#============================================================================= # List of shell applications for GNO/ME and ORCA/Shell # Last revision: Sun Jan 17 17:32:20 1999 # # $Id: describe.src,v 1.22 1999/01/18 03:03:26 gdr-ftp Exp $ #============================================================================= # # About this file # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # This file is in human readable form, but is intended to be compiled with # the program 'descc' into the 'describe' database. Just type 'descc # ', where is the name you saved this file to, and # descc will compile the file into the file /usr/lib/describe.db, or # alternatively into a file named 'describe' in the path given by the # environment variable DESCDB. Make sure the path that DESCDB points to # or /usr/lib exist first! Information may be later culled from the # file with the command 'describe '. # # While this file may be updated manually, it is recommended that new # entries and updates be merged through the use of 'descu'. This will # ensure that the file remains sorted. Failure to do so may result in # describe(1) not finding some entries. # # This file is sorted lexicographically, ignoring case, based on the # "Name" field. # # Online home of describe # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # The newest version of this file may be found at: # # ftp://ftp.gno.org/pub/apple2/gs.specific/gno/doc/desc.src.shk # # The describe web page may be found at: # # http://www.gno.org/~gno/describe # # This page has: # - links to the current version of describe, descu, and descc # - links to the current version of this database, in both source # form (this file), and the precompiled database # - indexed online describe entries # - instructions on how to submit new and updated entries. # # Updates and corrections may also be sent by email to: # # describe-submit@trenco.gno.org # # This address points to a filter. If you use it, you *must* ensure the # following: # # - the subject line contains the word "describe"; # - you include only describe entries, in the format used in this # file; # - if you have a signature attached to your email, it must be # preceeded by the standard "--" on a line by itself; # - only ASCII mail is accepted. Don't try sending encoded mail, # by MIME or other means; # - all field names should be at the immediate start of a line; # - the "Name" field must be a single word; # - the "Where" field must be specified; # - the description must be non-empty; # # If your submission was successful, you will receive an email response # (assuming your email address is real). # # To obtain the version number of a program: # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # A) use the shell program `getvers', # B) any usage or -v/V flag supplied by the utility author # # # NOTES: # 1. The "Author" field may indicate who is maintaing the current # port, and may not actually mean the original author of the # program. # 2. There may be more than one port of a given program. Often the # older or obsolete ports are not listed. #============================================================================== Name: alarm Version: 1.0 (Feb 94) Shell: GNO Author: Christopher Neufeld Contact: neufeld@physics.utoronto.ca Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a reminder program, typically executed in the background. The program sleeps until the specified alarm time is reached, and then beeps the speaker and optionally prints a message. Name: amaterm Version: 2.0 Shell: GNO Author: Sean McAfee Contact: mcafee@umich.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu AmaTerm is a GNO-specific terminal emulation program with job control (it may be suspended), a simple macro language, and a scrollback buffer. Name: apropos Version: 3.1 (28 March 1998) Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Locate commands by keyword. Bundled with catman, makewhatis, man, and whatis in the manpack archive. Name: ar Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Create and maintain library archives. Front-end for makelib(1). Name: argv0 Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Emulates UNIX argv0 (manipulate argv array passed to programs). Runs shell scripts with #!/... syntax. Runs s16 programs with arguments. Name: aroff Version: 2.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Jawaid Bazyar. Maintained by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Aroff (Apple ROFF) prints out documents that are in Appleworks GS word processor format. It is intended primarily for use with manual pages that have been so formatted. New manual pages should be written for nroff rather than for aroff. Name: asml Version: 1.1 (13 Feb 98) Shell: GNO Author: Maintained by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org This is the GNO version of the ORCA/Shell "asml" command. It is provided for compatibility reasons; occ is the recommended command for compiling or assembling source code under GNO. For GNO, the "compile", "cmpl", "assemble", and "asml" commands are all the program. Name: aspdisp Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Jason Perez Contact: jasonp@norton.sps.mot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu aspdisp prints out AppleWorks v3.0 Spreadsheet files. The output is formatted as near as possible to what it would look like in Appleworks. Name: assemble Version: 1.1 (13 Feb 98) Shell: GNO Author: Maintained by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org This is the GNO version of the ORCA/Shell "assemble" command. It is provided for compatibility reasons; occ is the recommended command for compiling or assembling source code under GNO. For GNO, the "compile", "cmpl", "assemble", and "asml" commands are all the program. Name: aw30 Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Robert Hill Contact: rhill@eecs.ukans.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: - Formats AppleWorks (Classic) Word Processor files for display. Handles most options--including underline, boldface, margins, centering--on all terminal types. Name: awk Version: 2.0 (March 1998) Shell: GNO Author: Jawaid Bazyar (from Bell Labs code; updated by Dave Tribby) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Pattern-directed scanning and processing language. Name: bang Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Jason Perez Contact: jasonp@amcu-tx.sps.mot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This utility is used to access the gsh(1) command history buffer. It has similar functionality to the "!" built-in command for csh(1) or bash(1). Name: basename Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Shows only the basename of a given fully expanded filename. Name: bc Version: 1.01 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Frank Petroski Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu GNU bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Syntax is similar to C, but differs in many substantial areas. It supports interactive execution of statements. bc is a utility included in the POSIX P1003.2/D11 draft standard. Copyright Free Software Foundation. Name: beatbox Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Alvin Tan, Brian Ballweber Contact: corey@drift.winternet.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is an alpha-level MOD/MED editor and player. Not for use on ROM-3 machines. Name: bed Version: 1.1.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phil Vandry Contact: vandry@cam.org Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ground.isca.uiowa.edu A binary editor that can handle "infinitely" long lines and null bytes in the file. Intended for editing binary files. Name: binprint Version: 1.3 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Derek Taubert. Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org binprint displays files in hex-dump format. It also provides an ASCII subdisplay if it is so desired. Name: bison Version: 1.19 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/source/ A port of the FSF's yacc replacement. bison is part of the GNU project. yacc is a parser generator (also known as "compiler compiler"). Name: blist Version: 1.0 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Kelvin W Sherlock Contact: ksherloc@mole.uvm.