
- added thread safe functions syslogmt and vsyslogmt.
	- minor changes to sendPort to make it thread safe
	- moved variadic wrappers to the end of the file so that the
	  command line optimize/debug levels get propogated through
	  the rest of the source during compilation.
	- changed the mechanism by which sendPort waits for it's buffer
	  to be released by syslogd
	- since ctime(3) is not thread safe, add a flag to the
	  SyslogDataBuffer_t that tells syslogd(8) to add the appropriate
	  time stamp.  This is easier than implementing thread safe
	  versions of ctime and localtime.
This commit is contained in:
gdr-ftp 1998-10-31 17:17:24 +00:00
parent 963a33c4bf
commit fd73dca790

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ extern char *__progname; /* Program name, from crt0. */
#ifdef USE_PORTS
#include <sys/ports.h>
static int openPort(void);
static int sendPort(int port, const void *buf, int len);
static int sendPort(int port, const void *buf, int len, int insertTime);
static void closePort(int port);
@ -124,40 +124,14 @@ static ssize_t writehook(
return 0;
#ifdef __ORCAC__
#pragma optimize 78
#pragma debug 0
* syslog, vsyslog --
* print message on log file; output is intended for syslogd(8).
* syslogmt, vsyslogmt --
* These are GNO-specific multithreading safe versions of the
* above two routines. Note that the allowed format specifier
* set is more limited. See the man page for details.
#if __STDC__
syslog(long pri, const char *fmt, ...)
syslog(pri, fmt, va_alist)
int pri;
char *fmt;
va_list ap;
#if __STDC__
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsyslog(pri, fmt, ap);
#ifdef __ORCAC__
#pragma optimize 0
#pragma debug 25
vsyslog(long pri, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
@ -281,7 +255,7 @@ vsyslog(long pri, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
if (!connected)
openlog(LogTag, LogStat | LOG_NDELAY, 0);
#ifdef USE_PORTS
if (sendPort(LogFile, tbuf, cnt) >= 0)
if (sendPort(LogFile, tbuf, cnt, 0) >= 0)
if (send(LogFile, tbuf, cnt, 0) >= 0)
@ -327,7 +301,222 @@ vsyslog(long pri, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
#ifdef __GNO__
* Copy a maximum of <maxcnt> characters from <src> into the buffer
* pointed to by mt_bufptr. Decrement the variable mt_bytesLeft by
* the number of characters copied. The copy will stop either when
* <maxcnt> characters have been copied, a NULL-terminator is found
* in <src>, or when mt_bytesLeft reaches zero.
* mt_bufptr is left pointing at the (inserted) NULL-terminator at
* the end of the copied string.
* Implicitly uses the variables mt_bufptr, mt_bytesLeft, p, and i,
* which are local to vsyslogmt().
#define STRNCPY2BUF(src,maxcnt) \
{ \
i = maxcnt; \
p = (src); \
while ((i>0) && (mt_bytesLeft > 0) && (*p != '\0')) { \
*mt_bufptr++ = *p++; \
i--; \
mt_bytesLeft--; \
} \
*mt_bufptr = '\0'; \
* STRCPY2BUF is to STRNCPY2BUF like strcpy() is to strncpy().
* Does not use the local variable 'i'.
