tribby 1dc5497309 Added startup protocol as requested by Devin Reed (PR#78) and Steve Reeves
(PR#85, PR#86):
   For login shells (command line starts with '-'),
	If $PATH doesn't start with ':' or contain a space,
	   change all ":" to " ".
	source /etc/glogin
	source $HOME/glogin
$HOME/gshrc is sourced afterward for both login and non-login shells.

Don't the print number of hashed commands (from "rehash") until all
initialization is completed.

Only pass exported environment variables to child processes, and prevent child
processes from changing parent's environment.

A null command followed by a redirection of stdout, for example
  > /tmp/list
would cause an error message "<garbage> not found" due to incorrect
setting of command buffer pointer.

Filename completion did not work following ">&" or ">" without a trailing

Entabbed all the asm files, saving more than 36,000 bytes.
1998-09-08 16:53:14 +00:00

768 lines
12 KiB

* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: invoke.asm,v 1.7 1998/09/08 16:53:10 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Command invocation routines.
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* Interfaces defined in this file:
* redirect subroutine (4:sfile,4:dfile,4:efile,2:app,2:eapp,2:pipein,
* 2:pipeout,2:pipein2,2:pipeout2)
* returns with carry set/clear to indicate failure/success
* invoke subroutine (2:argc,4:argv,4:sfile,4:dfile,4:efile,2:app,
* 2:eapp,2:bg,4:cmd,2:jobflag,2:pipein,2:pipeout,
* 2:pipein2,2:pipeout2,4:pipesem)
* return 2:rtnval
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/invoke.mac
dummyinvoke start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
SIGINT gequ 2
SIGKILL gequ 9
SIGTERM gequ 15
SIGSTOP gequ 17
SIGTSTP gequ 18
SIGCONT gequ 19
SIGCHLD gequ 20
SIGTTIN gequ 21
SIGTTOU gequ 22
* Redirect
redirect START
space equ 1
pipeout2 equ space+3
pipein2 equ pipeout2+2
pipeout equ pipein2+2
pipein equ pipeout+2
eapp equ pipein+2
app equ eapp+2
efile equ app+2
dfile equ efile+4
sfile equ dfile+4
end equ sfile+4
; subroutine (4:sfile,4:dfile,4:efile,2:app,2:eapp,2:pipein,2:pipeout,2:pipein2,2:pipeout2),space
; Redirect standard input
ora2 sfile,sfile+2,@a If no name provided,
beq execa skip it.
pei (sfile+2) Convert c-string
pei (sfile) filename to
jsr c2gsstr GS/OS string.
sta RedirectFile Store filename pointer
stx RedirectFile+2 in parameter block.
stz RedirectDev stdin devnum = 0.
stz RedirectApp Cannot append.
RedirectGS RedirectParm
ph4 RedirectFile Free allocated GS/OS string.
jsl nullfree
bcc execa If RedirectGS failed,
ldx #^err1 print error message:
lda #err1 'Error redirecting standard input.'
jmp badbye and quit.
; Redirect standard output
execa ora2 dfile,dfile+2,@a
beq execb
pei (dfile+2)
pei (dfile)
jsr c2gsstr
sta RedirectFile
stx RedirectFile+2
ld2 1,RedirectDev stdout devnum = 1
mv2 app,RedirectApp
RedirectGS RedirectParm
ph4 RedirectFile
jsl nullfree
bcc execb
ldx #^err2 Print error message:
