
1421 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: cmd.asm,v 1.4 1998/07/20 16:23:02 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Command line parsing routines.
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* Interfaces defined in this file:
* gettoken subroutine (4:word,4:stream)
* Returns value of token in Accumulator
* command subroutine (4:waitpid,2:inpipe,2:jobflag,2:inpipe2,
* 4:pipesem,4:stream)
* Returns next token in Accumulator
* argfree subroutine (2:argc,4:argv)
* ShellExec subroutine (4:path,2:argc,4:argv,2:jobflag)
* Returns completion status in Accumulator
* execute subroutine (4:cmdline,2:jobflag)
* Returns completion status in Accumulator
* system Defined for libc; interface in <stdlib.h>
* int system (char *command)
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/cmd.mac
dummycmd start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
SIGINT gequ 2
SIGSTOP gequ 17
; TOKENS used by the parser
T_WORD gequ 1
T_BAR gequ 2
T_AMP gequ 3
T_SEMI gequ 4
T_GT gequ 5
T_GTGT gequ 6
T_GTAMP gequ 7
T_GTGTAMP gequ 8
T_LT gequ 9
T_NL gequ 10
T_EOF gequ 11
T_ERROR gequ 12
T_NULL gequ 13
MAXARG gequ 256
BADFD gequ -2
* Read a token from the buffer.
* Input: word points to a buffer to place a word is parsed.
* Ouput: the token is placed in the accumulator
gettoken START
buf equ 1
state equ buf+4
ch equ state+2
space equ ch+2
stream equ space+3
word equ stream+4
end equ word+4
; subroutine (4:word,4:stream),space
sbc #space-1
; What state are we in
NEUTRAL equ 0 ;a neutral state, get anything
GTGT equ 1 ;looking for a second '>'
INQUOTE equ 2 ;parsing a quoted string
INWORD equ 3 ;parsing a word
SINGQUOTE equ 4 ;single quote string
; Start in the neutral state
ld2 NEUTRAL,state
lda [stream]
sta buf
ldy #2
lda [stream],y
sta buf+2
; Main loop: get character and take action based upon state.
loop lda [buf]
incad buf
and2 @a,#$FF,ch ch = next character.
bne switch
; End of string detected. Action depends upon current state.
if2 state,ne,#INWORD,loop2
jmp endword state INWORD: end the word.
loop2 if2 @a,ne,#GTGT,loop3
dec buf
lda #T_GT state GTGT: return single GT.
jmp done
loop3 if2 @a,eq,#INQUOTE,error1 INQUOTE: error.
if2 @a,eq,#SINGQUOTE,error2 SINGQUOTE: error.
lda #T_EOF must be NEUTRAL: return EOF.
jmp done
error1 ldx #^errstr1 Report string errors.
lda #errstr1
bra error0
error2 ldx #^errstr2
lda #errstr2
error0 jsr errputs
lda #T_ERROR
jmp done
; jump to the current state
switch lda state
asl a
jmp (statetbl,x)
statetbl dc a2'case_neutral'
dc a2'case_gtgt'
dc a2'case_inquote'
dc a2'case_inword'
dc a2'case_single'
; Check for special characters:
; ; & | < creturn EOF -- set token value and go to done
; space tab -- ignore and stay in loop
; > -- Change state to GTGT and stay in loop
; # -- Eat characters to creturn or lf, then stay in loop
