.TH DESCU 8 "System Administration" "7 May 1995" "Version 1.0" .SH NAME descu \- the describe(1) source updater .SH SYNOPSIS .BR descu " [" -hV ] .I sourcefile .I patchfile1 [ .IR patchfile2 " ..." ] .SH DESCRIPTION .BR descu updates the describe source file .I sourcefile by applying the new and updated records from the \fIpatchfile\fRs and prints the result to standard output. .LP .IR Patchfile s are just one or more describe source entries as defined in .BR descc (8). (They have nothing to do with .BR patch (1).) .LP .IR Patchfile s are assumed to contain at most one entry (in all listed .IR patchfile s) for a given program, keyed on the .BR Name: field. If an entry in .IR patchfile is already in .IR sourcefile , it replaces the original; otherwise the entry is appended. In both cases, the output is sorted lexicographically, based on the .BR Name: field. .LP .BR descu will create the file .B describe.rej in the current directory. This contains all records that were removed from .IR sourcefile . .SH OPTIONS .nf \fB-h\fR Show usage information. \fB-V\fR Show version information. .fi .SH AUTHOR Devin Reade .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR apropos (1), .BR describe (1), .BR man (1), .BR whatis (1), .BR descc (8).