#define STRCPY2BUF(src) \
{ \
p = (src); \
while ((mt_bytesLeft > 0) && (*p != '\0')) { \
*mt_bufptr++ = *p++; \
mt_bytesLeft--; \
} \
*mt_bufptr = '\0'; \
vsyslogmt(long pri, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
char mt_buffer[_SYSLOG_BUFFERLEN_MT];
char *mt_bufptr;
int mt_bytesLeft;
int i;
char *local_LogTag;
int local_LogFile;
char *p;
char *stdp;
time_t now;
int fd, saved_errno;
#define MT_BYTES_USED (_SYSLOG_BUFFERLEN_MT - mt_bytesLeft)
/* Check for invalid bits. */
"syslog: unknown facility/priority: %x", pri);
/* Check priority against setlogmask values. */
if (!(LOG_MASK(LOG_PRI(pri)) & LogMask))
saved_errno = errno;
/* Set default facility if none specified. */
if ((pri & LOG_FACMASK) == 0)
pri |= LogFacility;
/* Build the message. */
mt_bufptr = mt_buffer;
mt_bytesLeft = _SYSLOG_BUFFERLEN_MT; /* not off-by-one */
p = sprintmt(mt_bufptr, mt_bytesLeft, "<%ld>", pri);
mt_bytesLeft -= (p - mt_bufptr);
mt_bufptr = p;
#if 0
/* %%% ctime is not thread safe %%% */
STRNCPY2BUF(ctime(&now)+4, ((mt_bytesLeft < 15) ? mt_bytesLeft : 15));
/* mark the beginning of the string for stderr, if necessary */
if (LogStat & LOG_PERROR) {
stdp = mt_bufptr;
* Unlike this section of code in vsyslog(), we cannot set
* LogTag if it is NULL. In fact, we can't even call __prognameGS(),
* because that routine is not thread safe. We _can_ reference
* the string __progname, but it may not be initialized to anything
* but "(unknown)" at this point.
* Note that if someone called openlog() in a non-multithreaded
* portion of their code prior to this point, that LogTag will
* be suitably initialized, anyway.
local_LogTag = LogTag;
if (local_LogTag == NULL) {
local_LogTag = __progname;
if (local_LogTag != NULL) {
if (LogStat & LOG_PID) {
p = sprintmt(mt_bufptr, mt_bytesLeft, "[%d]", getpid());
mt_bytesLeft -= (p - mt_bufptr);
mt_bufptr = p;
if (local_LogTag != NULL) {
* Unlike the code in vsyslog(), we don't bother to check for "%m"
* here, because vsprintmt will expand that one for us.
* We do, however, have to restore errno, since that may have been
* corrupted in our code above.
errno = saved_errno;
* expand the user's format string
p = vsprintmt(mt_bufptr, mt_bytesLeft, fmt, ap);
mt_bytesLeft -= (p - mt_bufptr);
mt_bufptr = p;
/* Output to stderr if requested. */
if (LogStat & LOG_PERROR) {
write(STDERR_FILENO, stdp, MT_BYTES_USED - (stdp - mt_buffer));
write(STDERR_FILENO, "\r", 1);
struct iovec iov[2];
register struct iovec *v = iov;
v->iov_base = stdp;
v->iov_len = MT_BYTES_USED - (stdp - mt_buffer);
#ifdef __appleiigs__
v->iov_base = "\r";
v->iov_base = "\n";
v->iov_len = 1;
(void)writev(STDERR_FILENO, iov, 2);
#endif /* BROKEN_WRITEV */
/* Get connected, output the message to the local logger. */
#ifdef USE_PORTS
local_LogFile = LogFile;
if (local_LogFile == -1) { /* an openlog wasn't done? */
local_LogFile = openPort();
if (sendPort(local_LogFile, mt_buffer, MT_BYTES_USED, 1) >= 0) {
#else /* not USE_PORTS -- no output if someone forgot to openlog() */
if (!connected)
openlog(LogTag, LogStat | LOG_NDELAY, 0);
if (send(LogFile, mt_buffer, MT_BYTES_USED, 0) >= 0)
* Output the message to the console; don't worry about blocking,
* if console blocks everything will. Make sure the error reported
* is the one from the syslogd failure.