; " -- Change state to INQUOTE and stay in loop
; ' -- Change state to SINGQUOTE and stay in loop
; \ -- Get next character, change state to INWORD, and stay in loop
; All other characters: change state to INWORD and stay in loop
case_neutral if2 ch,ne,#';',neut1
lda #T_SEMI
jmp done
neut1 if2 @a,ne,#'&',neut2
lda #T_AMP
jmp done
neut2 if2 @a,ne,#'|',neut3
lda #T_BAR
jmp done
neut3 if2 @a,ne,#'<',neut4
lda #T_LT
jmp done
neut5 cmp #' ' ;space
jeq loop
cmp #9 ;tab
jeq loop
if2 @a,ne,#'>',neut6
lda #GTGT
bra neut10
neut4 if2 @a,ne,#13,neut4a ;return
lda #T_NL
jmp done
neut4a if2 @a,ne,#0,neut4b ;EOF [Is this possible?? DMT]
lda #T_EOF
jmp done
neut4b if2 @a,ne,#'#',neut5 ;comment
neut4c lda [buf]
and #$7F
beq neut4d
incad buf
if2 @a,eq,#13,neut4d
if2 @a,eq,#10,neut4d
bra neut4c
neut4d jmp loop
neut6 if2 @a,ne,#'"',neut7
startquote lda #INQUOTE
bra neut10
neut7 if2 @a,ne,#"'",neut8
startsingle lda #SINGQUOTE
bra neut10
neut8 if2 @a,ne,#'\',neut9
lda [buf]
and #$FF
incad buf
if2 @a,eq,#13,neut10a
neut9 sta [word] ;default
incad word
neut10 sta state
neut10a jmp loop
case_gtgt if2 ch,eq,#'>',gtgt2
if2 @a,eq,#'&',gtgt1
dec buf
lda #T_GT
jmp done
gtgt1 lda #T_GTAMP
jmp done
gtgt2 lda [buf]
and #$FF
if2 @a,eq,#'&',gtgt3
lda #T_GTGT
jmp done
gtgt3 incad buf
jmp done
case_inquote if2 ch,ne,#'\',quote2 ;is it a quoted character?
lda [buf]
incad buf
putword sta [word]
incad word
jmp loop
quote2 if2 @a,ne,#'"',putword
ld2 INWORD,state
jmp loop
case_single anop
if2 ch,ne,#"'",putword
ld2 INWORD,state
jmp loop
case_inword if2 ch,eq,#000,endword
if2 @a,eq,#';',endword
if2 @a,eq,#'&',endword
if2 @a,eq,#'|',endword
if2 @a,eq,#'>',endword
if2 @a,eq,#'<',endword
if2 @a,eq,#' ',endword
if2 @a,eq,#009,endword
if2 @a,eq,#013,endword
cmp #'"'
jeq startquote
cmp #"'"
jeq startsingle
if2 @a,ne,#'\',putword
lda [buf]
incad buf
and #$FF
if2 @a,eq,#13,word2
bra putword
word2 jmp loop
endword dec buf
finiword lda #0
sta [word]
lda #T_WORD
done tax
lda buf
sta [stream]
lda buf+2
ldy #2
sta [stream],y
lda space
sta end-3
lda space+1
sta end-2
adc #end-4
errstr1 dc c'gsh: Missing ending ".',h'0d00'
errstr2 dc c"gsh: Missing ending '.",h'0d00'
* Parse a single command
command START
pipefds equ 1
errappend equ pipefds+2
errfile equ errappend+2
srcfile equ errfile+4
dstfile equ srcfile+4
count equ dstfile+4
argv equ count+2
word equ argv+4
cmdline equ word+4
pid equ cmdline+4
append equ pid+2
temp equ append+2
argc equ temp+4
token equ argc+2
space equ token+2
stream equ space+3
pipesem equ stream+4
inpipe2 equ pipesem+4
jobflag equ inpipe2+2
inpipe equ jobflag+2
waitpid equ inpipe+2
end equ waitpid+4
; subroutine (4:waitpid,2:inpipe,2:jobflag,2:inpipe2,4:pipesem,4:stream),space
sbc #space-1
ph4 #1024 Allocate 1024 bytes
jsl ~NEW and pointer in cmdline.
sta cmdline
stx cmdline+2
lda #0 Initialize to null C string.
