/* * Copyright 1995 by Devin Reade . For distribution * information see the README file that is part of the manpack archive, * or contact the author, above. */ segment "makewhatis"; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "getopt.h" #include #include "makewhatis.h" #ifdef STACK_CHECK extern void begin_stack_check(void); extern int end_stack_check(void); #endif /* * Options: * * -c check cat* subdirectories as well * -C check _only_ cat* subdirectories, not man* subdirectories. * -f outfile force whatis status output to * -l logfile log errors to * -o dbfile force whatis database output to * -p path use the rather than $MANPATH, $USRMAN, or $MANDIR * -s sort the whatis database by manual page name * -v{1|2|3} verbose * -V show version and usage info and exit */ char *man_subdir[] = { "man1", "man2", "man3", "man3f", "man4", "man5", "man6", "man7", "man8", "mann", "manl", "manp", "mano", NULL }; /* * we include cat* since some Gno utility man pages aren't written in * either nroff or aroff source ... go figure. */ char *cat_subdir[] = { "cat1", "cat2", "cat3f", "cat4", "cat5", "cat6", "cat7", "cat8", "catn", "catl", "catp", "cato", NULL /* _must_ be NULL terminated! */ }; /* For the various command line flags */ short c_flag = 0; short C_flag = 0; short o_flag = 0; short p_flag = 0; short v_flag = 0; short errflag = 0; /* This is set if there is a usage error or -V flag */ static char filebuffer[FILENAME_MAX]; /* used when traversing cat* pages */ static char progdir[FILENAME_MAX]; /* the directory where makewhatis started */ FILE *output_fp; FILE *error_fp; int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *manpath; /* the location of the man pages */ char *path; /* the current path; taken from manpath */ char *p=NULL; /* a temporary pointer */ struct dirent *file; /* the current file we have open */ char tmp_file[L_tmpnam]; /* a scratch file */ FILE *tmp_fp; /* pointer to tmp_file */ FILE *whatis_fp; /* pointer to the current whatis database */ DIR *subdir; /* the current man subdirectory -- eg: /usr/man/man3 */ char *dbfile; /* non-default name of the whatis database */ char *dirsep; /* the directory separator, either "/" or ":" */ int i; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; /* make sure Gno is running */ if (needsgno()==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Requires Gno/ME\n"); return 1; } #ifdef STACK_CHECK begin_stack_check(); #endif /* * set the defaults */ output_fp = stdout; error_fp = stderr; if (getwd(progdir) == NULL) { perror("getwd() failed"); exit(1); } /* * parse the command line */ while((i = getopt(argc,argv,"cCf:l:o:p:v:V")) != EOF) switch(i) { case 'c': if (C_flag) errflag++; else c_flag++; break; case 'C': if (c_flag) errflag++; else C_flag++; break; case 'f': output_fp = fopen (optarg,"w"); if (output_fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not open output file %s; using stdout.\n", optarg); output_fp = stdout; } break; case 'l': error_fp = fopen (optarg,"w"); if (error_fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not open log file %s; using stderr.\n", optarg); error_fp = stderr; } break; case 'o': o_flag++; dbfile = optarg; break; case 'p': p_flag++; p = optarg; break; case 'v': v_flag = (short) atoi(optarg); if ((v_flag<1) && (v_flag>3)) errflag++; break; case 'V': fprintf(stderr, "%s --\n\tCreate the %s database.\n\tVersion %s by Devin Reade\n\n", argv[0],WHATIS,VERSIONSTRING); errflag++; break; default: errflag++; break; } if (errflag) { fprintf(error_fp, "Usage:\n%s\t[-c|-C] [-f outfile] [-l logfile] [-o dbfile] [-p path]\n\ \t\t[-v 1|2] [-V]\n\n\ -c\t\tCheck catX subdirectories as well\n\ -C\t\tCheck _only_ catX subdirectories, not manX subdirectories.