To Do ----- - Fix the update routines to not redisplay the whole bloody screen every time a line is inserted or a character is typed. This may require adding IIgs support for InsertLine and DeleteLine. - Change the static buffers for insert/undo/redo/undoundo/etc to dynamic buffers. - Add #'d and named buffers. IE. "xp = pull text from buffer x - Add 'U'. - Add { and } (move paragraph back and forward). - In cmdline.c make get_range() give the appropriate error messages when it gets a bad line range. - Add & (do last search and replace on current line) and :[range]& (do last search and replace on the range of lines). - add :set wrapmargin command - add :set shiftwidth command - add :set autowrite command - add :set showmode command - should be able to d/pat - should be able to ^d (backspace over entire indent (for :set ai)) - should be able to ^X and ^W in input mode - should support '!' filters - should support mode lines - add checks for out of memory when strsave() is used - after a screen resize, make sure cmdline stuff is re-displayed