sta [cmdline]
jsl alloc1024
sta word
stx word+2
ph4 #MAXARG*4
jsl ~NEW
sta argv
stx argv+2
stz srcfile
stz srcfile+2
stz dstfile
stz dstfile+2
stz errfile
stz errfile+2
stz argc
stz pipefds
stz pipefds+2
lda #-3
sta [waitpid]
loop pei (word+2)
pei (word)
pei (stream+2)
pei (stream)
jsl gettoken
sta token
asl a
jmp (toktbl,x)
toktbl dc a2'loop'
dc a2'tok_word'
dc a2'tok_bar'
dc a2'tok_amp'
dc a2'tok_semi'
dc a2'tok_gt'
dc a2'tok_gtgt'
dc a2'tok_gtamp'
dc a2'tok_gtgtamp'
dc a2'tok_lt'
dc a2'tok_nl'
dc a2'tok_eof'
dc a2'tok_error'
; Parse a word token
tok_word if2 argc,ne,#MAXARG,word1
lda #err00 ;Too many arguments
jmp error
word1 pei (word+2)
pei (word)
jsr cstrlen
inc a
pea 0
jsl ~NEW
sta temp
stx temp+2
ora temp+2
bne word2
lda #err01 ;Out of memory for arguments
jmp error
word2 lda argc ;Copy word to argv[argc]
asl2 a
lda temp
sta [argv],y
lda temp+2
sta [argv],y
pei (word+2)
pei (word)
pei (temp+2)
pei (temp)
jsr copycstr
stz count ;count illegal characters in word
ldy #0
illword lda [word],y
and #$FF
beq appword
if2 @a,eq,#' ',incword
if2 @a,eq,#'&',incword
if2 @a,eq,#'|',incword
if2 @a,eq,#'<',incword
if2 @a,eq,#'>',incword
if2 @a,eq,#';',incword
bra nextword
incword inc count
nextword iny
bra illword
appword pei (word+2) ;append word to current command line
pei (word)
pei (cmdline+2)
pei (cmdline)
jsr cstrlen
ldx argc
beq nospace
lda #' '
sta [cmdline],y
nospace lda count
beq noquote
lda [word]
and #$FF
cmp #'"'
bne doquote
stz count
bra noquote
doquote lda #'"'
sta [cmdline],y
inc count
noquote pei (cmdline+2)
add2 @y,cmdline,@a
jsr copycstr
lda count
beq noquote2
pei (cmdline+2)
pei (cmdline)
jsr cstrlen
lda #'"'
sta [cmdline],y
lda #0
sta [cmdline],y
noquote2 inc argc ;increment argument count
goloop jmp loop
; Parse a '<' token
tok_lt lda srcfile
ora srcfile+2
beq lt1
lda #err02 ;Extra < encountered
jmp error
lt1 lda inpipe
beq lt2
lda #err09 ;< conflicts with |
jmp error
lt2 jsl alloc1024
stx srcfile+2
sta srcfile
pei (stream+2)
pei (stream)
jsl gettoken
if2 @a,eq,#T_WORD,goloop
lda #err03 ;Illegal < specified
jmp error
; Parse a '>' or '>>'
tok_gt anop
tok_gtgt lda dstfile
ora dstfile+2
beq gt1
lda #err04 ;Extra > or >> encountered
jmp error
gt1 jsl alloc1024
stx dstfile+2
sta dstfile
pei (stream+2)
pei (stream)
jsl gettoken
if2 @a,eq,#T_WORD,gt2
lda #err05 ;Illegal > or >> specified
jmp error
gt2 stz append
if2 token,ne,#T_GTGT,gt3
inc append
gt3 jmp loop
; Parse a '>&' or '>>&'
tok_gtamp anop
tok_gtgtamp lda errfile
ora errfile+2
beq ga1
lda #err06 ;Extra >& or >>& encountered
jmp error
ga1 jsl alloc1024
stx errfile+2
sta errfile
pei (stream+2)
pei (stream)
jsl gettoken
if2 @a,eq,#T_WORD,ga2
lda #err07 ;Illegal >& or >>& specified
jmp error
ga2 stz errappend
if2 token,ne,#T_GTGTAMP,ga3
inc errappend
ga3 jmp loop
; Parse a command terminator
tok_bar anop
tok_amp anop
tok_semi anop
tok_nl anop
tok_eof anop
lda argc
bne nonnull
lda #0
sta [waitpid]
lda #T_NULL
jmp exit
nonnull asl2 a ;terminate the argv list
lda #0
sta [argv],y
sta [argv],y
; see if there is a conflict between >,>> with |
lda token
if2 @a,ne,#T_BAR,runit
lda dstfile
ora dstfile+2
beq bar2
lda #err08 ;> or >> conflicts with |
jmp error
bar2 clc
adc #pipefds
ldx #0
pipe @xa
;what if pipes return errors?