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu List an Applesoft BASIC file. Name: booz Version: 2.01 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/shellutils Unpacks files that were packed with Zoo 2.1 or earlier. Name: cal Version: - Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Prints a calendar for the current month or any month. Name: calendar Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO Author: Christopher Neufeld, Marlin Allred Contact: neufeld@physics.utoronto.ca, Marlin.Allred@unisys.com Where: /usr/games FTP: ftp.gno.org This program consults a calandar database, and prints out entries corresponding to today's or tomorrow's entries. On weekends, "tomorrow" extends through Monday. Name: calls Version: 2.0 (16 Dec 93) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Devin Reade Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu. A call chart generator, to show the sequence and calling dependancies of functions within a program. It's more flexible than Orca shell version. Requires cpp. Name: cat Version: 2.0 (August 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Concatenate and list files. Name: catman Version: 3.1 (28 March 1998) Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org Preformat manual reference pages. Bundled with apropos, makewhatis, man, and whatis in the manpack archive. Name: catrez Version: 1.0.2 (September 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Concatenate resource forks. Name: cclean Version: 1.02 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: Part of occ package For use with occ. Remove the lines ccprep put into a source file from that source file. Part of the occ 1.12 distribution. Name: ccprep Version: 1.1 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: Part of occ package For use with occ. Puts a "#line 2" statement into source files to get around problems with occ 1.12 and ORCA/C 2.03. Name: cdaudio Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Michael Searl Contact: cmoore@acs.ucalgary.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This utility plays audio compact disks. Name: chat Version: 2.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Sends strings and waits for strings. Used to send modem commands and wait for replies, etc.. Name: checknr Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Checks nroff/troff files for syntax. Name: chmod Version: 2.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Leslie M. Barstow III Contact: wdphoenix@delphi.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.isca.uiowa.edu chmod allows you to change the permissions on a file. This is an enhanced version which allows you to change options ala UNIX or using the Apple specific flags (UNIX values are translated into Apple equivalents). Name: chtyp Version: 2.0.0 (28 Sep 97) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Evan Day Contact: day@engr.orst.edu Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Set GS/OS file types. Name: cjpeg Version: 6 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Mark Marr-Lyon Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Compress an image file to a JPEG file. Part of the jpeg tools archive. Name: cksum Version: 2.0 (December 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Display file checksums and block counts Name: cmp Version: 2.0 (4 Aug 97) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Evan Day (from FreeBSD source) Contact: day@engr.orst.edu Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org cmp compares and reports differences in the dataforks and resource forks of two files. Name: cmpl Version: 1.1 (13 Feb 98) Shell: GNO Author: Maintained by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org This is the GNO version of the ORCA/Shell "cmpl" command. It is provided for compatibility reasons; occ is the recommended command for compiling or assembling source code under GNO. For GNO, the "compile", "cmpl", "assemble", and "asml" commands are all the program. Name: coff Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA, Merlin16+ Author: Albert Chin-A-Young Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is an OMF disassembler designed for OMF 1.0 and 2.0 files. Output is similar to the ORCA and APW utility 'dumpobj', although OMF and 65816 disassemblies are much cleaner and more readable. Name: col Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Filter reverse line feeds from input. Name: colcrt Version: 1.0 (January 22, 1998) Shell: GNO Author: Steve Reeves (from FreeBSD code) Contact: stever@gate.net Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Filter nroff output for CRT previewing. Name: colrm Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Removes specified columns from a text file Name: column Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Columnate lists. Name: comm Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Select or reject lines common to two files. Name: compile Version: 1.1 (13 Feb 98) Shell: GNO Author: Maintained by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org This is the GNO version of the ORCA/Shell "compile" command. It is provided for compatibility reasons; occ is the recommended command for compiling or assembling source code under GNO. For GNO, the "compile", "cmpl", "assemble", and "asml" commands are all the program. Name: compress Version: 4.3 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Ported by Donald Gloistein Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu File compression utility. Name: conv Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Jawaid Bazyar, Derek Taubert Contact: bazyar@hypermall.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Text file converter. It either converts NL characters to CR characters (and back), converts tabs to spaces, or converts characters in a file name to lower case. Name: copycat Version: 1.4.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: - copycat copies data bidirectionally between the two named ttys. It can be used as a simple dumb terminal program. Name: copyfork Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: - Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This utility selectively copies data forks, resource forks, or both. The command line syntax is a bit odd. See also catrez. Name: cp Version: 1.5 Shell: GNO Author: Greg Thompson Contact: - Where: /bin/cp FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu cp does file copy operations. Suitably invoked, it also moves files (mv) and deletes files (rm). Name: cpp Version: 2.0 (29 Oct 97) Shell: GNO Author: Ported by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org The C Preprocessor. This is not invoked by ORCA/C but is rather provided as a stand-alone preprocessor. Name: cron Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/sbin FTP: - Runs certain processes at certain times. cron is started by init. Name: ctags Version: 1.0 (October 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Generate tag file for Emacs, vi. Name: cu Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Dave J. Roberts Contact: daver@interactive.net Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: - A simple dialup utility. Name: cut Version: 2.0 (August 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Select portions of each line of a file. Name: date Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Shows the date and time (optionally, continuously). Name: dd Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Convert and copy a file. Name: descc Version: 1.0.6 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org Compile a source file into a 'describe' database file. Name: descii Version: 1.0.2 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: David Empson Contact: dempson@actrix.gen.nz Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Shell-based binscii decoder. Name: describe Version: 1.0.6 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Print a multi-line description obtained from the compiled 'describe' database; giving utility name, version, intended shell, author, author's contact, where the utility is, as well as where the utility can be FTPd from on the InterNet. Name: descu Version: 1.0.6 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org Update a 'describe' source file. Name: df Version: 1.0 (28 Sep 97) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Evan Day (from FreeBSD source) Contact: day@engr.orst.edu Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Displays free disk space and disk usage statistics for GS/OS block devices. Name: dial Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Uses your modem to dial telephone numbers stored in a database by name, or looks up the numbers and reports without dialing. Name: dialup Version: 1.3 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org Run from inittab to handle modems on dialup lines. Name: diff Version: 1.0 (12 Dec 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Devin Reade Contact: Where: /usr/bin FTP: cco.