
493 lines
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* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: shell.asm,v 1.4 1998/07/20 16:23:09 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* This is the main routines for the shell.
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* Interfaces defined in this file:
* shell subroutine (0:dummy)
* NOTE: gnoloop is an entry defined in shell.
* AppendHome subroutine (4:str)
* return 4:outPtr
* DoLogin jsr with no parameters
* signal2 subroutine (4:fubar)
* signal18 subroutine (4:fubar)
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/shell.mac
dummyshell start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
SIGINT gequ 2
SIGTSTP gequ 18
SIGCHLD gequ 20
cmdbuflen gequ 1024
* shell: entry point for acting upon commands
case on
shell start
case off
using global
using pdata
using HistoryData
using termdata
p equ 0
space equ p+4
subroutine (0:dummy),space
tsc Save stack pointer
sta cmdcontext in cmdcontext
tdc and direct page reg
sta cmddp ind cmddp.
* PushVariables 0
Open ttyopen Open tty,
bcc settty checking for error.
ErrWriteCString #ttyerr
jmp quit
ttyerr dc c'gsh: Failed opening tty.',h'0d00'
settty mv2 ttyref,gshtty
tcnewpgrp gshtty
settpgrp gshtty
sta gshpid
jsr InitTerm
lda FastFlag If FastFlag is set,
bne fastskip1 skip copyright message.
lda gshpid ; only print the copyright msg
cmp #2 ; if not using login
bne fastskip1
ldx #^gnostr
lda #gnostr
jsr puts
fastskip1 anop
; Set up signal handlers
signal (#SIGINT,#signal2)
signal (#SIGTSTP,#signal18)
signal (#SIGCHLD,#pchild)
; Set entry point for users calling system
setsystemvector #system
; Initialize some stuff
jsr initalias Set all AliasTable entries to 0.
jsr InitDStack Zero out directory stack.
jsr InitVars Set value of all env var flags.
lda FastFlag If fast startup flag isn't set,
bne fastskip2
jsr InitHistory Init: historyFN->"$HOME/history",
jsr ReadHistory read in history from disk,
jsr DoLogin and read $HOME/gshrc.
jsr newline
fastskip2 anop
lda didReadTerm
bne didit
jsr readterm
didit jsl hashpath ;hash $path
; Check for command-line arguments -c and -e
lda CmdFlag
beq cmdskip
; The -c flag is set: execute remaining arguments as a command file and exit.
mv4 CmdArgV,p
ldy #2
lda [p],y
lda [p]
ph2 CmdArgc
pei (p+2)
pei (p)
pea 0
jsl ShellExec
jmp done1
cmdskip lda ExecFlag
beq execskip
; The -e flag is set: execute remaining arguments as a command and exit.
ph4 ExecCmd
ph2 #0
jsl Execute
jmp done1
execskip anop
* Main loop for reading and executing commands
stz lastabort
gnoloop entry
; Set the fundamental registers.
phk Copy Program Bank register
plb into Data Bank register.
lda cmdcontext Set Stack Pointer and
tcs Direct Page register
lda cmddp to values saved when
tcd entering shell.
jsl WritePrompt Print prompt.
jsr GetCmdLine Get response.
bcs done
jsr newline
lda cmdlen Check for empty string.
beq gnoloop
jsr cursoron
jsr newlineX
jsr flush
ph4 #cmdline
ph2 #0
jsl execute
lda exit_requested
bne done1
jsr newlineX
stz lastabort
bra gnoloop
; shut down gsh
done jsr newline
jsr newlineX
done1 ora2 pjoblist,pjoblist+2,@a
beq done2
lda lastabort
bne donekiller
inc lastabort
stz exit_requested
ldx #^stopstr Print message:
lda #stopstr "There are stopped jobs"
jsr puts
jsr newlineX
bra gnoloop Continue getting commands.
donekiller jsl jobkiller
done2 lda FastFlag
bne fastskip5
jsl SaveHistory
fastskip5 jsr dispose_hash
quit PopVariablesGS NullPB
Quit QuitParm
QuitParm dc i'0'
; Null parameter block used for shell calls PushVariables
; (ORCA/M manual p.420) and PopVariablesGS (p. 419)
NullPB dc i2'0' pCount
gnostr dc h'0d',c'GNO/Shell 2.0.6',h'0d'
dc c'Copyright 1991-1993, Procyon, Inc. & Tim Meekins. '
dc h'0d00'
stopstr dc c'gsh: There are stopped jobs.',h'0d00'
ttyopen dc i2'2'
ttyref dc i2'0'
dc i4'ttyname'
ttyname gsstr '.tty'
exitstr dc c'000000',h'0d00'
lastabort ds 2
; Interpret the login file (gshrc).
