gdr-ftp 784e3de7cd Initial checkin of aroff, binprint, center, less, ls, make, makemake,
passwd, ps, purge, shutdown, stty, upper, and vi.  These sources are
for the versions of the utils shipped with GNO v2.0.4.
1998-03-09 08:30:21 +00:00

210 lines
5.8 KiB

** passwd - change user passwords
** Programmed by: Eric Shepherd
** Date: September 6, 1993
** Requires GNO 2.0
** Revision history:
** 1.0: Updated version numbers to final.
** 1.0b1: Changed the sleep(1) call to an asm { cop
** 0x7F };. Also removed the "conflict" error
** message. Instead, if the call to remove
** /etc/passwd fails, we sleep and retry until
** it succeeds, thus eliminating the problem...
** there's no significant reason why that file
** will stay open longer than a moment or two.
** 1.0a4: Now uses getpass(), since it's been fixed.
** 1.0a3: Adjusted closing code to shrink the window
** during which the system is vulnerable to
** becoming unprotected. Also added code to
** retry renaming until it succeeds.
** 1.0a2: Optimized code, added optimize and stacksize
** pragmas, added new error message for the
** off chance that the rename could fail. Code
** size reduced by about 2K.
** 1.0a1: Works completely, except that getpass()
** crashes all the time, so I don't use it.
** Also, due to apparent login bug, sometimes
** the /etc/passwd file doesn't get updated --
** the corrected file is in /etc/
#pragma optimize -1
#pragma stacksize 512
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gno/gno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
extern char *crypt(char *key, char *salt);
extern char *getpass(char *prompt);
char entry[129];
static unsigned char salttab[] = /* table of chars. for salt */
void usage(void) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: passwd [-v|?] [username]\n");
void makesalt(char *salt, long seed) {
int num = 2;
while (--num >= 0) {
*salt++ = salttab[seed&0x3f];
seed >= 6;
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
extern int optind;
int ch, uid, tries;
char password[9]; /* password string (8+\0) */
char *p, *t;
char salt[3];
FILE *passfile, *newpass; /* file /etc/newpasswd */
char *uname; /* pointer to username to change passwd of */
struct passwd *passwdRec;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "v?")) != EOF)
switch (ch) {
case 'v':
fprintf(stderr, "GNO passwd v1.0 by Eric Shepherd (September 6, 1993)\n");
case '?':
argc -= optind; /* move to next option */
argv += optind;
/* if no username supplied, use the current user's name */
uid = getuid(); /* get the user's ID */
switch(argc) {
case 1:
uname = argv[0];
if (!(passwdRec = getpwnam(uname))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown user %s.\n", uname);
/* the following code verifies that the user only tries to
change his own password, unless he is superuser */
if (uid && uid != passwdRec->pw_uid) {
fprintf(stderr, "You can't change other users' passwords.\n");
case 0:
passwdRec = getpwuid(uid);
uname = passwdRec->pw_name; /* make sure we have the right one */
/* Here's the code to handle changing passwords */
printf("Changing password for user %s.\n", uname);
if (uid && strlen(passwdRec->pw_passwd) &&
strcmp(crypt(getpass("Old password:"), passwdRec->pw_passwd),
passwdRec->pw_passwd)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Password incorrect.\n");
for (password[0] = '\0', tries = 0;;) {
p = getpass("New password:");
if (!*p) {
printf("Password unchanged.\n");
if (strlen(p) <= 5 && (uid != 0 || ++tries < 2)) {
printf("Please enter a longer password.\n");
/* Let only root assign easy passwords */
for (t = p; *t && islower(*t); ++t);
if (!*t && (uid != 0 || ++tries < 2)) {
printf("All-lower-case passwords can be easy to break. Please use unusual\ncapitalization, control characters, and digits.\n");
strcpy(password, p); /* snag a copy of the password */
if (!strcmp(password, getpass("Retype new password:")))
break; /* ah! got it! */
printf("That's not what you typed the first time. Please start over, or\nhit CTRL-@ to quit.\n");
/* create salt randomly after seeding the random number generator */
srand((int) time((time_t *) NULL));
makesalt(&salt[0], rand());
/* Copy /etc/passwd to /etc/, line-by-line, skipping
the entry for the user whose password is changing -- insert
the new entry instead. */
if (!(passfile = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open /etc/passwd.\n");
if (!(newpass = fopen("/etc/", "w"))) {
fclose(passfile); /* it's already open, so close it -- unlike login :) */
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write new /etc/passwd.\n");
while (!feof(passfile)) {
if (strncmp(passwdRec->pw_name, fgets(entry, 129, passfile),
fputs(entry, newpass); /* not us -- just copy it */
fprintf(newpass, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%s:%s\n", passwdRec->pw_name,
crypt(password, salt), passwdRec->pw_uid, passwdRec->pw_gid,
passwdRec->pw_comment, passwdRec->pw_dir, passwdRec->pw_shell);
asm { cop 0x7F }; /* Jawaid sez this is better than sleep(1) */
/* Erase the old file and rename the new one */
while (remove("/etc/passwd"))
sleep(1); /* Keep trying */
fclose(newpass); /* NOW close the new file */
/* As long as the rename fails, wait a moment, then try again */
while (rename("/etc/", "/etc/passwd"))
sleep(1); /* sleep one second before trying again */