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synced 2025-03-11 14:29:31 +00:00
Fixed several memory leaks. Prefix command without any parameter (to list the prefixes) would cause memory corruption when prefix had been invoked previously with a parameter. Sourcing a command file from within an exec file could cause gsh to wait forever, depending upon the commands executed in the sourced file. All built-in commands return appropriate status: 1 for error, 0 for no error. Fixed several cases where incorrect value was set in $status. Added usage strings for tset, hash, commands, and history. Fixed memory corruption error when edit command had no parameters. When system() is called with pointer = NULL or with a command string that causes gsh to detect an error (e.g., incompatibility with | and <), return status of -1. In other cases, return process's status rather than always 0. System would crash when output from a non-forked command was piped to another process; for example clear | cat > /tmp/list
814 lines
16 KiB
814 lines
16 KiB
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* Derek Taubert
* $Id: shellvar.asm,v 1.7 1998/12/21 23:57:08 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Routines for handling variables in the shell
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* Interfaces defined in this file:
* updatevars subroutine (4:var,2:flag),space ;flag 1: set, 0: unset
* InitVars jsr without any parameters
* Remainder are interfaces to builtin commands with interface
* subroutine (4:argv,2:argc)
* returns status in accumulator
* export
* set (setenv is alternate entry point)
* unset
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/shellvar.mac
dummyshellvar start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
* SET/SETENV: builtin command
* syntax: set - displays all variables
* set ... [var] - displays the value of var
* set [var=value]... - sets var to value
* set [var value]... - sets var to value
arg equ 1
valbuf equ arg+4
varbuf equ valbuf+4
exflag equ varbuf+4
status equ exflag+2
space equ status+2
argc equ space+3
argv equ argc+2
end equ argv+4
; Entry point for set command: clear export flag after setting up params.
; subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
sbc #space-1
stz exflag
bra startcmd Go start the command.
; Entry point for setenv command: set export flag after setting up params.
setenv ENTRY
; subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
sbc #space-1
lda #1
sta exflag
; Beginning of main code for both set and setenv commands
startcmd anop
stz status
lda argc If no parameter provided,
dec a
beq showvars list all variables.
; If parameter provided, check for an illegal '-' starting the parm
ldy #4
lda [argv],y
sta arg
lda [argv],y
sta arg+2
lda [arg]
and #$FF
cmp #'-'
beq showusage
jmp skipvar
showusage ldx #^Usage
lda #Usage
jsr errputs
inc status Return status = 1.
jmp exit
; Show all environment variables
showvars anop
ph4 #261
~NEW Allocate 261 bytes
sta varbuf for name buffer.
stx varbuf+2
ora varbuf+2
beq svwhoops
jsl alloc1024 Allocate 1024 bytes
sta valbuf for result buffer.
stx valbuf+2
ora valbuf+2 If memory was not allocated,
bne startshow
ph4 varbuf
jsl nullfree
svwhoops ld2 $201,ErrError report memory error
ErrorGS Err
inc status set return status = 1
jmp exit and exit.
startshow anop
lda #1022 Store buffer len == 1022 in value
sta [valbuf] buffer (save 2 bytes at end for 0).
lda #260 Store buffer len == 260 in name
sta [varbuf] buffer.
lock setmutex
mv4 varbuf,idxName Initialize ReadIndexedGS
mv4 valbuf,idxValue parameter block.
ld2 1,idxIndex Start index at 1.
showloop ReadIndexedGS idxParm Get next indexed variable.
ldy #2 Get length of name.
lda [varbuf],y
beq showdone If 0, we've got all the names.
cmp #257 If len > 256,
bcs bumpindx we didn't get it.
tay Store 0 at end of
iny4 name string so it
short a can be treated like
lda #0 a c-string.
sta [varbuf],y
long a
ldx idxExport X = variable's export flag.
ldy #4 Y = offset in varname to text.
jsr prnameval Print varname and varval.
bumpindx inc idxIndex Bump index number.
bra showloop Handle the next env variable.
; Done showing the list of all variables.
showdone anop
unlock setmutex Unlock mutual exclusion.
ph4 varbuf
jsl nullfree Free the name buffer.
ldx valbuf+2
lda valbuf
jsl free1024 Free the value buffer.
jmp exit Exit.
