Non-Compliant Applications GNO/ME wasn't really designed with the intention of making every program you currently run work under GNO/ME; that task would have been impossible. Our main goal was to provide a UNIX-based multitasking environment; that we have done. We made sure as many existing applications as we had time to track and debug worked with GNO/ME. However, due to the sheer number of applications and authors, there are some programs that just plain don't work; and some that mostly work, except for annoyances such as two cursors appearing, or keyboard characters getting "lost". The problem here is that some programs use their own text drivers (since TextTools output was very slow at one time); since GNO/ME doesn't know about these custom drivers, it goes on buffering keyboard characters and displaying the cursor. There is a way, however, to tell GNO/ME about these programs that break GNO/ME's rules. We've defined an auxType for S16 and EXE files, to allow distinction between programs that are GNO/ME compliant and those that are not. Setting the auxType of an application to $DC00 disables the interrupt driven keyboard buffering and turns off the GNO/ME cursor. Desktop programs use the GNO/ME keyboard I/O via the Event Manager, and thus should not have their auxType changed. You can change a program's auxType with the following shell command: chtyp -a \$DC00 filename where filename is the name of the application. As more programmers become aware of GNO/ME and work to make their software compatible with it, this will become less of a problem, but for older applications that are unlikely to ever change $DC00 is a reasonable approach.