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu. Show differences in files. This is a port based on GNU diff v2.6. Some less-used features have been temporarily disabled for v1.0. Name: dirname Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Shows only the directory name of a given fully expanded filename. Name: djpeg Version: 6 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Mark Marr-Lyon Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Decompress a JPEG file to an image file. Part of the jpeg tools archive. Name: dmake Version: 1.0 (4 Jul 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu. A Unix-style make utility for automated compilation. Name: dos2gs Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA, APW Author: Delonge & Tucek Software Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu dos2gs will read MS-DOS disks on an Apple IIgs equipped with the Applied Engineering PC Transporter card and a 360 KByte TransDrive. It will also read PC Transporter MS-DOS Partitions on ProDOS volumes. It works under GS/OS rather than under MS-DOS. Name: DRWM Version: 2.01 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Dave J. Roberts Contact: dave@mary.iia.org Where: /usr/X/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Davis Rex Window Manager. A window manager for GNO. Name: dsc Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: David Ong Tat-Wee (DOTW) Contact: ongtatwe@iscs.nus.sg Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu DOTW's (command line) Sprite Compiler. DSC takes a $C0 (Apple Preferred Format picture) file as input, and generates an ORCA/M compatible 65816 assembly source codes (in a text file) as output. Name: dsort Version: 1.0 (14 Jun 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu (in file sorts10.shk) Sort a text file on disk lexicographically. Archived together with msort. Name: dsplit Version: 1.0 (19 Dec 93) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu A file splitter, with a default output size of 811520 bytes, suitable for 800k 3.5" floppies. It will work with any type of regular (no resource fork) file. Name: duplex Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@cam.org Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is part of the "seq" remote login package. (See "seq".) Name: echo Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Brian Tao Contact: - Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a replacement for the shell builtin 'echo'. This version of echo can ring the console bell, clear the screen before printing its arguments, delete the last newline or output just a CR as a terminator. Name: ed Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Line-oriented text editor. Name: egrep Version: 1.3 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Jawaid Bazyar, Mike Horwath Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Finds regular expressions, with an extended regular expression syntax. Name: eject Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA/Shell Author: - Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Ejects all removable media (floppies, Zip drives, etc). Name: ekill Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: James Brookes Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is an extended version of the kill(1) shell builtin, which is used for sending signals to processes. Name: emacs Version: 3.9e Shell: GNO Author: - Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is MicroEmacs (uemacs), an EMACS text editor clone. Name: eps Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Display extensive process status information. Name: evaluate Version: 1.0 Shell: ORCA Author: Dave Tribby Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: 17/ FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Evaluate is an ORCA/Shell (only) utility for evaluating expressions, and setting a shell variable to the value of the result. Name: expand Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Expand tabs into spaces. Name: expr Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Evaluates matehmatical expressions; prints result in normal and scientific notation. Uses C like syntax. Name: false Version: 1.0 (7 Aug 97) Shell: GNO, ORCA/Shell Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Returns a 'false' status to the shell. Intended for use in shell scripts. Name: fgrep Version: 2.1 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Christopher Neufeld Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Finds regular expressions. Name: figlet Version: 2.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Jawaid Bazyar Contact: bazyar@csn.org Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ground.isca.uiowa.edu Creates styled large characters out of ordinary screen characters. Name: file2c Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Convert file to C source. Name: fill Version: 2.7 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: James Brookes Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a simple text filter used for filling paragraphs. Name: finger Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Leslie M. Barstow III Contact: wdphoenix@delphi.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: - finger is a re-write of the UNIX finger utility. Its purpose is to provide information about a user or users. It shows their real name, home directory, default shell, last login time, and two files that they may create to provide further information. Name: fish Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Jeff Markham Contact: markhj01@winternet.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu The card game "Go Fish!", ported from NetBSD 1.3. Name: flex Version: 2.3 patch level 8 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/2/apple2/nodak/gs/shell.stuff/ A port of the FSF's lex replacement. flex is part of the GNU project. lex is a tokenizer generator, to be used in conjunction with yacc. Note that due to the way the FSF writes their code (yuck), flex has some problems with ints being 16-bit instead of 32-bit on the GS.. Name: fmake Version: 1.0 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Felix Blank Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: - fmake is a Unixish make utility. It only understands a small subset of make commands, though, barely enough to maintain small projects. Written originally by Felix Blank. The need for this utility vanished with the advent of dmake. Name: fmt Version: 1.0 (19 Oct 97) Shell: GNO Author: Ported by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Simple text formatter. Name: foreach Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Sean McAfee Contact: mcafee@umich.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This utility provides a limited loop construct to gsh(1). Used for scripting. Name: fortune Version: - Shell: - Author: - Contact: - Where: - FTP: - There are three distinct varieties of fortune for GNO. See "fortune-a", "fortune-b", and "fortune-c". Name: fortune-a Version: 1.0 (12 Sep 94) Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Greg Thompson Contact: - Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org This is a simple shell utility which displays a random fortune. There are multiple ports of fortune(6) available for GNO. (You should install only one.) This port, designated as series "a", was ported by Greg Thompson. See also "fortune-b" and "fortune-c". Name: fortune-b Version: 1.0 (12 Nov 94) Shell: GNO Author: Douglas E. Mitton Contact: dmitton@mulberry.