; Set the value of a variable (loop begins here)
setvar lock setmutex
lda argc If we've run out of parameters,
jeq doneset we are done setting values.
lda [argv]
sta arg
ldy #2
lda [argv],y
sta arg+2
; Examine characters in second argument to determine syntax style
ldy #0
chkeql lda [arg],y
and #$FF
beq orcastyle No "=": user ORCA-style parsing
cmp #'=' "=" found: use UNIX-style parsing
jeq unixstyle
bra chkeql
; No "=" found in second argument. Either ORCA style or a single var show.
orcastyle add2 argv,#4,argv Point to next argument.
dec argc
jeq showonevar If only one arg, it's a single show.
ldy #2
lda [argv],y
lda [argv] Create GS/OS string
pha that contains the value.
bra set1 Complete operation in UNIX-style code.
; UNIX style set. Uses two arguments separated by "=".
; When we get here, Y-reg = index of "=" character.
unixstyle cpy #0
bne unix0
ldx #^error1
lda #error1 Print error message:
jsr errputs 'Variable not specified'
inc status Return status = 1.
jmp doneset
unix0 short a Store '\0' on
lda #0 on top of '='
sta [arg],y so it looks
long a like a c-string.
tya Add length of variable name
sec to address of arg to get
adc arg address of value.
pei (arg+2)
set1 jsr c2gsstr Convert value to GS/OS string.
sta RSvalue
stx RSvalue+2
pei (arg+2)
pei (arg)
jsr c2gsstr Convert name to GS/OS string.
sta RSname
stx RSname+2
lda exflag Set export flag in parameter block.
sta RSexport
SetGS ReadSetVar Set variable value & export flag.
pei (arg+2)
pei (arg)
pea 1
jsl updatevars Update special shell flags.
ph4 RSname
jsl nullfree Free name buffer.
ph4 RSvalue
jsl nullfree Free value buffer.
nextvar unlock setmutex
skipvar add2 argv,#4,argv
dec argc
jmp setvar
; Display the value of a single variable
showonevar anop
jsl alloc1024 Allocate 1024 bytes
sta valbuf for result buffer.
sta RSvalue
stx valbuf+2
stx RSvalue+2
ora valbuf+2 Check for memory error.
jeq nextvar
lda #1022 Store max len == 1022 in result
sta [valbuf] buffer (save 2 bytes at end for 0).
pei (arg+2) Create GS/OS string that
pei (arg) contains the variable name.
jsr c2gsstr
sta varbuf
stx varbuf+2
sta RSname
stx RSname+2
stz RSexport
ReadVariableGS ReadSetVar Read value of variable.
lda RSexport If export flag is set, it's defined.
bne def
lda exflag If export is required,
bne notdef report 'not defined'.
ldy #2
lda [valbuf],y If there is no value length
bne def print error message:
notdef ldx #^error2 'Variable not defined'
lda #error2
jsr errputs
inc status Return status = 1.
bra doneone
def ldx RSexport X = export flag.
ldy #2 Y = offset in varname to text.
jsr prnameval Print varname and varval.
doneone anop
ldx valbuf+2
lda valbuf
jsl free1024 Free valbuf.
ph4 varbuf
jsl nullfree Free varbuf.
doneset unlock setmutex
exit ldy status
lda space
sta end-3
lda space+1
sta end-2
adc #end-4
tya Return status
; Utility subroutine to print name and value in varname and varval
; Call with X = export flag, Y = index to text in varbuf.
prnameval anop
phy Hold name length offset on stack.
cpx #0 If export flag is set,
bne needshift go upshift the name.
ldx exflag If we're listing all vars, it's OK.
beq nameok
ply Otherwise, remove length offset
bra goback and skip the printing.
; Variable is exported: need to upshift its name:
needshift short a Switch to 1-byte memory access.
upper lda [varbuf],y Get next character.
beq golong If 0, at end.
cmp #'a' If >= 'a'
bcc noshift and <= 'z',
cmp #'z'+1
bcs noshift
and #$5F upshift the char.
sta [varbuf],y
noshift iny Bump the index and
bra upper stay in upshift loop until done.
golong long a Switch back to 1-word access.