runit pei (argc)
pei (argv+2)
pei (argv)
pei (srcfile+2)
pei (srcfile)
pei (dstfile+2)
pei (dstfile)
pei (errfile+2)
pei (errfile)
pei (append)
pei (errappend)
ldx #0
if2 token,ne,#T_AMP,run2
run2 phx
pei (cmdline+2)
pei (cmdline)
pei (jobflag)
pei (inpipe)
pei (pipefds+2)
pei (inpipe2)
pei (pipefds)
pei (pipesem+2)
pei (pipesem)
jsl invoke
sta pid
cmp #-1
beq exit
if2 token,ne,#T_BAR,run3 If next token is "|",
pei (waitpid+2) recursively call command.
pei (waitpid)
pei (pipefds)
pei (jobflag)
pei (pipefds+2)
pei (pipesem+2)
pei (pipesem)
pei (stream+2)
pei (stream)
jsl command
bra exit
run3 lda pid
sta [waitpid]
lda token
; clean up
exit pha
lda dstfile
ora dstfile+2
beq ex1
ldx dstfile+2
lda dstfile
jsl free1024
ex1 anop
lda srcfile
ora srcfile+2
beq ex2
ldx srcfile+2
lda srcfile
jsl free1024
ex2 anop
lda errfile
ora errfile+2
beq ex3
ldx errfile+2
lda errfile
jsl free1024
ex3 anop
ldx word+2
lda word
jsl free1024
lda space
sta end-3
lda space+1
sta end-2
adc #end-4
error ldx #^err00
jsr errputs
tok_error pei (cmdline+2)
pei (cmdline)
jsl nullfree
exit1a pei (argc)
pei (argv+2)
pei (argv)
jsl argfree
lda #-1
jmp exit
err00 dc c'gsh: Too many arguments, so no dessert tonight.',h'0d00'
err01 dc c'gsh: Not enough memory for arguments.',h'0d00'
err02 dc c'gsh: Extra ''<'' encountered.',h'0d00'
err03 dc c'gsh: No file specified for ''<''.',h'0d00'
err04 dc c'gsh: Extra ''>'' or ''>>'' encountered.',h'0d00'
err05 dc c'gsh: No file specified for ''>'' or ''>>''.',h'0d00'
err06 dc c'gsh: Extra ''>&'' or ''>>&'' encountered.',h'0d00'
err07 dc c'gsh: No file specified for ''>&'' or ''>>&''.',h'0d00'
err08 dc c'gsh: ''|'' conflicts with ''>'' or ''>>''.',h'0d00'
err09 dc c'gsh: ''|'' conflicts with ''<''.',h'0d00'
* dispose the argv
argfree START
space equ 0
subroutine (2:argc,4:argv),space
free1 lda argc
beq free2
dec a
asl2 a
lda [argv],y
lda [argv],y
jsl nullfree
dec argc
bra free1
free2 pei (argv+2)
pei (argv)
jsl nullfree
* Interpret a shell script
* This is overly complicated so that it can be run concurrently.