lda #err2 'Error redirecting standard output.'
jmp badbye
; Redirect standard error
execb ora2 efile,efile+2,@a
beq execc
pei (efile+2)
pei (efile)
jsr c2gsstr
sta RedirectFile
stx RedirectFile+2
ld2 2,RedirectDev
mv2 eapp,RedirectApp
RedirectGS RedirectParm
ph4 RedirectFile
jsl nullfree
bcc execc
ldx #^err3 Print error message:
lda #err3 'Error redirecting standard error.'
jmp badbye
; Is input piped in?
execc lda pipein
beq execd
dup2 (pipein,#1)
mv2 pipein2,CloseRef
Close CloseParm
ldx #0
lda pipein
SetInputDevice (#3,@xa)
; Is output piped?
execd lda pipeout
beq exece
dup2 (pipeout,#2)
mv2 pipeout2,CloseRef
Close CloseParm
ldx #0
lda pipeout
SetOutputDevice (#3,@xa)
exece anop
; All the file and pipe redirection has been handled. Time to say goodbye.
goodbye ldy #0
bra exit
badbye jsr errputs
cop $7F ; get out of the way
ldy #1
exit lda space
sta end-3
lda space+1
sta end-2
adc #end-4
cpy #1 Clear/set carry for success/failure.
; Parameter block for shell call to redirect I/O (ORCA/M manual p.425)
RedirectParm dc i2'3' pCount
RedirectDev ds 2 Dev num (0=stdin,1=stdout,2=errout)
RedirectApp ds 2 Append flag (0=delete)
RedirectFile ds 4 File name (GS/OS input string)
; Parameter block for GS/OS call to close a file
CloseParm dc i'1' pCount
CloseRef dc i'0' refNum
err1 dc c'gsh: Error redirecting standard input.',h'0d00'
err2 dc c'gsh: Error redirecting standard output.',h'0d00'
err3 dc c'gsh: Error redirecting standard error.',h'0d00'
* Invoke a command (PHASE 0)
invoke START
using hashdata
using vardata
using global
using pdata
p equ 0
biflag equ p+4
ptr equ biflag+2
rtnval equ ptr+4 Return pid, -1 (error), or 0 (no fork)
dir equ rtnval+2
space equ dir+4
subroutine (2:argc,4:argv,4:sfile,4:dfile,4:efile,2:app,2:eapp,2:bg,4:cmd,2:jobflag,2:pipein,2:pipeout,2:pipein2,2:pipeout2,4:pipesem),space
ld2 -1,rtnval
stz biflag ;not a built-in
lda argc Get number of arguments.
bne chknull If != 0 continue with processing.
lda sfile If any of the file pointers
ora sfile+2 are != NULL,
ora dfile
ora dfile+2
ora efile
ora efile+2
beq nulldone
ldx #^spcmdstr print error message:
lda #spcmdstr ' specify a command before redirecting.'
jsr errputs
nulldone jmp done
; Check for null command
chknull ldy #2 Move command line
lda [argv] pointer to
sta dir dir (4 bytes).
lda [argv],y
sta dir+2 If pointer == NULL
ora dir
beq nulldone all done.
lda [dir] If first character == '\0',
and #$FF
beq nulldone all done.
; check for file
checkfile anop
pei (dir+2)
pei (dir)
jsl IsBuiltin ;check builtin first
cmp #-1
jne trybuiltin
; Command is not listed in the built-in table. See if it was hashed
pei (dir+2)
pei (dir)
ph4 hash_table
ph4 #hash_paths
jsl search
cmp #0
bne changeit
cpx #0
beq skip
changeit sta dir
stx dir+2
skip lock mutex2
pei (dir+2)
pei (dir)
jsr c2gsstr
sta GRecPath
sta ptr
stx GRecPath+2
stx ptr+2
GetFileInfo GRec
unlock mutex2
jcs notfound
; File type $B5 is a GS/OS Shell application (EXE)
if2 GRecFileType,eq,#$B5,doExec