#ifdef __ORCAC__ /* watch for stack trashing */
#define OPEN(path, flags, mode) open(path, flags)
#define OPEN(path, flags, mode) open(path, flags, mode)
if (LogStat & LOG_CONS &&
(fd = OPEN(_PATH_CONSOLE, O_WRONLY, 0)) >= 0) {
#undef OPEN
p = strchr(mt_buffer, '>') + 1;
write(fd, p, MT_BYTES_USED - (p - mt_buffer));
write(fd, "\r", 1);
struct iovec iov[2];
register struct iovec *v = iov;
p = strchr(mt_buffer, '>') + 1;
v->iov_base = p;
v->iov_len = MT_BYTES_USED - (p - mt_buffer);
#ifdef __appleiigs__
v->iov_base = "\r";
v->iov_len = 1;
v->iov_base = "\r\n";
v->iov_len = 2;
(void)writev(fd, iov, 2);
#endif /* BROKEN_WRITEV */
#endif /* __GNO__ */
#ifndef USE_PORTS
static struct sockaddr SyslogAddr; /* AF_UNIX address of local logger */
openlog(const char *ident, int logstat, long logfac)
@ -400,41 +589,75 @@ openPort(void) {
static int
sendPort(int port, const void *buf, int len) {
static SyslogDataBuffer_t data;
static pid_t pid = 0;
sendPort(int port, const void *buf, int len, int insertTime) {
SyslogDataBuffer_t data;
long answer;
if (port == -1) {
/* not a valid port; silent error */
return 0;
if (pid == 0) {
data.magic = SYSLOG_MAGIC;
data.sender = pid = getpid();
if (len > MSG_BUF_LEN) {
len = MSG_BUF_LEN;
memcpy(data.msg_buffer, buf, len);
data.len = len;
data.sdb_magic = _SYSLOG_MAGIC;
data.sdb_version = _SYSLOG_STRUCT_VERSION;
data.sdb_buflen = len+1;
data.sdb_msglen = len;
data.sdb_busywait = 1;
data.sdb_needtime = insertTime;
data.sdb_buffer = buf;
/* send the data */
psend (port, (long) &data);
#if 1
/* Wait for a reply. We use a busy-wait here so that we can avoid
* the following methods and their associated problems:
* procreceive: using it would preclude user code from using it
* since we might throw away their messages and
* vice versa.
* signals: We don't have a special signal for this purpose,
* and it would be bad to either overload an
* already assigned signal, or to use up either
* ports: if the user fails to set up a port queue in
* the parent process, then we have no way to get
* the message out. If they *do* set it up, then
* we could get *our* messages going to our
* siblings.
* ptys We can't use these without a parent/child
* relationship between syslogd and every process
* that calls syslog(3). Perhaps this is why
* Phil Vandry had initd/syslogd as part of the
* same executable, originally?
* As it turns out, a busy wait isn't _too_ bad because syslogd will
* release our busy wait as soon as it has copied our buffer. In
* addition, syslogd has a port queue that is only one slot deep,
* so if another process got to syslogd before us, we'll be blocked
* on our send, anyway.
* We could optimize this busy wait by somehow forcing the kernel
* to schedule us out. We don't want to use sleep(3), because its
* implementation relies on signals.
while (data.sdb_busywait);
#else /* 0 */
/* wait for a reply */
while((answer = procreceive()) != SYSLOG_MAGIC) {
while((answer = procreceive()) != _SYSLOG_MAGIC) {
/* try to write a message to the console */
int fd;
char *s;
#define BAD_MAGIC ": bad magic from syslogd\r"
if ((fd = open(_PATH_CONSOLE, O_WRONLY)) >= 0) {
s = __prognameGS();
s = __progname;
write(fd, s, strlen(s));
write(fd, BAD_MAGIC, sizeof(BAD_MAGIC)-1);
#undef BAD_MAGIC
#endif /* 0 */
return len;
@ -443,4 +666,43 @@ closePort(int port) {
#endif /* USE_PORTS */
#ifdef __ORCAC__
#pragma optimize 78
#pragma debug 0
#if __STDC__
syslog(long pri, const char *fmt, ...)
syslog(pri, fmt, va_alist)
int pri;
char *fmt;
va_list ap;
#if __STDC__
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsyslog(pri, fmt, ap);
#ifdef __GNO__
syslogmt(long pri, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsyslogmt(pri, fmt, ap);
#endif /* __GNO__ */