# # Default 'release' and 'install' rules. These are intended for # use when building libraries. # # $Id: librelease.mk,v 1.1 1998/02/08 03:47:18 gdr-ftp Exp $ # # Devin Reade, February 1998. # # Select the appropriate destination directory. .IF $(USE_SLASH_LIB) != $(NULL) TARGET_DIR = $(LIBDIR) RELTARGET_DIR = $(RELLIB) .ELSE TARGET_DIR = $(USRLIBDIR) RELTARGET_DIR = $(RELUSRLIB) .END # Place files where they will subsequently be archived in a binary # distribution. release: $(LIBTARGET) $(INSTALL) -d $(RELTARGET_DIR) $(INSTALL) $(LIBTARGET) $(RELTARGET_DIR) # Install files into a live system. install: $(LIBTARGET) $(INSTALL) -d $(TARGET_DIR) $(INSTALL) $(LIBTARGET) $(TARGET_DIR)