ShellExec START
using vardata
using global
count equ 1
data equ count+2
CRec equ data+4
RRec equ CRec+4
NRec equ RRec+4
ORec equ NRec+4
ptr equ ORec+4
status equ ptr+4
space equ status+2
jobflag equ space+3
argv equ jobflag+2
argc equ argv+4
path equ argc+2
end equ path+4
; subroutine (4:path,2:argc,4:argv,2:jobflag),space
sbc #space-1
lock mutex
; Set the variables 0..argc
lda argc Get number of variables.
jeq vars_set If 0, there are none to set.
stz count Start with argv[0].
parmloop lda count Get index
asl2 a into address array.
lda [argv],y Copy argument
sta SetValue pointer to
iny2 SetValue
lda [argv],y
sta SetValue+2
lda count If parameter number
cmp #10
bcs digits2or3 < 10,
adc #'0' Convert to single digit
sta pname_text and store in name string.
lda #1 Set length of string to 1.
sta pname
bra set_value
digits2or3 cmp #100 If parameter number
bcs digits3 >= 10 && < 99,
ldx #2 length = 2
bra setit otherwise
digits3 ldx #3 length = 3
; Store length (2 or 3) and convert number to text
setit stx pname
Int2Dec (@a,#pname_text,pname,#0)
set_value anop
ph4 SetValue Convert value string
jsr c2gsstr to a GS/OS string
stx SetValue+2 and save in SetGS
sta SetValue parameter block.
SetGS SetPB Set $count to the argv string.
ph4 SetValue Free the value buffer.
jsl nullfree
inc count Bump the parameter counter.
lda count If more to do,
cmp argc
jcc parmloop stay in loop.
; Variables have all been set
vars_set unlock mutex
ph4 #4 ;Close parms
jsl ~NEW
sta CRec
stx CRec+2
ph4 #10 ;Open parms
jsl ~NEW
sta ORec
stx ORec+2
ph4 #12 ;NewLine parms
jsl ~NEW
sta NRec
stx NRec+2
ph4 #16 ;Read parms
jsl ~NEW
sta RRec
stx RRec+2
ph4 #1000 ;data buffer
jsl ~NEW
sta data
stx data+2
pei (path+2) ;Convert filename to GS/OS string
pei (path)
jsr c2gsstr
ldy #4
sta [ORec],y
sta ptr
sta [ORec],y
sta ptr+2
ldy #8
lda #1 ;Read access only
sta [ORec],y
lda #3 ;Open the file
sta [ORec]
pei (ORec+2)
pei (ORec)
ph2 #$2010 ;OPEN
jsl $E100B0
bcc ok
sta ErrError
ErrorGS Err
jmp done
awshit sta ErrError
ErrorGS Err
jmp almostdone
ok ldy #2 ;Copy file ref num
lda [ORec],y
sta [NRec],y
sta [RRec],y
sta [CRec],y
lda #4 ;Do NewLine
sta [NRec]
ldy #4
lda #$7F
sta [NRec],y
lda #1
sta [NRec],y
lda #NLTable
sta [NRec],y
lda #^NLTable
sta [NRec],y
pei (NRec+2)
pei (NRec)
ph2 #$2011 ;NEWLINE
jsl $E100B0
bcs awshit
lda #4 ;Set up read parm
sta [RRec]
lda data
sta [RRec],y
lda data+2
sta [RRec],y
lda #1000
sta [RRec],y
lda #0
sta [RRec],y
ReadLoop anop
pei (RRec+2)
pei (RRec)
ph2 #$2012 ;READ
jsl $E100B0
bcs almostdone
ldy #12
lda [RRec],y
lda #0
sta [data],y
lda varecho
beq noecho
ldx data+2
lda data
jsr puts
jsr newline
noecho lda [data]
and #$FF
if2 @a,eq,#'#',ReadLoop
* call execute: subroutine (4:cmdline,2:jobflag)
pei (data+2)
pei (data)
pei (jobflag)
jsl execute
sta status
lda exit_requested
bne almostdone
bra ReadLoop
almostdone anop
stz exit_requested
lda #1
sta [CRec]
pei (CRec+2)
pei (CRec)
ph2 #$2014 ;CLOSE
jsl $E100B0
done pei (CRec+2)
pei (CRec)
jsl nullfree
pei (NRec+2)
pei (NRec)
jsl nullfree
pei (RRec+2)
pei (RRec)
jsl nullfree
pei (ORec+2)
pei (ORec)
jsl nullfree
pei (data+2)
pei (data)
jsl nullfree
pei (ptr+2)
pei (ptr)
jsl nullfree
exit1a anop
lda space+1
sta end-2
lda space
sta end-3
adc #end-4
lda status Pass back status value.
