diff --git a/doc/refs/mkstatus b/doc/refs/mkstatus
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..436afc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/refs/mkstatus
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# This script is used to create a web version of the file
+# gno/NOTES/status.bin.
+# Usage: mkstatus infile outfile.html
+# $Id: mkstatus,v 1.1 1998/04/11 03:23:23 gdr-ftp Exp $
+# check usage and open files
+if (scalar(@ARGV) != 2) {
+ printf(stderr "usage: mkstatus infile outfile");
+ exit(1);
+$infile = shift;
+$outfile = shift;
+open(infp, "< $infile") || &Fatal("couldn't open $infile for input: $?");
+open(outfp, "> $outfile") || &Fatal("couldn't open $outfile for output: $?");
+# Initialize the months strings.
+ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
+ "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" );
+# print out the html header
+ "\n" .
+ "
\n" .
+ "GNO Status: Programs\n" .
+ '' . "\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ "\n" .
+ '' . "\n" .
+ "
+# look for the rcs ident string.
+while() {
+ if (/\$Id([^\$]*)\$/) {
+ $_ = $1;
+ if (/^:\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/) {
+ $file=$1;
+ $version=$2;
+ $rawdate=$3;
+ $time=$4;
+ if ($rawdate =~ m,(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+),) {
+ $year = $1;
+ $m = $2;
+ $day = $3;
+ $mon = @month[int($2) - 1];
+ $date = "$day $mon $year";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $date = "(unspecified date)";
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+# initial information
+ "GNO Program Status List
+ "Last Updated: %s\n" .
+ "This page shows the current status of various program components.
+ "Unfortunately, this page does not show it's tables very well\n".
+ "when viewing with lynx, so you're better off using a graphical\n".
+ "browser. My apologies to those who do not have this option.
+ $date);
+ "
Field Descriptions
+ "Each program listed below has associated with it a number of\n".
+ "columns. The meaning of each column is listed below. Empty\n".
+ "entries indicate incomplete programs or unavailable information.\n".
+ "Hyphens (-) indicate that the field is not relevent.\n".
+ "
+ "- Program Name\n".
+ "This is the pathname of the program or component. Where it is part\n".
+ "of a package, the name of the package appears on parenthesis.\n".
+ "
- 204\n".
+ "This column indicates whether or not the component was part of\n".
+ "GNO v2.0.4.\n".
+ "
- Req\n".
+ "This column indicates whether or not the component is initially\n".
+ "deemed necessary in GNO v2.0.6\n".
+ "
- Owner\n".
+ "This lists who is responsible for updating the component.\n".
+ "A an explanation of the identifiers follows this table.\n".
+ "
- Src\n".
+ "Has the source been located or written? A dir indicates\n".
+ "that the file is a directory.\n".
+ "
- Doc\n".
+ "Is the documentation complete? This includes the manual page in\n".
+ "nroff format, the describe entry, the rVersion source, and any\n".
+ "required auxillary documentation.\n".
+ "A P indicates that the documentation is present.\n".
+ "A T indicates that it's been tested (reviewed).\n".
+ "A [G] indicates that the BSD manual page is present, but\n".
+ "that a GNO-formatted manual page is still missing.\n".
+ "
- Cmpl\n".
+ "Does the program compile cleanly with the new headers/libraries?\n".
+ "
- Test\n".
+ "Has the program passed at least rudimentary testing?\n".
+ "
- Arc\n".
+ "(Archived.) Have the sources been entered into the cvs repository?\n".
+ "
- Install\n".
+ "Are the release (R) and install (I) targets complete?\n".
+ "The release target places the finished program, its documentation\n".
+ "and associated files into the /dist hierarchy (which is present on\n".
+ "developmental systems). The install target places the files into\n".
+ "the currently running system. The /dist hierarchy later becomes\n".
+ "the basis for the distribution.\n".
+ "
- Comments\n".
+ "This is any extra information.\n".
+ "
+ "If you would like to work on a given utility, make sure you pick\n".
+ "one that has not already been claimed. Before starting, you should\n".
+ "then contact ".'Devin Reade '.
+ "to ensure your name gets on the list. This should eliminate\n".
+ "duplicated work
+# search for the start of the participants list
+$found = 0;
+while () {
+ if (/^\s*%%%NAMES-START%%%\s*$/) {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+($found) || &Fatal("start of names table not found");
+while() {
+ (/^\s*%%%NAMES-END%%%\s*$/) && last;
+ s/\(.*//; # dump comments
+ if (/\s*(\S+)\s*([^<]+)\s*<([^>]+)/) {
+ $names{$1} = $2;
+ $email{$1} = $3;
+ }
+# start the table
+ '' ."\n" .