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu, GEnie A2Pro #4402 This is a simple shell utility which displays a random fortune. There are multiple ports of fortune(6) available for GNO. (You should install only one.) This one was ported from QNX (Quantum UNIX) by Doug Mitton, and is designated series "b". See also "fortune-a" and "fortune-c". Name: fortune-c Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Tilghman Lesher Contact: lesherjt@vuse.vanderbilt.edu Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org This is a simple shell utility which displays a random fortune. There are multiple ports of fortune(6) available for GNO. (You should install only one.) This version was written from scratch by Collin Douglas, and is designated as series "c". It was modified, separately, by both David Ong Tat-Wee (v1.1) and by Tilghman Lesher (v1.2). See also "fortune-a" and "fortune-b". Name: freeze Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Michael Frankowski Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Another file compression utility. Name: from Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Print names of those who have sent mail. Name: ftn Version: 1.1 (11 Oct 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Dave J. Roberts. Version 1.1 changes by Devin Reade. Contact: daver@rush.cc.edu, droberts@chaos.bsu.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu A utility to display Apple's DTS File Type Notes. Name: ftp Version: 1.0 (October 1997) Shell: GNO & GS/TCP Author: Derek Taubert (from BSDi code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org File transfer program. Name: getshk Version: 2.0 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Kent Squires Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a front end to yankit(1), which adds more options when extracting NuFX files. Name: getty Version: 2.1 Author: Maintained by Devin Reade Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org Getty monitors serial lines and waits for users to log in, subsequently passing control to login(1). It is not intended to be called by the user. Name: getvers Version: 2.0 (April 1998) Shell: GNO or ORCA Author: Dave Tribby (original by Ian Schmidt) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Print information from rVersion and rComment resources Name: gmail Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Frank M. Lin Contact: fmlin@ccnet.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu gmail is an elm-like mail reader. It uses the GORP (Gregg's Offline Reader Protocol) protocol. Name: grep Version: 1.3 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Jawaid Bazyar, Mike Horwath Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Finds regular expressions. Name: gsh Version: 2.0 (14 January 1999) Shell: GNO Author: Tim Meekins; updated by Dave Tribby Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org The GNO Shell. Name: gsify Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Chris Shepherd Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This program converts Amiga sounds to Apple IIGS sounds by adding $80 to each byte. Name: gzip Version: 1.0.4 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Joseph Lee Contact: nugundam@netcom.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu GNU zip -- compress or expand files. Ported from the Free Software Foundation's gzip, version 1.2.4. Also has functionality of gunzip and gzcat. Name: head Version: 2.0 (August 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Print the first part of a file. Name: help Version: 1.1 (19 Oct 97) Shell: GNO Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Prints out the help file for an ORCA utility, with pagination. Name: hplist Version: 1.0 (18 Nov 91) Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Christopher Neufeld Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This program provides a way to print text files on an HP DeskJet 500 printer. The printed text appears in half-height, 20 pitch characters in a 2-up landscape format. Name: indent Version: 1.9.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Kelvin W Sherlock Contact: ksherloc@mole.uvm.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Format C programs in a variety of styles. Name: inetd Version: 1.0 (October 1997) Shell: GNO & GS/TCP Author: Derek Taubert (from BSDi code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Internet services daemon Name: info Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Greg Thompson Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu info gets the OS file information for the files given on the command line, and searches the file type descriptors found in the */Icons directory for a description of the file type. It will also print the rComment resource if the file has one. Name: inform Version: 5.5 Shell: GNO Author: Evan Day Contact: day@engr.orst.edu Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Inform compiles C-like HLL source files into Z-code format that can be run with any infocom interpreter (such as the LTOI interpreters, the infotaskforce interpreter, or the zip interpreter). Name: infozip Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Leslie M. Barstow III Contact: wdphoenix@delphi.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a port of the Zip infocom interpreter, v2.0. This should not be confused with the PC file compression program. Name: init Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Sends commands to the init daemon. Name: initd Version: 1.4 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/sbin FTP: - Starts and kills processes, maintains the system run level, and runs syslogd (log daemon) Name: install Version: 1.3 (16 Jan 99) Shell: GNO Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Install is similar to cp(1) in that it copies files. It will also create directory hierarchies, modify certain access bits, and convert TXT or SRC files into shell shell scripts (by changing the file and aux types). It is intended for use with Makefiles or other scripts to install files into their destination directories. Name: javap Version: 0.9b Shell: GNO Author: Sean McAfee Contact: mcafee@umich.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This program is intended to mirror the functionality of Sun Microsystems' JDK Java disassembler, javap. Name: jive Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Jawaid Bazyar Contact: bazyar@hypermall.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu A text filter which translates arbitrary text to its "jive" equivalent. Name: joinpara Version: 1.0 (16 Dec 93) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu. A filter to strip newlines from the middle of paragraphs, but not elsewhere. Written to ease the importing of text files into word processor documents. Name: jot Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Print sequential or random data. Name: jpegtran Version: 6 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Mark Marr-Lyon Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Lossless transcoding of JPEG files. Part of the jpeg tools archive. Name: kill Version: 1.0 (January 1998) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Send signal to (or kill) a process Name: lam Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Laminate files (displays files side by side). Name: last Version: 1.0 (February 1998) Shell: GNO Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Indicate last logins of users. Name: lc Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (comp.unix.sources port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: Diskettes Displays a count of code, comments and blanks in C source. Name: less Version: 1.6 (12 May 92) Shell: GNO Author: Mike Horwath, James Brookes, Dave Huang Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu less is text pager that is more fully featured than more(1). Text pagers allow you to view text one screenful at a time. less also has search and edit capabilities. Name: line Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME only! Author: Kelvin Sherlock Contact: ksherloc@mole.uvm.