\n\ -f outfile\tForce whatis output to .\n\ -l logfile\tLog errors to .\n\ -o dbfile\tforce whatis database output to .\n\ -p path\t\tUse the rather than $MANPATH, $USRMAN, or $MANDIR.\n\ -v n\t\t=1: Slightly verbose, only displaying major errors.\n\ \t\t=2: Verbose, displaying processed file names.\n\ \t\t=3: Very verbose, displaying more processing info.\n\ -V\t\tShow version and usage information, then exit.\n",argv[0]); return -1; } /* * get the location of the man pages; p is already set if -p flag used */ if (p == NULL) p = getenv("MANPATH"); if (p == NULL) p = getenv("USRMAN"); if (p == NULL) p = getenv("MANDIR"); if (p == NULL) p = DEFAULT_MANPATH; /* define the directory separator */ dirsep = (strchr(p,':')==NULL) ? "/" : ":"; /* make a copy of the location */ if ((manpath = malloc (strlen(p) + 1)) == NULL) { if (v_flag) fprintf(error_fp, "malloc failed while making copy of \"%s\"\nAborted.\n",p); return -1; } strcpy(manpath,p); /* get the name of the temporary file */ tmpnam (tmp_file); /* * loop over all the paths in manpath. Don't use ':' as a delimiter since * the colon is a pathname separator under GS/OS. */ path = strtok (manpath," "); while (path != NULL) { if (access(path,F_OK)==0) { if (strcmp(path,".") == 0) { chdir(progdir); } else { chdir(path); } /* open the whatis database file */ if (!o_flag) dbfile = WHATIS; whatis_fp = fopen(dbfile,"w"); if (whatis_fp == NULL) { fprintf (error_fp, "Could not create whatis database file %s in directory %s.\n\ Aborted.\n", dbfile,path); exit(-1); } /* * loop over the expected man* subdirectories within path */ if (!C_flag) for (i=0; man_subdir[i] != NULL; i++) { subdir = opendir(man_subdir[i]); if (subdir != NULL) { /* print status */ if (v_flag>=3) fprintf(output_fp, "Now working on directory %s\t%s ...\n",path,man_subdir[i]); /* no need to error check because of opendir() */ chdir(man_subdir[i]); /* loop over files within subdirectory */ while ((file = readdir(subdir)) != NULL) { process (file->d_name,tmp_file,whatis_fp,&man_subdir[i][3]); } closedir(subdir); } else { if (v_flag>=3) fprintf(output_fp, "Could not access files in %s\t%s ...\n",path,man_subdir[i]); } chdir(path); } /* * loop over the expected cat* subdirectories within path, * adding only those files without man* versions. */ if (c_flag||C_flag) for (i=0; cat_subdir[i] != NULL; i++) { subdir = opendir(cat_subdir[i]); if (subdir != NULL) { /* print status */ if (v_flag>=3) fprintf(output_fp, "Now working on directory %s\t%s ...\n",path,cat_subdir[i]); /* no need to error check because of opendir() */ chdir(cat_subdir[i]); /* make filebuffer contain path to matching man* subdirectory */ strcpy(filebuffer,path); strcat(filebuffer,dirsep); strcat(filebuffer,man_subdir[i]); strcat(filebuffer,dirsep); p = filebuffer + strlen(filebuffer); /* p points to '\0' */ /* loop over files that don't have a man* counterpart */ while ((file = readdir(subdir)) != NULL) { strcpy(p,file->d_name); if (access(filebuffer,F_OK)!=0) process (file->d_name,tmp_file,whatis_fp, &man_subdir[i][3]); } closedir(subdir); } else { if (v_flag>=3) fprintf(output_fp, "Could not access files in %s\t%s ...\n",path,cat_subdir[i]); } chdir(path); } /* close the database */ fclose(whatis_fp); } /* get the next path in manpath */ path = strtok (NULL," "); } /* clean up and exit */ unlink(tmp_file); if (output_fp != stdout) fclose(output_fp); if (error_fp != stderr) fclose(error_fp); #ifdef STACK_CHECK fprintf(stderr,"Makewhatis stack usage: %d bytes\n",end_stack_check()); #endif return 0; }