NLTable dc h'0d'
; Parameter block for shell ErrorGS call (p 393 in ORCA/M manual)
Err dc i2'1' pCount
ErrError ds 2 Error number
; Parameter block for shell SetGS calls (p 427 in ORCA/M manual)
SetPB anop
dc i2'3' pCount
SetName dc i4'pname' Name (pointer to GS/OS string)
SetValue ds 4 Value (pointer to GS/OS string)
SetExport ds 2 Export flag
; Name of argv parameter ($1 to $999) to be set; GS/OS string
pname ds 2 Length
pname_text dc c'000' Text (up to 3 digits)
mutex key
* Execute a command line by calling command for each command in the buffer
execute START
exebuf equ 1
pipesem equ exebuf+4
ptr2 equ pipesem+2
waitstatus equ ptr2+4
ptr equ waitstatus+2
pid equ ptr+4
term equ pid+2
cmdstrt equ term+2
cmdend equ cmdstrt+4
end_char equ cmdend+4
inquote equ end_char+2
space equ inquote+2
jobflag equ space+3 ;set if not a job
cmdline equ jobflag+2
end equ cmdline+4
; subroutine (4:cmdline,2:jobflag),space
sbc #space-1
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; New code for gsh 2.0 (Dave Tribby): within execute, loop through
; the command line to separate each command and expand it separately,
; rather than passing multiple commands to the next level. This is
; done so that commands that depend upon each other will work, e.g.
; set testnum=2 ; echo "This is test $testnum"
; Find beginning and end of next command in the command line
lda cmdline Initialize cmdstrt to
sta cmdstrt beginning of cmdline.
lda cmdline+2
sta cmdstrt+2
; Remove leading whitespace
chkws lda [cmdstrt] Get next character.
and #$FF
jeq goback If at end of line, nothing to do!
cmp #" " If it's a space
beq bump_strt
cmp #9 or a tab,
bne found_start
bump_strt incad cmdstrt bump the start pointer
bra chkws and look for more whitespace.
; Initialize pointer to end of command
found_start anop
; Scan the command line for next semi-colon. Need to account for
; quoted strings, backslash-escaped characters, and comments.
; Take advantage of 65816's BIT command for the "in quotes" flag. Use
; $8000 for single-quote bit and $4000 for double-quote bit. After
; bit inquote
; can do a bmi to check for $8000 set and bvs for $4000 set. Can
; check for either with lda inquote followed by beq or bne.
stz inquote Clear the "in quotes" flag.
ldy #$FFFF Clear index into cmdstrt
find_end anop
lda [cmdstrt],y Get next character.
and #$FF If at end of string,
beq found_end all done looking.
; Check for special characters
cmp #"'"
beq s_quote
cmp #'"'
beq d_quote
cmp #'\'
beq b_slash
; "#" and ";" are special only if we aren't in a quoted string
ldx inquote
bne find_end
cmp #"#"
beq found_end
cmp #";"
beq found_end
; Not a special character. Keep looking.
bra find_end
; "'" found
s_quote bit inquote Check the "in quotes" flag.
bvs find_end In double quotes...keep looking.
lda inquote Toggle the single_quote
eor #$8000 bit in the "in quotes" flag.
sta inquote
bra find_end Keep looking.
; '"' found
d_quote bit inquote Check the "in quotes" flag.
bmi find_end In single quotes...keep looking.
lda inquote Toggle the double_quote
eor #$4000 bit in the "in quotes" flag.
sta inquote
bra find_end Keep looking.