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Standard unix utility to read a line from standard input and display it to standard output. Name: link Version: 1.1 (30 Mar 98) Shell: GNO Author: Maintained by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org This is the GNO version of the ORCA/Shell "link" command. It is provided for compatibility reasons; occ is the recommended command for linking object files under GNO. Name: list Version: 1.1.2 Shell: GNO/ME ORCA/Shell Author: Jeff Markham Contact: markhj01@visi.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Print an AppleSoft BASIC program in human readable form. Name: listlib Version: 1.0 (9 Sep 96) Shell: GNO/ME, ORCA/Shell Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Creates an object library listing of symbols, indexed by object file name. Requires Byteworks' makelib v2.0 (may work with other versions with only slight modifications). Name: logger Version: 1.0 (23 Jun 98) Shell: GNO Author: Ported by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Log messages to system log files via syslog(3) interface. Name: login Version: 1.0 (February 1998) Shell: GNO Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Sign on to the system. Name: lpc Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@cam.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu lpc is the controller for the line printer daemon. See also lpr(1) and lpd(8). Name: lpd Version: 2.2 Shell: GNO Author: Jawaid Bazyar, maintained by Jeff Markham Contact: markhj01@winternet.com Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is the line printer daemon. It controls the printer(s), and is itself controlled through lpr(1), and lpc(1). Name: lpgen Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Jason Perez Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a print formatting utility simliar to enscript. It is a desktop program (intented to be invoked from a shell) which makes use of the GS/OS Print Manager. Name: lpr Version: 3.3 Shell: GNO Author: Jawaid Bazyar, maintained by Jeff Markham Contact: markhj01@winternet.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is the user interface to the line printer daemon, lpd(8). Name: lseg Version: 1.1 (September 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Jawaid Bazyar (updated for GNO/ME 2.0.6 by Dave Tribby) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org List segments in an Object Module Format file. Name: m2o Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Tim Meekins Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org This program converts Merlin assembly source files to ORCA/M source files. Name: machine Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Michael Frankowski Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Prints out the machine type. Name: machtype Version: 1.4 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ian Schmidt Contact: irsman@iastate.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: pindarus.cs.uiuc.edu Gets and prints a wide variety of information on your IIgs system, including memory, versions of GNO, GS/OS, and the ROM, accelerator type if any, and more. Name: makedmake Version: 1.1.1 (16 Jan 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Devin Reade Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu. Calculates program dependencies and generates makefiles for dmake. This is a particularily brain-dead port that will likely be superceded. (By mkmf?) Suitable for simple dependancies. Name: makewhatis Version: 3.1 (28 March 1998) Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org Create the whatis database used by man(1), apropos(1), and whatis(1). Bundled with apropos, catman, man, and whatis in the manpack archive. Name: man Version: 3.1 (28 March 1998) Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Display manual reference pages. Bundled with apropos, catman, makewhatis, and whatis in the manpack archive. Name: martian Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/games FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/shellutils/ Creates martian poetry in nroff format. Name: mcvert Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Mike Searl Contact: cmoore@acs.ucalgary.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This program converts between MacBinary, BinHex, and other Mac-related file formats. Name: md5 Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Calculate a message-digest fingerprint (checksum) for a file. Name: mem Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Shows memory usage statistics in different formats. Name: mformat Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Peter Watson Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu mformat is designed to format or erase a disk for use under MS-DOS. It requires an MFM-capable drive, such as Apple's FDHD drive with the Apple II 3.5 Drive Controller card, or a PC Transporter and TransDrive. Name: mi Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu [OBSOLETE]. mi is an early version of rimport. It allows for mass import of data into a resource fork. Name: midi2gs Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Dave Tribby Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Midi2gs is a shell interface to the MIDI Surgeon program, published in the Jan/Feb 1994 issue of GS+ magazine. Name: mkdir Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /bin FTP: - Make a directory. Name: mkfs Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Formats or erases physical devices and creates file systems on them. Name: mkobj Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Tim Meekins Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org This program reads in a GS/OS file and places it into an OMF file which can be directly linked into a program. For example, mkobj can be used for adding pictures, compressed data, sounds, and other binary-like images into your programs. Name: mkso Version: 1.0 (21 Dec 97) Shell: GNO Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org Maintains manual page source (.so) links. Name: mktmp Version: 1.0 (April 1993) Shell: GNO Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: - Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org This utility searches the GS/OS device list for a RAM disk and renames it to /tmp. See also renram5(8). Name: more Version: 1.4 Shell: GNO Author: Jawaid Bazyar, Derek Taubert, Mike Horwath Contact: - Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu more is a text pager; it allows you to view text one screenful at a time Name: mpager Version: 1.1.5 Shell: GNO Author: Kent Radek Contact: goo@cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu MPager is a Postscript text formatter. It will format your text files and generate Postscript code that you can then send to your favorite Postscript printer. See also a2ps and nenscript. Name: msort Version: 1.0 (14 Jun 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu (in file sorts10.shk) Sort a text file in memory lexicographically. Archived together with dsort. Name: mugs Version: 3.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Brian Tao Contact: taob@io.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ionews.io.org:/pub/apple/16bit/GNO MuGS is a full-screen offline Internet e-mail and Usenet news processor. Utilities for creating message packets on the UNIX system and delivering replies are included. MicroEMACS 3.11c is required. Name: ndp Version: 1.08 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/shellutils/ Merges a FIDO nodediff into a FIDO nodelist Name: nenscript Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO Author: J.S. Rand Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu nenscript converts text files into their postscript equivalents. See also a2ps and mpager. Name: news Version: 1.2 (14 Oct 93) Shell: GNO Author: Eric Shepherd Contact: sheppy@delphi.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Displays system news (site specific notifications). This should not be confused with USENET news readers or transport programs. Name: newuser Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /usr/sbin FTP: - Create a home directory with basic gshrc for a new user, and add user into /etc/passwd file for immediate access. Name: newuserv Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /usr/sbin FTP: - Create a home directory with basic gshrc for new user, and add user to /var/adm/newuser/newusers file for validation by the system operator. Name: nl Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Jay Krell Contact: jay.krell@cornell.