Joe, This is a primitive disassembly of the ROM 03 interrupt handler firmware. You need to fix this up to look like the ROM 01 version I have in SIM.ASM. MasterIntHandler clc (E1/0010 JMPs here, FF/BC6C) xce LONG I,M php phb Assume B=00E1 pea $E1E1 plb sta |ASave ($108) lda SHADOW shadow register sta |ShadSave ($119) ora #$8000 and #$9F3E sta SHADOW shadow register stx |XSave ($10a) sty |YSave ($10c) tdc sta |DPSave ($110) lda #$0000 tcd SHORT I,M bcc NotSure ; check emulation mode lda $04,s and #$10 adc #$70 NotSure bvs hmm2 lda #$03 sta SCCAREG SCC channel A cmd register lda SCCAREG SCC channel A cmd register bit |ATlkFlag beq SerInt2 pha and #$07 bne ChanB lda SCCADATA SCC channel A data register sta |SerIntData lda SCCADATA SCC channel A data register sta |SerIntData+1 jsl >IRQ_ATalk bra Next ChanB lda SCCBDATA SCC channel B data register sta |SerIntData lda SCCBDATA SCC channel B data register sta |SerIntData+1 jsl >IRQ_ATalk Next lda >$010101 sta |EmulStakSave lda #$00 ror a sta |$E10101 pla bra Next2 SerInt2 pha lda >$010101 sta |EmulStakSave stz |$E10101 jsl >$E1021C MIDI? pla bcc $BD0C clc Next2 pha and |SerFlag beq NoSerial jsl >IRQ_Serial ror |$E10101 pla lda |$E10101 bne NoMoreSer LONG I,M plb jmp Exit NoSerial pla bne $BD07 NoMoreSer clv hmm2 lda >$010101 sta |EmulStakSave LONG I,M ....