2/HFSinclude/net
install -V /HFSinclude/netinet/*.h $RELDIR2/HFSinclude/netinet
install -V /HFSinclude/sys/*.h $RELDIR2/HFSinclude/sys
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /Icons"
install -V $BINSRC/Icons/GNO.Icon $RELDIR/Icons
# These ones should eventually be installed as part of the 'release'
# target.
echo "installing files in /System"
install -V $BINSRC/System/Desk.Accs/GNOSnooperII $RELDIR/System/Desk.Accs
install -V $BINSRC/System/Desk.Accs/SuspDA $RELDIR/System/Desk.Accs
install -V $BINSRC/System/Desk.Accs/TMTerm2.v1.0 $RELDIR/System/Desk.Accs/TMTerm
install -V $BINSRC/System/Drivers/FilePort $RELDIR/System/Drivers
install -V $BINSRC/System/Drivers/FilePort.Data $RELDIR/System/Drivers
install -V $BINSRC/System/Drivers/NullPort $RELDIR/System/Drivers
install -V $BINSRC/System/System.Setup/GNOBug $RELDIR/System/System.Setup
install -V $BINSRC/System/System.Setup/SIM $RELDIR/System/System.Setup
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /bin"
# aroff done
# binprint done
# cat done
install -V /bin/center $RELDIR/bin
install -V /usr/orca/bin/chmod $RELDIR/bin
# chtyp done
# cmp done
install -V /bin/compress $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/cp $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/date $RELDIR/bin
# df done
install -V /bin/du $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/echo $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/egrep $RELDIR/bin
# false done
install -V /bin/fgrep $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/freeze $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/grep $RELDIR/bin
# gsh done
# head done
install -V /bin/hostname $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/init $RELDIR/bin
# kill done
install -V /bin/less $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/ls $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/mkdir $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/more $RELDIR/bin
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# mv is actually cp
install -V /bin/passwd $RELDIR/bin
install -V /usr/bin/eps $RELDIR/bin/ps
install -V /bin/purge $RELDIR/bin
# pwd done
# rmdir done
# sleep done
# split done
install -V /bin/strings $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/stty $RELDIR/bin
install -V /bin/su $RELDIR/bin
# tail done
install -V /bin/tar $RELDIR/bin
# tee done
# test done
install -V /bin/time $RELDIR/bin
install -V /usr/local/bin/touch $RELDIR/bin
# tr done
# true done
# uname done
install -V /bin/uncompress $RELDIR/bin
# uniq done
install -V /bin/vi $RELDIR/bin
# wc done
# yes done
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /dev"
install -V /dev/modem $RELDIR/dev
install -V /dev/printer $RELDIR/dev
install -V /dev/null $RELDIR/dev
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /etc"
# don't need cronlog, crontab yet
install -V /etc/freeze.cnf $RELDIR/etc
# gettytab done
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/glogin $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/group $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/hosts $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/inittab $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/motd $RELDIR/etc
echo >> $RELDIR/etc/motd
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo -n 'GNO release build date: ' >> $RELDIR/etc/motd
date >> $RELDIR/etc/motd
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/networks $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/namespace $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/passwd $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/rchost $RELDIR/etc
install -V /etc/syslog.conf $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/termcap $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/tty.config $RELDIR/etc
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/etc/ttys $RELDIR/etc
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
touch $RELDIR/etc/wtmp; chtyp -tbin -a0 $RELDIR/etc/wtmp
echo "installing files in /home/root"
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/home/root/gshrc $RELDIR/home/root
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# echo "installing files in /lib"
# install 13/libc $RELDIR/lib
# install 13/lsaneglue $RELDIR/lib
# install 13/orcalib $RELDIR/lib
# install 13/sysfloat $RELDIR/lib
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /lib/orcacdefs"
install -V $SRC/gno/orcacdefs/defaults.h $RELDIR/lib/orcacdefs
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /sbin"
install -V /usr/sbin/initd $RELDIR/sbin
# renram5 done
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /usr/bin"
# apropos done
# asml should be copied from compile
# assemble should be copied from compile
# awk done
# basename done
# catrez done
# cksum done
# colcrt done
# cmpl should be copied from compile
install -V /usr/local/bin/coff $RELDIR/usr/bin
# compile done
install -V /usr/bin/copycat $RELDIR/usr/bin
install -V /usr/bin/cpp $RELDIR/usr/bin
# cut done
# ctags done
install -V /usr/bin/diff $RELDIR/usr/bin
# dirname done
install -V /usr/local/bin/dmake $RELDIR/usr/bin
# fmt done
# getvers done
# help done
# install done
# last done
install -V /usr/bin/launch $RELDIR/usr/bin
# link done
# lseg done
# man done
# nroff done
# removerez done
# rlogin done
# rsh done
install -V /bin/script $RELDIR/usr/bin
# sed done
install -V /usr/bin/setvers $RELDIR/usr/bin
install -V /usr/bin/unshar $RELDIR/usr/bin
install -V /usr/bin/uptime $RELDIR/usr/bin
# whatis done
# whereis done
# who done
# whois done
install -V /usr/bin/yankit $RELDIR/usr/bin
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /usr/ainclude"
chtyp -lasm $SRC/gno/ainclude/m*
install -V $SRC/gno/ainclude/m* $RELDIR/usr/ainclude
echo "installing files in /lib/rinclude"
chtyp -lrez $SRC/gno/rinclude/*.rez
install -V $SRC/gno/rinclude/*.rez $RELDIR/lib/rinclude
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /usr/include"
# The cd is (maybe) necessary due to PR#110
cd $SRC/gno/include; install -V *.h $RELDIR/usr/include