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu nl is a shell utility that gives shell access to Nifty List. Its main features are the shell's redirectable stdin and stdout, plus an optional internal filter to make the output closer to ORCA/M source. Name: nohup Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Invoke a command immune from hangups. Name: nologin Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD update) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org nologin is a program used to put a user's account in suspension. It prints a message and then exits. Name: now Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Jawaid Bazyar Contact: bazyar@hypermall.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Prints out various random phrases. The output of this program may be considered to be obscene by some people. Name: nroff Version: 1.2.1 (19 Oct 97) Shell: GNO Author: Various. Maintained by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org apple2.caltech.edu ground.icaen.uiowa.edu Text Processing Typesetter Name: occ Version: 1.13 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/shellutils/ Unixish front-end for ORCA/C. Particularly useful in combination with dmake. Requires ORCA/C 2.0.3 (compiler version 2.0.2). Name: paranoia Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Jason Jeffries Contact: jeffries@talon.cup.edu Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu A simple text adventure game, ported from Linux. Name: parent Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Shows the current process or a specified process and climbs up to the top level process. Name: passwd Version: 1.0.1 Shell: GNO Author: Eric Shepherd Contact: sheppy@delphi.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This allows a user to change his password. Name: paste Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: Diskettes Merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files. Name: patch Version: 1.0 (12 Nov 95) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@myrias.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Apply diffs to an original file. This is based on BSD patch v2.0pl12u8. Name: pbmtoiw Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Thomas Okken Contact: thomas@animal.hobby.nl, tommasso@hacktic.nl Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.isca.uiowa.edu Reads a portable bitmap and converts it to graphics codes for the Apple Imagewriter printer. Name: phone Version: 1.0.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Robert Hill Contact: rhill@eecs.ukans.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Based on talk, phone allows two users to interactively chat in a split-screen format. Name: printf Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (comp.unix.sources port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Formatted output at shell command level. Name: pwd Version: 1.0 (September 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Print working directory name Name: quiz Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/games FTP: ftp.gno.org Random knowledge tests. Name: rattr Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Change the attributes of one or more resources. Name: rcompact Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Compress resource forks so that they use less disk space. Name: rcopy Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Copy individual resources from one file or another. Name: rcp Version: 1.0 (November 1997) Shell: GNO & GS/TCP Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Remote file copy. Name: rdial Version: 1.2 (16 Aug 95) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Jeremy Rand. Contact: jeremy@gate.globalx.net Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org ground.isca.uiowa.edu Auto redial a system with a login script. Name: rdjpgcom Version: 6 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Mark Marr-Lyon Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Display text comments from a JPEG file. Part of the jpeg tools archive. Name: reminder Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Christopher Neufeld Contact: neufeld@helios.physics.utoronto.ca Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This provides an alarm clock and a calendar reminder program for the GNO/ME shell. The calendar program should also run under the ORCA shell, but it hasn't been tested there. Name: remote Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@cam.org Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is part of the "seq" remote login package. (See "seq".) Name: removerez Version: 1.0 (29 Mar 98) Shell: GNO, ORCA/Shell Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Removes resource forks from extended files. Name: renram5 Version: 1.0.1 (3 Aug 97) Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org apple2.caltech.edu ground.icaen.uiowa.edu Renames /RAM5 to /tmp on boot. Name: rev Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Reverse lines of a file. Name: rimport Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Mass import of data into a resource fork. Name: rlist Version: 1.1 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Kelvin W Sherlock Contact: ksherloc@mole.uvm.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org List resources in a GS or Macintosh resource fork Name: rlogin Version: 1.0 (November 1997) Shell: GNO & GS/TCP Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Remote login. Name: rmdir Version: 1.0 (28 Nov 94) Author: Devin Reade. Contact: Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org apple2.caltech.edu ground.icaen.uiowa.edu Remove empty directories. Name: rndname Version: 4.1 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin or /usr/games FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/shellutils Creates random names by a set of certain rules. Name: rose Version: 1.0 (Jan 92) Shell: ORCA v2.x, GNO Author: Andy McFadden Contact: - Where: 17/ FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a front end for the Rose editor, for use with GNO and ORCA/Shell v2.x. It fixes a problem with using the Rose editor from these shells, due to Rose expecting "/" as a pathname delimiter instead of ":". On ftp sites, this tends to be archived under the basename "roseedit". Name: rot13 Version: 1.0 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Leslie M. Barstow III Contact: wdphoenix@delphi.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ground.isca.uiowa.edu rot13 allows you to encrypt and decrypt rot13 text, which is usually used in Usenet News to hide spoilers and provocative material. Name: rrm Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Remove one or more resources. Name: rsh Version: 1.0 (November 1997) Shell: GNO & GS/TCP Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Remote shell. Name: rsound Version: 1.1a Shell: GNO/ME Author: Douglas E. Mitton Contact: dmitton@mulberry.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu, GEnie A2Pro #4762 This is a shell utility which will list and play any installed rSound in the '*:system:sounds' directory. Name: rtf2text Version: 1.0.6 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Robert Hill Contact: rhill@eecs.ukans.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Converts RTF (Rich Text Format) files to text. Name: rz Version: 3.34 Shell: GNO Author: Ported by Sean McAfee Contact: mcafee@umich.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Zmodem file transfer program. This is the receiver, and is bundled with sz(1), the sender. Name: sc Version: 1.10 Shell: ORCA (maybe GNO?) Author: Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a code generator that generates assembly source code intended for scrolling the SHR screen. Name: scpp Version: 1.1 (15 Feb 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ported by Devin Reade Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu. A selective C preprocessor. It will only interpret directives that it is told to interpret. This makes scpp useful for making source files easier to read by removing unnecessary code (such as that for other architectures). Name: scrappy Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Kelvin Sherlock Contact: ksherloc@mole.uvm.