Well, first off: we are: Mike Horwath James Brookes Dave Huang 5/12/92 Jawaid bitched about some stack overflowing, so, between us both, we searched diligently for the error. Inside one of the functions, there was a stack allocated variable over 2K in size. So, the fix was to make it a static variable, so that it is gloabally allocated from normal memory, instead of the stack. That error is now fixed. Jawaid also has fixed the getenv() library call, and that was the problem with using a $editor variable in LESS. That is now fixed. Less now also works with either files terminated with lf's (unix normal) or cr's (Apple IIgs normal). Works GREAT. Fixed a bug where pipes would cause a problem if you shelled out '!' (alone), added GS/OS specific code to take care of which stdin to use, either the pipe or normal stuff... 5/11/92 Well, with big help from Jawaid "The God" Bazyar, piping and redirection are now working correctly. Problems stemmed from file descriptors being set to numbers that were not correct, meaning that, it was trying to write to the input of a pipe or stdin. JB put assembly into the putchr() and putstr() calls, noticable speed increase and some savings on disk. It prints the control codes by default, so that when you use man, it will do things like inverse and the like correctly. did a #pragma noroot so that it cuts off about 1K of exec file. Kind of nice of jawaid to tell me this. Nice little savings I must say. Reset the stacksize from 4.5K to 1K, as I was wrong about the stack usage. Thanks go to jawaid for this bit of news also. 5/5/92 Well, another change this time to prchr(), so that you can pass terrible command lines, and have them done right. Problem came from not outputing the right escape type character for end of line stuff. So, that now works. NOW, I only wish I had a terminal to test all this on, hope everythign is fine, if not we are screwed for alot of work here. Made the default as -e (let you hit space or return to quit when at eof) and -m (medium prompt line, shows you the file you are viewing, nothing more). 5/4/92 changed most of the open()'s to use the correct modes of the file. solves errors with coming back from vi and such. changed the stacksize from default of 8K to 4.5K, seems to work like a dream. put in an optimize -1 into the code. Worked on the lsystem() call, as it is really messed in the head. Hopefully, by the time you have read this, it will be written from scratch, and working as it should. 5/3/92-5/4/92 Dave fixed all the problems with \n and \r's being wrong in places. Dave also fixed the gno termcap entry, as sr and sl (am I right?) were not correct for less to work right. 5/2/92-5/4/92 James and Dave did all the prototyping into the sourcecode.