install -V $SRC/gno/include/arpa/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/arpa
install -V $SRC/gno/include/gno/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/gno
install -V $SRC/gno/include/machine/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/machine
install -V $SRC/gno/include/net/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/net
install -V $SRC/gno/include/netinet/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/netinet
install -V $SRC/gno/include/protocols/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/protocols
install -V $SRC/gno/include/rpc/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/rpc
install -V $SRC/gno/include/sys/*.h $RELDIR/usr/include/sys
cd $SRC/gno/include; chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/arpa/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/gno/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/machine/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/net/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/netinet/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/protocols/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/rpc/*.h
chtyp -lcc $RELDIR/usr/include/sys/*.h
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /usr/lib"
install -V $SRC/gno/doc/describe/describe.src $RELDIR/usr/lib
# libcontrib done
# libcrypt done
install -V /usr/lib/curses.lib $RELDIR/usr/lib/libcurses
# libedit IS MISSING
# libnetdb done
# libsim IS MISSING
# libtermcap done
# libutil done
# liby done
install -V $SRC/gno/ $RELDIR/usr/lib/
# /usr/lib/tmac/ done
# /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.s done
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /usr/orca/bin"
# describe done
install -V 17/occ $RELDIR/usr/orca/bin
# udl done
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# install man pages
# We have to do a cd here because it seems that there is a 2k upper limit
# on the number of bytes on the command line. Exceeding this causes a
# crash. See PR#110.
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man1"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.1 $RELDIR/usr/man/man1
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man2"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.2 $RELDIR/usr/man/man2
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man3"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.3 $RELDIR/usr/man/man3
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man4"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.4 $RELDIR/usr/man/man4
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man5"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.5 $RELDIR/usr/man/man5
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man6"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.6 $RELDIR/usr/man/man6
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man7"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.7 $RELDIR/usr/man/man7
echo "installing files in /usr/man/man8"
cd $SRC/gno/; install -V *.8 $RELDIR/usr/man/man8
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /usr/sbin"
# catman done
install -V /usr/sbin/cron $RELDIR/usr/sbin
# descu done
# descc done
# getty done
install -V /usr/sbin/initd $RELDIR/usr/sbin
# login done
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# lpc?
install -V /usr/sbin/lpd $RELDIR/usr/sbin
# makewhatis done
install -V /usr/sbin/mktmp $RELDIR/usr/sbin
# newuser done
# newuserv done
install -V /usr/sbin/runover $RELDIR/usr/sbin
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/usr/sbin/ $RELDIR/usr/sbin
install -V /usr/sbin/uptimed $RELDIR/usr/sbin
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "installing files in /var/adm/newuser"
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/var/adm/newuser/newid $RELDIR/var/adm/newuser
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/var/adm/newuser/skel/glogin $RELDIR/var/adm/newuser/skel
install -V $SRC/gno/verbatim/var/adm/newuser/skel/gshrc $RELDIR/var/adm/newuser/skel
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "creating log files"
touch $RELDIR/var/adm/messages
touch $RELDIR/var/adm/debug
touch $RELDIR/var/adm/utmp $RELDIR/var/adm/wtmp $RELDIR/var/adm/lastlog
chtyp -tbin -a0 $RELDIR/var/adm/utmp $RELDIR/var/adm/wtmp $RELDIR/var/adm/lastlog
# We make the .so links at user installation time. We leave the comments in
# from the file /src/gno/, but strip the comments out of
# all of the others.
echo "creating the /usr/man/ file"
install $SRC/gno/ $RELDIR/usr/man/
cat $DIST/install/mkso.* | egrep -v -e '^#' > $JUNKFILE
msort $JUNKFILE >> $RELDIR/usr/man/
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
# We won't use these directories, but they should be created for the user
echo "creating /usr/local hierarchy"
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/bin
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/doc
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/etc
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/include
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/lib
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man1
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man2
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man3
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man4
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man5
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man6
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man7
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/man8
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat1
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat2
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat3
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat4
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat5
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat6
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat7
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/man/cat8
install -dV $RELDIR/usr/local/sbin
1997-09-30 04:01:00 +00:00
echo "done"