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu, ftp.gno.org Copy or paste text to or from the system clipboard. Name: sed Version: 2.0 (October 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org This is a stream editor with a regular expression command set. It is intended for doing batch changes rather than for interactive use. Name: sendmail Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/lib/ FTP: - Sends mail from one local user to another, or spools mail for foreign destinations. Name: seq Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@cam.org Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a remote login package; it controls the modem such that an incoming call gets connected to a local shell. NOTE: This is a large security hole. Name: setvers Version: 1.0.2 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Ian Schmidt Contact: irsman@iastate.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: pindarus.cs.uiuc.edu Sets the rVersion information on a EXE, including name, version, and any other information the author wishes to include. Name: sleep Version: 2.0 (September 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Suspend execution for an interval of time. Name: soelim Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Eliminate .so's from nroff file. Name: splatprep Version: 1.0 (1 Dec 95) Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@myrias.ab.ca Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Prepare a C source file for the Splat! debugger. Name: split Version: 2.0 (November 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Split a file into pieces. Name: ssalarm Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA, APW Author: Parik Rao Contact: - Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This program is a simple alarm clock that plays SoundSmith songs. Name: sscii Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Jawaid Bazyar Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu sscii is a shell utility version of Derek Taubert's GScii+ NDA. It encodes binscii, and decodes binscii, UNIX uuencode, Macintosh BinHex, and comp.sources.apple2 apack formats. Name: ssplay Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Dave Roberts Contact: daver@rush.cc.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Plays SoundSmith/MegaTracker songs from the shell command line. Name: strip8 Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: C. Wilson Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Strips the high bit off of characters in a file. Name: strypt Version: 1.0 (8 Jul 90) Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Douglas Gwyn Contact: - Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This program will encrypt and decrypt an Artworx "Strip Poker II" image file for the Apple IIgs. Name: stty Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: - Contact: - Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu stty is used to control terminal characteristics. Name: su Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: /bin FTP: - Launch a new shell as another user. Name: sum Version: 2.0 (December 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Display file checksums and block counts (same as cksum) Name: swi Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Frank M. Lin Contact: - Where: /usr/X/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Simple Window Interface. It provides a quick way to access NDAs from GNO and other text shells. See also drwm. Name: sync Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Causes GS/OS to commit all pending data to disk. Name: synthfile Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Dave Tribby Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Synthfile is a program that prints the contents of (and plays) MIDI Synth files. Name: syslogd Version: 2.0 (Alpha-1: 31 Oct 98) Shell: GNO Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/sbin FTP: ftp.gno.org System logging daemon. Syslogd responds to logging requests from various programs and writes them to a file or files based on the facility and priority level. Name: sz Version: 3.34 Shell: GNO Author: Ported by Sean McAfee Contact: mcafee@umich.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Zmodem file transfer program. This is the sender, and is bundled with rz(1), the receiver. Name: tail Version: 2.0 (August 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Print the last part of a file. Name: tar Version: 2.0.1 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Jawaid Bazyar Contact: - Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Tape ARchive utility. This extracts files from a tar archive. Tar archives do not use file compression. Name: tee Version: 1.3 (5 Oct 97) Shell: GNO Author: Devin Reade Contact: Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Tee copies stdin to stdout, by default without buffering. It also makes a copy of the data to a specified file(s). It is useful when you want to watch the output of a process, but also save it. Name: test Version: 1.0 (9 Feb 96) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@myrias.com Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org ground.icaen.uiowa.edu The test utility evaluates string and integer expressions and, if it evaluates to true, returns a zero (true) exit status; otherwise it returns 1 (false). Test is used mainly in shell scripts. Name: thursday Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Ported Dave Roberts Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu thursday is a filter which accepts text on stdin, justifies it, then prints the result on stdout. Name: timelimit Version: 1.2 (10 Jan 96) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Devin Reade Contact: gdr@myrias.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu. Limits the run time of a process; when the time is up, it either sends the specified process a series of SIGINTs, or a SIGINT followed by a SIGKILL. Name: tmterm Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO Author: Ian Schmidt Contact: irsman@iastate.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu TmTerm provides a vt100 GNO console in an NDA window on your GS desktop. Name: tn Version: 1.1 (11 Oct 94) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Dave J. Roberts. Version 1.1 changes by Devin Reade. Contact: daver@rush.cc.edu, droberts@chaos.bsu.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu A utility to display Apple's DTS Technical Notes. Name: touch Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Leslie Barstow Contact: wdphoenix@delphi.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Touch will set the file modification time to the current (or specified) date and time. It will also create the file if it doesn't already exist. Name: tput Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Terminal capability interface. Name: tr Version: 2.0 (August 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Translate characters in a file. Name: trace Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Jay Krell Contact: jay.krell@cornell.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Trace effectively adds in a DebugStr(3) call to the beginning of a program without the need to recompile and relink it. For use with GSBug. Name: trek Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Ported by Marlin Allred Contact: ma@slc.unisys.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org "Trek is a game of space glory and war." This is a port of the BSD text-based Star Trek game. Name: true Version: 1.0 (7 Aug 97) Shell: GNO, ORCA/Shell Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Returns a 'true' status to the shell. Intended for use in shell scripts. Name: tty Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Return user's terminal name. Name: udl Version: 1.1.6 Shell: GNO/ME, ORCA/Shell Author: Soenke Behrens, Devin Reade Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com, gdr@myrias.