setcom 60 mcopy simlib.mac copy simequates.equ dummysim1 start ; ends up in .root end * High-level access library for SIM tool InstallIntVect START using SIMLibData result equ 0 subroutine (4:address,2:port),2 lda port sta SIMport lda address sta SIMaddress lda address+2 sta SIMaddress+2 lda #SIMInstallHand jsr DoSIMCall lda |Gerror sta result return 2:result END RemoveIntVect START using SIMLibData result equ 0 subroutine (4:address,2:port),2 lda port sta SIMport lda address sta SIMaddress lda address+2 sta SIMaddress+2 lda #SIMRemoveHand jsr DoSIMCall lda |Gerror sta result return 2:result END SIMVersion START using SIMLibData result equ 0 subroutine (4:versionPtr),2 lda #SIMGetVersion jsr DoSIMCall lda |Gerror sta result bne goodbye if an error, don't copy version lda Gversion sta [versionPtr] goodbye return 2:result END DoSIMCall START using SIMLibData pha push request code pea 1 how to flag ph4 #SIMName ph4 #SIMInData ph4 #pBlock _SendRequest bcc noToolErr cmp #$0120 ; nobody accepted the request beq noAccept rts noAccept lda #SIMNotFound sta |Gerror noToolErr rts END SIMLibData DATA SIMName str 'SerialIntrMgr~Entry~' pBlock dc i2'0' ; count field Gerror dc i2'0' ; error code Gversion dc i2'0' ; version number SIMInData ENTRY SIMport dc i2'0' SIMaddress dc i4'0' END