1998-02-02 08:20:59 +00:00

232 lines
4.2 KiB

* $Id: driver.asm,v 1.1 1998/02/02 08:19:18 taubert Exp $
* GNO- the only IIgs Operating System left!
* Input/Output Drivers for TextTools
* .null
* GNO console
* redirection supervisory driver
* pipe interface driver for TextTools
* Our texttool driver scheme supports two types-
* standard and supervisory. Standard drivers must
* support the same calls as a RAM-based texttools
* driver. Supervisory drivers must support In/Out/Err
* calls. They may call lower-level RAM-based protocol
* drivers if they wish (and likely will).
* modified select stuff - Derek Taubert - 12/14/94
mcopy m/driver.mac
case on
copy global.equates
copy inc/
copy inc/
getTTindex START KERN2
getTTindex name
using KernelStruct
lda >truepid
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
* given a GSstring as input, searches our device table for a match.
* if a match is found, the internal device number is returned.
* Note that these device numbers are the index+1, as 0 is not a valid
* pipe/refNum/device/.. number. However, the TextTools use index+0,
* so keep this in mind.
findDevice START KERN2
findDevice name
using KernelStruct
ind equ 0
retval equ ind+2
space equ retval+2
subroutine (4:gsosp),space
ldy #2
lda [gsosp],y
and #$FF
cmp #'.' ; is this a driver name?
bne notadriver
ph4 #dottty
ph4 gsosp
jsl GScaseEqual
cmp #0
beq findloop1
lda >curProcInd
lda >ttyID,x
sta retval ; get the 'controlling' tty #
bra goaway
findloop1 stz ind
findloop lda ind
asl a
asl a
lda >DeviceNames+2,x
ora >DeviceNames,x
beq nodevice
lda >DeviceNames+2,x
lda >DeviceNames,x
ph4 gsosp
jsl GScaseEqual
cmp #0
beq nodevice
* we have a device match.
lda ind
sta retval
bra goaway
nodevice lda ind
inc a
cmp #38
bcs notadriver
sta ind
bra findloop
notadriver lda #$FFFF
sta retval
goaway return 2:retval
dottty dc i2'4'
dc c'.tty'
getProcPtr START
getProcPtr name
using KernelStruct
lda >curProcInd
adc #KernelStruct
ldx #^KernelStruct
* Installs a driver into the system by adding the pointer
* to the driver's header block into the system driver table.
InstallDriver START KERN2
InstallDriver name
subroutine (4:header,2:deviceNum,2:userID),0
lda deviceNum
asl a
asl a
lda header
sta >DeviceBlock,x
lda header+2
sta >DeviceBlock+2,x
ldy #t_devNum
lda deviceNum
sta [header],y
ldy #t_GetProcInd
lda tempGetPP
sta [header],y
ldy #t_GetProcInd+2
lda tempGetPP+2
sta [header],y
ldy #t_userid
lda userID
sta [header],y
ldy #t_sendSignal
lda tempQsig
sta [header],y
ldy #t_sendSignal+2
lda tempQsig+2
sta [header],y
ldy #t_BGCheck
lda tempBG
sta [header],y
ldy #t_BGCheck+2
lda tempBG+2
sta [header],y
ldy #t_selwakeup
lda tempSWU
sta [header],y
ldy #t_selwakeup+2
lda tempSWU+2
sta [header],y
; initialize to the standard line discipline
lda #0 ; line discipline code
ldy #t_linedisc
sta [header],y
ldy #privFlags
sta [header],y
ldy #st_flags
sta [header],y
lda deviceNum
beq nullDev
ldy #t_read+2
lda [header],y
ldy #t_read
ora [header],y
bne skipR
lda #ttread ; standard LD read routine
sta [header],y
lda #^ttread
ldy #t_read+2
sta [header],y
skipR anop
ldy #t_write+2
lda [header],y
ldy #t_write
ora [header],y
bne skipW
lda #ttwrite ; standard LD write routine
sta [header],y
lda #^ttwrite
ldy #t_write+2
sta [header],y
skipW anop
; the driver's open routine must initialize the other line discipline
; vectors if they are not set up as static assignments (e.g. dc i4'CON_mutex')
; allocate the edit buffer.
ph4 #4096
jsl malloc
ldy #editBuf
sta [header],y
ldy #editBuf+2
sta [header],y
nullDev return
tempAlloc jmp >asmSemNew
tempDealloc jmp >asmSemDispose
tempWait jmp >asmWait
tempSignal jmp >asmSignal
tempBG jmp >BGCheck
tempQsig jmp >ttyQSignal
tempGetPP jmp >getProcPtr
tempSWU jmp >selwakeup