; Name is ready for printing
nameok ldx varbuf+2
pla Get text offset from stack.
adc varbuf Add starting address,
bcc prname
inx adjusting high-order word if needed.
prname jsr puts Print name
ldx #^showeq
lda #showeq
jsr puts Print " = "
ldy #2 Get length word of value.
lda [valbuf],y If zero,
beq newln skip printing the value.
tay Set Y to point to the end of the string.
lda #0 Store zero word at end so it can
sta [valbuf],y be treated like a c-string.
lda valbuf
ldx valbuf+2
adc #4
bcc prval
prval jsr puts Print value (c-string).
newln jsr newline Print blank line.
goback rts Return to caller
; Parameter block for shell ReadVariableGS/SetGS calls
ReadSetVar anop
dc i2'3' pCount
RSname ds 4 Name (pointer to GS/OS string)
RSvalue ds 4 Value (ptr to result buf or string)
RSexport ds 2 Export flag
; Parameter block for shell ReadIndexedGS call (p 421 in ORCA/M manual)
idxParm anop
dc i2'4' pCount
idxName ds 4 Name (pointer to GS/OS result buf)
idxValue ds 4 Value (pointer to GS/OS result buf)
idxIndex ds 2 Index number
idxExport ds 2 Export flag
setmutex key
showeq dc c' = ',h'00'
Usage dc c'Usage:',h'0d'
dc c' set - displays all variables',h'0d'
dc c' set ... [var] - displays the value of var',h'0d'
dc c' set [var value]... - sets var to value',h'0d'
dc c' set [var=value]... - sets var to value',h'0d'
dc h'00'
error1 dc c'set: Variable not specified',h'0d00'
error2 dc c'set: Variable not defined',h'0d00'
; Parameter block for shell ErrorGS call (p 393 in ORCA/M manual)
Err dc i2'1' pCount
ErrError ds 2 Error number
* EXPORT: builtin command
* syntax: export [var] ...
* exports each variable given in the list
export START
status equ 0
space equ status+2
subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
stz status
lda argc Get parameter count.
dec a If < 1
bne loop
ldx #^Usage Print usage string
lda #Usage
jsr errputs
inc status
bra done and terminate.
; Loop to process all the variables to export
loop anop
dec argc Decrement argument counter.
beq done If zero, all done.
add4 argv,#4,argv Bump argument address pointer.
lock expmutex
ldy #2 Convert argv string
lda [argv],y from c-string
pha to a GS/OS string.
lda [argv]
jsr c2gsstr
sta ExpName Store result in
stx ExpName+2 ExportGS parameter block.
ExportGS ExportPB Export the named parameter
ph4 ExpName Deallocate the GS/OS string.
jsl nullfree
unlock expmutex
bra loop
done return 2:status
expmutex key
; Parameter block for shell ExportGS call (p 398 in ORCA/M manual)
ExportPB anop
dc i2'2' pCount
ExpName ds 4 Name (pointer to GS/OS string)
dc i2'1' Export flag (always on)
Usage dc c'Usage: export var ...',h'0d00'
* UNSET: builtin command
* syntax: unset [var] ...
* unsets each variable given in the list
unset START
status equ 0
space equ status+2
subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
stz status
lda argc Get parameter count.
dec a If < 1
bne loop
ldx #^Usage Print usage string
lda #Usage
jsr errputs
inc status set return status = 1
bra done and terminate.
; Loop to process all the variables to export
loop anop
dec argc Decrement argument counter.
beq done If zero, all done.
add4 argv,#4,argv Bump argument address pointer.
lock unsmutex
ldy #2 Convert argv string
lda [argv],y from c-string
pha to a GS/OS string.
lda [argv]
jsr c2gsstr
sta UnsetName Store result in
stx UnsetName+2 UnsetVariableGS param block.
