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.\" Devin Reade, January 1997
.\" $Id: tty.4,v 1.1 1997/02/27 07:32:28 gdr Exp $
.TH TTY 4 "27 January 1997" GNO Devices
.BR tty
\- general terminal interface
#include <sgtty.h>
This file documents the special file
.BR .tty
and the terminal drivers used for user-oriented I/O.
.IP "\fBThe Controlling Terminal\fR"
Every process has associated with it a controlling terminal, which is
the terminal from which the process was invoked. In some versions of
Unix, the controlling terminal association is responsible for job
control; this is not so under GNO. A process' controlling terminal is
inherited from its parent. By opening the special file
.BR .tty ,
a process can access its controlling terminal. This is useful where the
input and output of a process was redirected and the process wants to
be sure of getting input from or output to the user at the terminal.
.sp 1
A process can remove the association it has with its controlling terminal
by opening the file
.BR .tty
and issuing the system call
.sp 1
ioctl (\fIfd\fR, TIOCNOTTY, 0);
.sp 1
.IR fd
is the file descriptor associated with
.BR .tty .
This is often desirable in server processes.
.IP "\fBProcess Groups\fR"
Every terminal has an associated process group. Any time a
signal-generating special character is typed at the terminal, the
terminal's process group is sent that signal. Unix systems set process
groups using
.BR ioctl (2)
calls, but under GNO a new interface method is used;
process group assignments are controlled with the
.IP \fBModes\fR
There are four modes in which terminal drivers operate. These modes
control how the driver deals with I/O.
.IP \fIcooked\fR
This is the default mode of the terminal driver. If an incoming
character is one of the special characters defined in
.BR sgttyb ,
.BR tchars ,
.BR ltchars ,
the appropriate action is performed (see below). On Unix systems,
this mode also allows for input editing. It is called
.IR cooked
mode and is the normal state of the terminal driver. Due to the history
of the Apple II and it's operating systems, this precedent was not followed.
Instead, to get input editing features, use the ReadLine Toolbox call.
Cooked-mode input editing may be implemented for future releases of GNO.
.sp 1
.I "GDR: This is a deviation from the GNO v2.0.4 man page ..."
.IP \fInewline\fR
This mode is selected by using the GS/OS NewLine call. Input is collected until one of the newline characters specified in the NewLine call is encountered. At that point, the line of input is returned, even if less than the number of bytes requested in the Read call are read. I/O processing features are enabled and disabled independently of newline mode; see cooked, cbreak, and raw.
cbreak With GNO/ME, this mode is the default state of the terminal driver, and is synonymous with cooked mode. The requested number of characters are read without regard to any newline setting; input is not line buffered before being returned to the process.
raw No input or output processing is performed, and the driver does not check for any special characters.
Summary of terminal control modes
Due to the colorful history of Unix systems, the data structures used to manipulate terminal modes and settings are separated into four groups. Future revisions of GNO may implement the SunOS termio interface, which consolidate these structures into one place.
The basic ioctls use the structure defined in <sgtty.h>:
struct sgttyb {
char sg_ispeed;
char sg_ospeed;
char sg_erase;
char sg_kill;
short sg_flags;
sg_ispeed and sg_ospeed indicate the baud rates for input and output according to the following table. Speed changes that do not apply to a particular piece of hardware are ignored (for instance, the console driver does not access a serial port so all baud rate settings are, in effect, impossible). Also, not all the baud rates supported by a particular device are allowed to be set from this interface.
These symbolic names for the baud rate settings are defined in <sgtty.h>.
B0 0 (hang up dataphone)
B50 1 50 baud
B75 2 75 baud
B110 3 110 baud
B134 4 134.5 baud
B150 5 150 baud
B200 6 200 baud
B300 7 300 baud
B600 8 600 baud
B1200 9 1200 baud
B1800 10 1800 baud
B2400 11 2400 baud
B4800 12 4800 baud
B9600 13 9600 baud
B19200 and
EXTA 14 19200 baud
B38400 and
EXTB 15 38400 baud
The sg_erase and sg_kill fields specify the line-editing erase and kill characters; these are not currently used.
sg_flags is a bitmapped value that indicates various state settings for the terminal driver (values are in hex).
RAW 0000020 Raw mode: wake up on all characters, 8-bit interface
CRMOD 0000010 Map CR into LF; output LF as CR-LF
ECHO 0000008 Echo (full duplex)
CBREAK 0000002 Return each character as soon as typed
TANDEM 0000001 Automatic flow control
RAW and CBREAK modes were described above, in Modes.
If the CRMOD bit is set, a line feed character is appended to any echoed or ouputted carriage return.
The ECHO bit controls input echoing; if enabled, any characters read from the terminal are echoed. This behavior differs slightly from Unix, where input characters are echoed as soon as typed.
TANDEM mode enables automatic software flow control utilizing the special characters t_startc and t_stopc in tchars (below). Whenever the input queue is in danger of overflowing, the system sends t_stopc; when the queue has drained sufficiently, t_startc is sent. This mode has no effect on the console driver.
Note: t_startc and t_stopc are used for both directions of flow control; when t_stopc is received from a remote system (or user), the terminal stops output, and when t_startc is received output resumes. Certain drivers may also require t_stopc and t_startc to be the same character, in which case one or the other setting will be ignored. See the driver's documentation for details.