; File type $B3 is a GS/OS application (S16)
if2 @a,eq,#$B3,doExec
ldx vardirexec
bne ft02
cmp #$0F
jeq doDir Target is a directory; change to it.
; File type $B0 is a source code file (SRC)
ft02 if2 @a,ne,#$B0,badfile
; Type $B0, Aux $00000006 is a shell command file (EXEC)
if2 GRecAuxType,ne,#6,badfile
if2 GRecAuxType+2,ne,#0,badfile
jmp doShell
badfile ldx dir+2
lda dir
jsr errputs
ldx #^err1 Print error message:
lda #err1 'Not executable.'
jsr errputs
free pei (ptr+2)
pei (ptr)
jsl nullfree
jmp done
; launch an executable
doExec pei (ptr+2)
pei (ptr)
jsl nullfree
jsr prefork
fork #invoke0
jsr postfork
jmp done
invoke0 phk
; make a copy of cmd
ldx #0
FindHandle @xa,1
ldy #6
lda [1],y ;This is the UserID!
and #$F0FF
ph4 _cmd
jsr cstrlen
inc a
ldx #0
NewHandle (@xa,@y,#$4018,#0),1
ldx #0
PtrToHand (_cmd,1,@xy)
ldy #2
lda [1],y
lda [1]
phx ;_cmd
; make a copy of dir
ldx #0
FindHandle @xa,1
ldy #6
lda [1],y ;This is the UserID!
and #$F0FF
ph4 _dir
jsr cstrlen
inc a
ldx #0
NewHandle (@xa,@y,#$4018,#0),1
ldx #0
PtrToHand (_dir,1,@xy)
ldy #2
lda [1],y
lda [1]
phx ;_dir
jsl infork
bcs invoke1
case on
jsl _execve For 2.0.6: call _execve, not execve
case off
invoke1 pla
; Next command is a directory name, so change to that directory
doDir lock cdmutex
mv4 GRecPath,PRecPath
SetPrefix PRec
unlock cdmutex
stz rtnval Return value: no fork done.
jmp free
; Next command is a shell command file: fork a shell script
doShell inc biflag ;don't free argv...
jsr prefork
* int fork2(void *subr, int stack, int prio, char *name, word argc, ...)
pea 0
ldy #2
lda [argv],y
lda [argv]
pea 0
pea 1024
ph4 #exec0
case on
jsl fork2
case off
* fork #exec0
jsr postfork
jmp free
exec0 ph2 _argc ;for argfree
ph4 _argv
ph4 _dir ;for shellexec
ph2 _argc
ph4 _argv
jsl infork
bcs exec0c
signal (#SIGCHLD,#0)
PushVariablesGS NullPB
pea 1
jsl ShellExec
jsl argfree
PopVariablesGS NullPB
exec0c pla
; Null parameter block used for shell calls PushVariables
; (ORCA/M manual p.420) and PopVariablesGS (p. 419)
NullPB dc i2'0' pCount
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* File name was found in the built-in table
trybuiltin inc biflag It's a built-in. Which type?
cmp #1 Either fork or don't fork.
beq noforkbuiltin
; It's a forked builtin
jsr prefork
fork #forkbuiltin
jsr postfork
jmp done
; Control transfers here for a forked built-in command
forkbuiltin cop $7F Give palloc a chance
ph2 _argc
ph4 _argv
jsl infork
bcs fork0c
jsl builtin
; Error reported by infork; clean up stack and return to caller
fork0c pla
; It's a non-forked builtin
noforkbuiltin anop
pei (argc)
pei (argv+2)
pei (argv)
jsl builtin
stz rtnval Return value: no fork done.
bra done
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Command was not found as built-in or as a file
notfound pei (ptr+2)
pei (ptr)
jsl nullfree
ldy #2
lda [argv],y
lda [argv]
jsr errputs
ldx #^err2 Print error message:
lda #err2 'Command not found.'
jsr errputs
lda pipein
beq notfound0
ssignal _semaphore
sdelete _semaphore
