- initial checkin
This commit is contained in:
gdr-ftp 1998-06-12 05:06:24 +00:00
parent cd8bfae836
commit 94012d9889

bin/edit/edit.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
parsing code for 'edit'
1.2(jb) 10/27/91
Added support for a '$editor' variable. edit now checks this var so
users can select different editors without copying files around.
1.1(jb) 10/9/91
Removed a lot of yucky code, added error checking to make sure there
is one and only one filename specified before 'edit' does anything.
1.0(jb) Ick! Nasty! Unnecessary code everywhere! Ick!
#pragma stacksize 1024
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <gsos.h>
#include <shell.h>
#include <orca.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <texttool.h>
#include <gno/gno.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
char *invoke;
doError(char *err)
printf("%s: %s\n",invoke,err);
char sfile[65], dfile[65], parms[256], istring[256];
Get_LInfoPB gl;
ExpandPathRecGS ep;
main (int argc,char *argv[])
int pid,wpid;
union wait status;
GSString255Ptr inPath;
ResultBuf255Ptr outPath;
int i;
char *editname, *editinvoke, *nm, *spc;
invoke = argv[0];
if (argc < 2) doError("no filename specified");
else if (argc > 2) doError("only one filename allowed");
sfile[1] = 0;
sfile[0] = strlen(sfile+1);
dfile[0] = parms[0] = istring[0] = 0;
gl.pflags = 0x8000000l;
gl.mflags = 0l;
gl.kflag = 0;
gl.sfile = sfile;
gl.dfile = dfile;
gl.parms = parms;
gl.istring = istring;
gl.merr = 8; gl.merrf = 0;
gl.org = 0l;
inPath = malloc((size_t) (sfile[0] + 2));
inPath->length = sfile[0];
memcpy(inPath->text,sfile+1,(size_t) sfile[0]);
outPath = malloc(sizeof(ResultBuf255));
outPath->bufSize = 255;
ep.pCount = 3;
ep.inputPath = inPath;
ep.outputPath = outPath;
ep.flags = 0;
if (toolerror()) { printf("edit: error %04X\n",toolerror()); exit(-1); }
sfile[0] = outPath->bufString.length;
/* hmm. These could well be considered bugs in Rose */
for (i = 1; i <= sfile[0]; i++) {
if (sfile[i] == ':') sfile[i] = '/';
editname = getenv("editor");
if (editname == NULL) editinvoke = editname="4/editor";
else {
nm = malloc(strlen(editname)+1); strcpy(nm,editname);
spc = strchr(nm, ' ');
if (spc == NULL) { editname = editinvoke = nm; }
else {
editinvoke = malloc(strlen(nm)+1); strcpy(editinvoke,nm);
*spc = 0; editname = nm;
if ((pid = exec(editname,editinvoke)) >= 0) {
wpid = wait(&status);
if ((wpid != pid) || (status.w_stopval == WSTOPPED)) goto waitlp2;
else perror("edit: ");