Basic Ioctls
Most ioctl() calls apply to terminals. They have the form
#include <sgtty.h>
ioctl(int filedes, unsigned long code, void *arg)
arg is usually a pointer to a structure or int. The ioctl codes that apply to sgtty are:
TIOCGETP Fetch the basic parameters associated with the terminal, and store in the sgttyb structure pointed to by arg.
TIOCSETP Set the terminal's basic parameters according to the sgttyb structure pointed to by arg. The input queue is flushed, and the call waits for the output queue to drain before the parameters are changed.
TIOCSETN This is like TIOCSETP, except there is no delay and the input queue is not flushed.
With the following codes arg is ignored.
TIOCEXCL Set "exclusive-use" mode. The terminal may not be opened again by any process until all existing references are closed.
TIOCNXCL Turns off "exclusive-use" mode.
TIOCHPCL When the last reference to the terminal is closed, the terminal line is forced to hang up. This applies only to modem drivers.
With the following codes, arg is a pointer to an int.
TIOCGETD The current line discipline number is stored in the int pointed to by arg. This value is currently ignored.
TIOCSETD The line discipline is set according to the int pointed to by arg.
TIOCFLUSH The specified queue is flushed. If the value pointed to by arg is zero, both the input and output queues are flushed. If the value is FREAD (defined in <sys/file.h>), the input queue is flushed. If the value is FWRITE, the output queue is flushed.
The last few calls permit detailed control of the driver. In cases where an argument is required, it is described. Otherwise, arg should be a NULL pointer.
TIOCSTI The character pointed to by the argument is placed in the input queue as if it had been typed on the terminal.
TIOCSBRK Begins a break sequence on the terminal.
TIOCCBRK Ends a break sequence.
TIOCSDTR The DTR line is turned on
TIOCCDTR The DTR line is turned off
TIOCSTOP Output is stopped as if t_stopc had been typed on the terminal.
TIOCSTART If output is stopped, it is resumed as if t_startc had been typed on the terminal.
TIOCOUTQ The number of characters in the output queue is returned in the int pointed to by arg.
FIONREAD The number of characters immediately available for input from the terminal is returned in the int pointed to by arg. This is the preferred method of non-blocking I/O (checking for the presence of characters without waiting for them).
The second structure associated with a terminal defines special characters. The structure is defined in <sys/ioctl.h> which is automatically included by <sgtty.h>.
struct tchars {
char t_intrc; /* interrupt */
char t_quitc; /* quit */
char t_startc; /* start output */
char t_stopc; /* stop output */
char t_eofc; /* end-of-file */
char t_brkc; /* input delimiter (like nl) */
The default values for these characters are ^C, ^\, ^Q, ^S, ^D and -1 respectively. A value of -1 for any of the characters means that the effect of that character is ignored. The stop and start characters may be the same to produce a 'toggle' effect. It is not recommended to set any of the other characters to the same values; the order in which the special characters are checked is not defined, and the results you get may not be what was expected.
The ioctl calls that apply to tchars are:
TIOCGETC Returns the special characters settings in the tchars structure pointed to by arg.
TIOCSETC The special characters are set according to the given structure.
Local mode
The third structure in the terminal interface is a local mode word. None of the options are currently implemented for the console driver. Other drivers may implement them; see the appropriate manpages for details.
The ioctl's used to access the local mode follow. arg in all cases is a pointer to an int.
TIOCLBIS The bits of the local mode word specified by `1' bits in the argument are set; this operation is a bit-wise OR.
TIOCLBIC The bits of the local mode word specified by `1' bits in the argument are cleared; this operation ANDs the local mode with the bitwise negation of the argument.
TIOCLSET Sets the local mode word to the value of the argument.
TIOCLGET Returns the local mode word in the int pointed to by arg.
Local Special Characters
The fourth terminal structure is another set of special characters. The structure is named ltchars and is again defined in <ioctl.h>.
struct ltchars {
char t_suspc; /* stop process signal */
char t_dsuspc; /* delayed stop process signal */
char t_rprntc; /* reprint line */
char t_flushc; /* flush output (toggles) */
char t_werasc; /* word erase */
char t_lnextc; /* literal next character */
Defaults for these characters are ^Z, ^Y, ^R, ^O, ^W, and ^V. As with tchars, a value of -1 disables the effect of that character. Only t_suspc is currently implemented for the console driver.
The applicable ioctl functions are:
TIOCSLTC sets the local characters according to the ltchars structure pointed to by arg.
TIOCGLTC retreives the local characters, storing them in the argument.
Window/terminal sizes
Provision is made for storage of the current window or terminal size along with the other terminal information. This info is recorded in a winsize structure, and is defined in <ioctl.h>:
struct winsize {
unsigned short ws_row; /* rows, in characters */
unsigned short ws_col; /* columns, in characters */
unsigned short ws_xpixel; /* horizontal size, pixels */
unsigned short ws_ypixel; /* vertical size, pixels */
A '0' in a field indicates that the field value is undefined. '0' is the default when a terminal is first opened. These values are not used by the terminal driver itself; rather, they are for the benefit of applications. The ioctl calls for winsize are:
Returns the window size parameters in the provided winsize structure.
Sets the window size parameters. If any of the values differ from the old ones, a SIGWINCH signal is sent to the terminal's process group.
.ttyco (console driver)
.tty* (user-installed drivers)
GNO Shell Reference Manual, stty(1), ioctl(2), signal(2) |