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org apple2.caltech.edu ground.icaen.uiowa.edu Converts text between the CR, LF and CR/LF forms. Also available for UNIX machines, reasonably fast yet robust. Name: uname Version: 3.0 (January 23, 1998) Shell: GNO Author: Steve Reeves (from FreeBSD code) Contact: stever@gate.net Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Display information about the system. Name: unarj Version: 2.42 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/shellutils/ Unpacks files that were packed with ARJ 2.41 or earlier. Name: unexpand Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Unexpand tabs from spaces. Name: unifdef Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Remove ifdef'd lines. Name: uniq Version: 2.0 (November 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org report or filter out repeated lines in a file Name: units Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Units conversion program. Name: unpp Version: 1.1 Shell: ORCA/Shell, GNO/ME Author: Soenke Behrens Contact: sbehrens@bigfoot.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/pub/apple2/shellutils/ Uncompresses PowerPacker(tm) documents, which are created by them Amigoids. Name: unshar Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: Andy McFadden Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Extracts "shar" archives, which are used on UNIX systems for shipping sources. Analogous to the PAFF format. Name: unvis Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Revert a visual representation of data back to original form. Name: unzip Version: 0.2b (20 Mar 91) Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Eric Anderson Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Extracts zip archives, which are common on MS-DOS and MS-Windows platforms. Name: uptime Version: 1.2 Shell: GNO Author: Joseph Lee Contact: nugundam@netcom.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: - Reports the time, amount of time the system has been up, number of users, and system load averages for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes. Name: uptimed Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Robert Hill Contact: rhill@eecs.ukans.edu Where: /usr/sbin FTP: - Keeps track of system load averages for the uptime utility over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. Name: users Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org List current users. Name: utp Version: 2.1.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Frank M. Lin Contact: fmlin@netcom.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is another newline converter. It works for UNIX<-->Apple translation. See also udl. Name: uudecode Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Create a binary file from a text transmittable file. Name: uuencode Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Create a text transmittable file from a binary file. Name: valspeak Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Jawaid Bazyar Contact: bazyar@hypermall.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu A text filter which translates arbitrary text to its "valley girl" equivalent. Name: vi Version: 2.0.2 Shell: GNO Author: Ported by Jawaid Bazyar Contact: - Where: /bin FTP: - This is the Stevie editor, a public domain clone of the UNIX editor 'vi'. Name: vis Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Display non-printable characters in a visual format. Name: vsc Version: 1.6.5b47 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Joseph Lee Contact: nugundam@netcom.com Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Virtual Shape Compiler. This program compiles sprites into assembly code for use with ORCA/M. Name: wall Version: 1.0 (January 1998) Shell: GNO Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Write to all users. Name: wc Version: 2.0 (August 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby (from FreeBSD code) Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Count words, lines, and bytes in files. Name: what Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Scott Moberly (FreeBSD port) Contact: smoberly@s-cwis.unomaha.edu Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file. Name: whatis Version: 3.1 (28 March 1998) Author: Devin Reade. Contact: gdr@trenco.gno.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Locate commands by name. Bundled with apropos, catman, makewhatis, and man in the manpack archive. Name: whereis Version: v1.3 (25 Sep 97) Shell: GNO Author: Modified from BSD code by Devin Reade Contact: gdr@eddore.myrias.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu ground.icaen.uiowa.edu ftp.gno.org whereis searches certain directories (/bin, /usr/bin, /usr/man, et cetera) and reports the location of source, executables, and man pages. Name: who Version: 1.0 (October 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Display users on the system. Name: whois Version: 1.0 (November 1997) Shell: GNO & GS/TCP Author: Derek Taubert (from FreeBSD 2.1.0 code) Contact: taubert@geeks.org Where: /usr/bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Internet user name directory service. Name: wrap Version: 1.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Phillip Vandry Contact: vandry@CAM.ORG Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org Word wraps text to a certain length (79 default). Also filters binary data and is very fast. Name: write Version: 2.1 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Leslie M. Barstow III Contact: wdphoenix@delphi.com Where: /usr/bin FTP: - write is a simple utility which writes a message to a user, no matter what terminal he or she is on. The format is: write username [message] If you do not input a message, you will be prompted for message lines until you enter a blank line. Name: wrjpgcom Version: 6 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Mark Marr-Lyon Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Insert text comments into a JPEG file. Part of the jpeg tools archive. Name: xargs Version: 0.9 (3 Mar 95) Shell: GNO/ME Author: Jeremy Rand. Contact: Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ground.isca.uiowa.edu Pass parameters to a command through standard input. Name: xbiff Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: */system/desk.accs/ FTP: - XBiff is an NDA which gives the user a colorful mailbox announcing both aurally and visibly when the user has mail. OA-clicking on the window's content region causes a title bar to appear, allowing the window to be moved. Name: xclock Version: 1.12 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Dave J. Roberts Contact: dave@mary.iia.org Where: /usr/X/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu graphical analog time display unit Name: xload Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO Author: James Brookes Contact: jamesb@ecst.csuchico.edu Where: */system/desk.accs FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu New desk accessory which displays a system load graph. Name: xlogin Version: 2.30a Shell: GNO/ME Author: Dave J. Roberts Contact: dave@iia.org Where: /usr/X/bin FTP: apple2.caltech.edu, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Graphical login prompt for GNO/ME, X11-style Name: yankit Version: 1.0.1 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Any McFAdden Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu Yankit lists and extracts NuFX file archives, created by Shrinkit, gshk, and nulib. Name: yankits Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO/ORCA Author: David Empson Contact: - Where: /usr/local/bin FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This is a simple program that runs Andy McFadden's yankit(1) utility for each filename argument on its command line. This allows multiple NuFX (ShrinkIt) archives to be listed or extracted (individual files cannot be extracted from archives, only the whole archive). Name: yes Version: 2.0 (September 1997) Shell: GNO Author: Dave Tribby Contact: tribby@cup.hp.com Where: /bin FTP: ground.icaen.uiowa.edu apple2.caltech.edu ftp.gno.org Repetitively echo "y" or command-line argument Name: yow Version: 1.0 Shell: GNO, ORCA Author: Greg Thompson Contact: gregt@visix.com Where: /usr/local/games FTP: ftp.gno.org, ground.isca.uiowa.edu This program produces random Zippy The Pinhead quotes. Name: zsh Version: 2.0 Shell: GNO/ME Author: Leslie M. Barstow III Contact: wdphoenix@delphi.com Where: /bin FTP: ftp.gno.org zsh is a program used to put a user's account in suspension. It prints a message and then exits.