+ "Program Name\n" .
+ " | 204\n" .
+ " | Req\n" .
+ " | Owner\n" .
+ " | Src\n" .
+ " | Man\n" .
+ " | Cmpl\n" .
+ " | Test\n" .
+ " | Arc\n" .
+ " | Install\n" .
+ " | Comments\n");
+# debug
+# printf(outfp "\n");
+# search for the start of the status table
+$found = 0;
+while () {
+ if (/^\s*%%%STATUS-TABLE-START%%%\s*$/) {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+($found) || &Fatal("start of status table not found");
+# extract the status info
+while () {
+ (/^\s*%%%STATUS-TABLE-END%%%\s*$/) && last; # end of table
+ if (/\#\s*(.*)/) {
+ $comment = $1;
+ $_ = $`;
+ } else {
+ $comment = '';
+ }
+ ($prog, $in204, $req, $owner, $source, $man, $compile, $test,
+ $archive, $install, $pkgNote) = split;
+ # leave out the package. Merge notes in with name.
+ if ($pkgNote =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]/) {
+ $note = $1;
+ } else {
+ $note = '';
+ }
+ if ($pkgNote =~ /\(([^\)]+)\)/) {
+ $prog .= " ($1)";
+ }
+ $prog = &htmlconv($prog);
+ $in204 = &htmlconv($in204);
+ $req = &htmlconv($req);
+ $owner = &htmlconv($owner);
+ $source = &htmlconv($source);
+ $man = &htmlconv($man);
+ $compile = &htmlconv($compile);
+ $test = &htmlconv($test);
+ $archive = &htmlconv($archive);
+ $install = &htmlconv($install);
+# $pkgNote = &htmlconv($pkgNote);
+ $comment = &htmlconv($comment);
+ if ($note ne '') {
+ $prog .= ' [Note '.$note.']';
+ }
+ printf(outfp
+ "\n" .
+ "%s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s" .
+ " | %s\n",
+ $prog, $in204, $req, $owner, $source, $man, $compile, $test,
+ $archive, $install, $comment);
+# end the table
+printf(outfp " | |
+# search for any notes
+$printed = 0;
+while() {
+ if (/%%%NOTE-START-([^%]+)%%%/) {
+ if ($printed == 0) {
+ $printed = 1;
+ printf(outfp "Notes
+ }
+ printf(outfp
+ 'Note '.$1.":\n");
+ while() {
+ (/%%%NOTE-END-([^%]+)%%%/) && last;
+ print outfp &htmlconv($_)
+ }
+ printf(outfp "\n");
+ }
+# print out the list of participants
+ "Contributers
+ "The following table shows the names for the "Owner"\n".
+ "column of the status table, above:\n" .
+ '' ."\n".
+ "ID | Name | | ID | Name | | ID | Name\n");
+@keylist = keys(%names);
+@keylist = sort(@keylist);
+$column = 0;
+$columns = 3;
+foreach $k (@keylist) {
+ if (($column % $columns) == 0) {
+ printf(outfp " |
+ } else {
+ printf(outfp " ");
+ }
+ $column++;
+ if ($email{$k} eq 'none') {
+ printf(outfp " | %s | %s\n", $k, $names{$k});
+ } else {
+ printf(outfp
+ " | %s".
+ ' | %s'."\n",
+ $k, $email{$k}, $names{$k});
+ }
+# pad the last of the table
+while (($column % $columns) != 0) {
+ printf(outfp " | | | \n");
+ $column++;
+printf(outfp " |
+# print out the html footer
+ "
\n" .
+ "Devin Reade\n" .
+ "
\n" .
+ 'gdr@trenco.gno.org' ."\n".
+ "\n");
+# clean up and exit
+sub htmlconv {
+ local($text);
+ $text = @_[0];
+ if (($text eq '.') || ($text eq '')) {
+ $text = ' ';
+ } else {
+ $text =~ s/<\;/g;
+ $text =~ s/>/>\;/g;
+ $text =~ s/"/"\;/g;
+ }
+ return $text;
+sub Fatal {
+ print stderr "Fatal Error: ";
+ print stderr @_;
+ print stderr "\nAborted\n";
+ exit(1);