; If $HOME is set, we presume the gshrc file is there. If not,
; or if an error occurs getting the $HOME variable, we use
; @:gshrc.
ph4 #gshrcName
jsl AppendHome
phx Save pointer to GS/OS input
pha string for later.
clc Adjust the pointer
adc #2 to skip the length word
bcc no_ovf so it's a C string.
no_ovf phx
* ShellExec subroutine (4:path,2:argc,4:argv,2:jobflag)
; (ptr to $HOME/gshrc is on stack)
lda #0
pha argc = 0
pha argv = NULL
pha jobflag = 0
jsl ShellExec
; Dispose $HOME/gshrc string
pla Get address of
plx GS/OS input string.
sec Subtract two bytes to get
sbc #2 addr of original output buffer.
bcs no_undf
no_undf jsl free256
gshrcName dc c'/gshrc',h'00'
; Append a C string to the value of the $HOME variable. If $HOME is
; not set, then it appends the C string to the string '@/'. Returns
; a pointer to a GS/OS input string.
AppendHome START
outPtr equ 0
len equ 4
subroutine (4:str),6
jsl alloc256 Allocate memory for
stx outPtr1+2 GS/OS output buffer
sta outPtr1 that will hold the
stx outPtr+2 value of $HOME and
sta outPtr the final result.
pei (str+2) Get length of
pei (str) string to be
jsr cstrlen appended.
sta len
lda #255 Max len is 255 (leave room
sta [outPtr] for C string terminator).
ReadVariableGS rvbl ReadVariable $HOME
bcs doAtSign If error, use @/
ldy #2
lda [outPtr],y
beq doAtSign ; $HOME not defined?
adc #4 ; turn into a cstring
short m
lda #0
sta [outPtr],y
long m
bra doAppend
; $HOME is null string or not defined. Use @
doAtSign lda atSign
ldy #4
sta [outPtr],y
lda #1
ldy #2
sta [outPtr],y
doAppend anop
ldy #0
short m
lp lda [outPtr],y
beq noSep
cmp #':'
beq foundSep
cmp #'/'
beq foundSep
bra lp
noSep lda #':' No separator found; use ":".
foundSep sta [str] Store separator at end of string.
long m
pei (str+2)
pei (str)
ldx outPtr+2
lda outPtr
adc #4
bcc pushptr
pushptr phx
case on
jsl strcat
case off
clc Add 2 bytes to address of
lda outPtr GS/OS output buffer to
adc #2 get address if GS/OS
bcc no_ovf input string.
inc outPtr+2
no_ovf sta outPtr
lda [outPtr] Adjust string length
clc to include appended
adc len string (parameter).
sta [outPtr]
; NOTE: The returned value points to a GS/OS string, two bytes offset
; from the allocated memory for a GS/OS result buffer. When the
; memory is deallocated, the address must be adjusted back.
return 4:outPtr
atSign dc c'@',i1'0'
; Parameter block for Shell call ReadVariable (p 423 in ORCA/M reference)
rvbl dc i2'3' pCount
dc a4'home' address of variable's name
outPtr1 dc a4'0' pointer to result buffer
dc i2'0' value of 'Export' flag (returned)
home gsstr 'HOME'
; GLOBAL data
global DATA
ID ds 2
cmdloc ds 2
cmdlen ds 2
cmdline ds cmdbuflen
buffer ds 256
wordlen ds 2
wordbuf ds 256
nummatch ds 2
matchbuf ds 512*4
cmdcontext ds 2
cmddp ds 2
gshtty ds 2
gshpid ds 2
exit_requested dc i'0' ;!=0 if exit
signalled dc i'0'
FastFlag dc i'0'
CmdFlag dc i'0'
CmdArgV ds 4
CmdArgC ds 2
ExecFlag dc i'0'
ExecCmd ds 4
; SIGINT handler when typed at command-line
signal2 START
using global
subroutine (4:fubar),0
WriteCString #msg
inc signalled
; ld2 $80,$E0C000
msg dc c'^C',h'0d0a00'
; SIGTSTP handler when typed at command-line
signal18 START
using global
subroutine (4:fubar),0
WriteCString #msg
inc signalled
; ld2 $80,$E0C000
msg dc c'^Z',h'0d0a00'