UnsetVariableGS UnsetPB Unset the named parameter.
ph4 UnsetName Deallocate the GS/OS string.
jsl nullfree
ldy #2 Update special shell flags.
lda [argv],y
lda [argv]
pea 0
jsl updatevars
unlock unsmutex
bra loop
done return 2:status
unsmutex key
; Parameter block for shell UnsetVariableGS call (p 439 in ORCA/M manual)
UnsetPB anop
dc i2'2' pCount
UnsetName ds 4 Name (pointer to GS/OS string)
Usage dc c'Usage: unset var ...',h'0d00'
; update shell variable flags
updatevars START
using vardata
space equ 0
subroutine (4:var,2:flag),space ;flag 1: set, 0: unset
pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #varechoname
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up2
lda flag
sta varecho
jmp done
up2 pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #direxecname
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up3
lda flag
sta vardirexec
jmp done
up3 pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #newlinename
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up4
lda flag
sta varnewline
jmp done
up4 pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #noglobname
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up5
lda flag
sta varnoglob
jmp done
up5 pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #nobeepname
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up6
lda flag
sta varnobeep
jmp done
up6 pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #pushdsilname
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up7
lda flag
sta varpushdsil
jmp done
up7 pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #termname
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up8
jsr readterm
jmp done
up8 pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #ignorename
jsr cmpdcstr
bne up9
lda flag
sta varignore
jmp done
up9 anop
pei (var+2)
pei (var)
ph4 #oldpmodename
jsr cmpdcstr
bne done
lda flag
sta varoldpmode
done return
; Update all shell variable flags from environment
InitVars START
using vardata
lock gvmutex Mutual exclusion lock.
ldx #0 Use X-reg to index value table.
loop phx Hold onto value table index.
asl a Double the value array index
tax to get addr table index.
lda evstrtbl,x Store address of variable name
sta RVname in ReadVariableGS parameter block.
lda evstrtbl+2,x
sta RVname+2
stz RVexpflag Clear export flag.
ReadVariableGS ReadVar Read the value of the named variable.
plx Restore value table index.
lda RBlen If variable length != 0
bne set it is set.
lda RVexpflag It could be exported with len = 0.
set sta evvaltbl,x Save flag in variable.
inx2 Bump index.
cpx evvaltblsz If not at end,
bcc loop stay in loop.
unlock gvmutex Mutual exclusion unlock.
gvmutex key Key for mutual exclusion.
; Parameter block for shell ReadVariableGS call (p 423 in ORCA/M manual)
ReadVar anop
dc i2'3' pCount
RVname ds 4 Pointer to name
RVresult dc a4'ResultBuf' GS/OS Output buffer ptr
RVexpflag ds 2 export flag
; GS/OS result buffer for testing whether a variable is defined.
; It doesn't have enough room for > 1 byte to be returned, but we
; only need to get the length of the value.
ResultBuf dc i2'5' Only five bytes total.
RBlen ds 2 Value's length returned here.
ds 1 Only 1 byte for value.
; GS/OS strings
echostr gsstr 'echo'
nodirexecstr gsstr 'nodirexec'
nonewlinestr gsstr 'nonewline'
noglobstr gsstr 'noglob'
nobeepstr gsstr 'nobeep'
pushdsilentstr gsstr 'pushdsilent'
termstr gsstr 'term'
ignoreofstr gsstr 'ignoreeof'
oldpathmodestr gsstr 'oldpathmode'
; Table of GS/OS string addresses
evstrtbl anop
dc a4'echostr'
dc a4'nodirexecstr'
dc a4'nonewlinestr'
dc a4'noglobstr'
dc a4'nobeepstr'
dc a4'pushdsilentstr'
dc a4'termstr'
dc a4'ignoreofstr'
dc a4'oldpathmodestr'
; variable settings
vardata DATA
varechoname dc c'echo',h'00'
direxecname dc c'nodirexec',h'00'
newlinename dc c'nonewline',h'00'
noglobname dc c'noglob',h'00'
nobeepname dc c'nobeep',h'00'
pushdsilname dc c'pushdsilent',h'00'
termname dc c'term',h'00'
ignorename dc c'ignoreeof',h'00'
oldpmodename dc c'oldpathmode',h'00'
; Table of flag values (must be in same order as string addresses)
evvaltbl anop
varecho dc i2'0'
vardirexec dc i2'0'
varnewline dc i2'0'
varnoglob dc i2'0'
varnobeep dc i2'0'
varpushdsil dc i2'0'
varignore dc i2'0'
varoldpmode dc i2'0'
evvaltblsz dc i2'evvaltblsz-evvaltbl' # bytes in table