mv4 pjoblist,p
ldy #16 ;p_jobid
lda [p],y
getpgrp @a
eor #$FFFF
inc a
kill (@a,#9)
sigpause #0
notfound0 anop
done cop $7F
lda biflag
bne skipfrarg
pei (argc)
pei (argv+2)
pei (argv)
jsl argfree
skipfrarg pei (cmd+2)
pei (cmd)
jsl nullfree
return 2:rtnval
; stuff to do just before forking
prefork lock mutex
SetInGlobals (#$FF,#00)
mv4 sfile,_sfile
mv4 dfile,_dfile
mv4 efile,_efile
mv2 app,_app
mv2 eapp,_eapp
mv4 cmd,_cmd
mv4 dir,_dir
mv2 argc,_argc
mv4 argv,_argv
mv2 pipein,_pipein
mv2 pipeout,_pipeout
mv2 pipein2,_pipein2
mv2 pipeout2,_pipeout2
mv2 bg,_bg
mv2 jobflag,_jobflag
lda [pipesem]
sta _semaphore
lda pipesem
sta putsem+1
lda pipesem+1
sta putsem+2
; stuff to do right after forking
postfork sta rtnval
lda pipein
beq postfork2
sta CloseRef
Close CloseParm
postfork2 lda pipeout
beq postfork3
sta CloseRef
Close CloseParm
postfork3 lda rtnval
cmp #-1
bne postfork4
ldx #^deadstr Print error message:
lda #deadstr 'Cannot fork (too many processes?)'
jsr errputs
unlock mutex
jmp done
postfork4 ldx jobflag
beq postfork5
pei (bg)
pei (cmd+2)
pei (cmd)
lda pipein
bne postfork4a
jsl palloc
bra postfork5
postfork4a jsl pallocpipe
postfork5 lda >mutex ;DANGER!!!!! Assumes knowledge of
beq postfork6 ;lock/unlock structure!!!!!!!!
cop $7F
bra postfork5
postfork6 rts
; stuff to do in fork
infork phk
lda _jobflag
bne invoke0b
Open ttyopen
jcs doneinfork
lda _pipein
bne invoke0a
tcnewpgrp ttyref
invoke0a settpgrp ttyref
lda _bg ;if in background then reset tty to
and #$FF
beq invoke0b ;to the shell process group
tctpgrp (gshtty,gshpid)
invoke0b ph4 _sfile
ph4 _dfile
ph4 _efile
ph2 _app
ph2 _eapp
ph2 _pipein
ph2 _pipeout
ph2 _pipein2
ph2 _pipeout2
jsl redirect
jcs doneinfork
unlock mutex
lda _pipein
bne invoke0c
lda _pipeout
beq invoke0d
screate #0
putsem sta >$FFFFFF
swait @a
bra invoke0d
invoke0c lda _pipeout
bne invoke0d
waitsemy lda _semaphore
bne goodsemy
cop $7F
bra waitsemy
goodsemy ssignal _semaphore
sdelete _semaphore
invoke0d anop
bra indone
doneinfork unlock mutex
indone rtl
mutex key
mutex2 key
cdmutex key
_argc dc i2'0'
_argv dc i4'0'
_sfile dc i4'0'
_dfile dc i4'0'
_efile dc i4'0'
_app dc i2'0'
_eapp dc i2'0'
_cmd dc i4'0'
_dir dc i4'0'
_pipein dc i2'0'
_pipeout dc i2'0'
_pipein2 dc i2'0'
_pipeout2 dc i2'0'
_bg dc i2'0'
_jobflag dc i2'0'
_semaphore dc i2'0'
str dc c'[0]',h'0d00'
err1 dc c': Not executable.',h'0d00'
err2 dc c': Command not found.',h'0d00'
spcmdstr dc c'Specify a command before redirecting.',h'0d00'
deadstr dc c'Cannot fork (too many processes?)',h'0d00' ;try a spoon
; Parameter block for GS/OC call GetFileInfo
GRec dc i'4' pCount (# of parameters)
GRecPath ds 4 pathname (input; ptr to GS/OS string)
ds 2 access (access attributes)
GRecFileType ds 2 fileType (file type attribute)
GRecAuxType ds 4 auxType (auxiliary type attribute)
PRec dc i'2'
PRecNum dc i'0'
PRecPath ds 4
CloseParm dc i2'1'
CloseRef dc i2'0'
Err dc i2'0'
ttyopen dc i2'2'
ttyref dc i2'0'
dc i4'ttyname'
ttyname gsstr '.tty'