/* * This is a CVS/RCS identification line -- an excellent tool for maintaining * your sources: * * $Id: basename.rez,v 1.2 1998/03/29 20:47:12 gdr-ftp Exp $ */ #include "Types.Rez" #include "Proginfo.Rez" #include "/src/gno/build.tools/builddate.rez" resource rVersion (0x1, purgeable3, nocrossbank) { { 1, 0, 0, /* version 1.0.0 */ release, /* development|alpha|beta|final|release */ 0 /* non-final release number */ }, verUS, /* country code -- only some are avail */ "basename", /* name */ /* _Very_ brief descrition. Check "file info" */ /* shown in the Finder to see if it's too long */ /* Note that \n is used to separate lines here. */ "Strips the pathname from a fully expanded file path.\n" "Ported from FreeBSD source code.\n" "Scott Moberly \n" BUILD_DATE }; #define ON 1 #define OFF 2 resource rProgramInfo (0x1, purgeable3, nocrossbank) { { 6, 0, 0, /* Minimun System Required */ release, 0 }, 47104, /* Minimum RAM required */ 47104, /* Optimal RAM required */ 768, /* Zero Bank RAM reuired */ progCanMultitask * ON + // 1 = program can be multitasked progCanSwitch * ON + // 1 = program can go into standby mode progCanStackShare * ON + // 1 = program can stack-share progAllowsNDAs * ON + // program allows NDA useage progAllowsCDAs * ON, // program allows CDA access //---- shellInfo defining shell compatibility for EXEs // Options available for each shell. // piNotCompatible - program not compatible with this // piUntested - program not tested with this shell // piCompatible - program compatible with this shell // piSpecialFeatures - program uses special features of this progShellORCA * piUntested + progShellORCA2 * piUntested + progShellProSel * piUntested + progShellMTools * piUntested + progShellMerlin16 * piUntested + progShellGSH * piCompatible + progShellPrizm * piUntested };