; "\" found: accept next character without examining it in detail
b_slash iny Bump index.
lda [cmdstrt],y Get next character.
and #$FF If not at end of string,
bne find_end keep looking.
; Found a ";", "#", or null byte.
found_end anop
sta end_char Save the ending character.
tya Get number of bytes in command.
jeq goback If none, just skip it.
clc Add command length to
adc cmdstrt starting address to
sta cmdend get ending address.
lda #0
adc cmdstrt+2
sta cmdend+2
lda end_char Get the termination character.
beq expand If it's not a null byte,
lda #0
short m
sta [cmdend] store null byte in string.
long m
; Continue with command-line expansions for the single command
expand anop
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
stz pipesem
stz waitstatus
; Expand $ (environment variables) and ~ in the raw command line
pei (cmdstrt+2)
pei (cmdstrt)
jsl expandvars
; Expand wildcard characters in the modified command line
sta ptr
stx ptr+2
jsl glob
; Expand aliases in the modified command line
sta ptr2
stx ptr2+2
jsl expandalias
sta exebuf
stx exebuf+2
* >> Temporary debug code: echo expanded command if echo is set.
using vardata
lda varecho
beq noecho
ldx exebuf+2
lda exebuf
jsr puts
jsr newline
noecho anop
ldx ptr+2
lda ptr
jsl free1024
ldx ptr2+2
lda ptr2
jsl free1024
lda exebuf
ora exebuf+2
bne loop
stz term
lda #0
jmp chk_cmd
* command subroutine (4:waitpid,2:inpipe,2:jobflag,2:inpipe2,
* 4:pipesem,4:stream)
loop pea 0 ;Bank 0 waitpid (hi)
adc #pid
pha waitpid (low)
pea 0 inpipe
pei (jobflag) jobflag
pea 0 inpipe2
pea 0 ;Bank 0 pipesem (hi)
adc #pipesem
pha pipesem (low)
pea 0 ;Bank 0 stream (hi)
adc #exebuf
pha stream (low)
jsl command
sta term
bmi noerrexit
lda pid
beq nowait
cmp #-1
beq noerrexit
lda jobflag
beq jobwait
signal (#SIGINT,#0)
signal (#SIGSTOP,#0)
otherwait ldx #0
adc #waitstatus
wait @xa
cmp pid
bne otherwait
lda waitstatus
and #$FF
cmp #$7F
beq otherwait
lda waitstatus
jsr setstatus
signal (#SIGSTOP,@xa)
signal (#SIGINT,@xa)
bra nowait
jobwait jsl pwait
sta waitstatus
; If command detected EOF terminator, all done
nowait if2 term,eq,#T_EOF,noerrexit
lda [exebuf] If not at end of line,
and #$FF
beq exit
jmp loop process the next command.
; NOTE: non-forked builtins have no mechanism to return command status
noerrexit stz waitstatus
exit jsl nullfree
lda term ;make sure we return -1 if error
bmi chk_cmd
lda waitstatus
and #$FF
; Is there another command waiting in the buffer?
chk_cmd ldx end_char Was the original ending character
cpx #";" a semi-colon?
bne goback NO -- all done.
; Set cmdstrt to point to the character beyond cmdend
lda cmdend
ldx cmdend+2
bne set_strt
set_strt sta cmdstrt
stx cmdstrt+2
jmp chkws Parse the next command.
; All done.
goback tay Hold return status in Y-reg.
lda space+1 Set up stack
sta end-2 for rtl.
lda space
sta end-3
adc #end-4
tya Restore return status from Y-reg.
* System() call vector
system START
retval equ 0
space equ retval+2
subroutine (4:str),space ;need the phk/plb
lda str If user passes a
ora str+2 null pointer,
bne makecall
ina return 1 to caller.
; Let execute(str) do the work
makecall pei (str+2)
pei (str)
ph2 #1 ;tells execute we're called by system
jsl execute
; Set status and go back to the caller
setrtn sta retval
return 2:retval