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129 lines
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* $Id: errnoGS.c,v 1.1 1997/10/30 04:57:25 gdr Exp $
#include <gsos.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "contrib.h"
#pragma lint -1
#pragma debug 0
#pragma optimize 78
#define NONE "no error"
#define UNKNOWN "unknown error"
#ifdef __ORCAC__
segment "errnoGS___";
typedef struct errEntry {
unsigned short num;
char *str;
} errEntry;
static errEntry
sys_errlistGS[] = {
{ badSystemCall, "bad system call number" },
{ invalidPcount, "invalid parameter count" },
{ gsosActive, "GS/OS already active" },
{ devNotFound, "device not found" },
{ invalidDevNum, "invalid device number" },
{ drvrBadReq, "bad request or command" },
{ drvrBadCode, "bad control or status code" },
{ drvrBadParm, "bad call parameter" },
{ drvrNotOpen, "character device not open" },
{ drvrPriorOpen, "character device already open" },
{ irqTableFull, "interrupt table full" },
{ drvrNoResrc, "resources not available" },
{ drvrIOError, "I/O error" },
{ drvrNoDevice, "device not connected" },
{ drvrBusy, "call aborted; driver is busy" },
{ drvrWrtProt, "device is write protected" },
{ drvrBadCount, "invalid byte count" },
{ drvrBadBlock, "invalid block address" },
{ drvrDiskSwitch, "disk has been switched" },
{ drvrOffLine, "device off line/ no media present" },
{ badPathSyntax, "invalid pathname syntax" },
{ tooManyFilesOpen, "too many files open on server volume" },
{ invalidRefNum, "invalid reference number" },
{ pathNotFound, "subdirectory does not exist" },
{ volNotFound, "volume not found" },
{ fileNotFound, "file not found" },
{ dupPathname, "create or rename with existing name" },
{ volumeFull, "volume full error" },
{ volDirFull, "volume directory full" },
{ badFileFormat, "version error (incompatible file format)" },
{ badStoreType, "unsupported (or incorrect) storage type" },
{ eofEncountered, "end-of-file encountered" },
{ outOfRange, "position out of range" },
{ invalidAccess, "access not allowed" },
{ buffTooSmall, "buffer too small" },
{ fileBusy, "file is already open" },
{ dirError, "directory error" },
{ unknownVol, "unknown volume type" },
{ paramRangeErr, "parameter out of range" },
{ outOfMem, "out of memory" },
{ dupVolume, "duplicate volume name" },
{ notBlockDev, "not a block device" },
{ invalidLevel, "specifield level outside legal range" },
{ damagedBitMap, "block number too large" },
{ badPathNames, "invalid pathnames for ChangePath" },
{ notSystemFile, "not an executable file" },
{ osUnsupported, "Operating System not supported" },
{ stackOverflow, "too many applications on stack" },
{ dataUnavail, "data unavailable" },
{ endOfDir, "end of directory has been reached" },
{ invalidClass, "invalid FST call class" },
{ resForkNotFound, "file does not contain required resource" },
{ invalidFSTID, "error - FST ID is invalid" },
{ invalidFSTop, "invalid FST operation" },
{ fstCaution, "FST handled call, but result is weird" },
{ devNameErr, "device exists with same name as replacement name" },
{ defListFull, "device list is full" },
{ supListFull, "supervisor list is full" },
{ fstError, "generic FST error" },
{ resExistsErr, "cannot expand file, resource already exists" },
{ resAddErr, "cannot add resource fork to this type file" },
{ networkError, "generic network error" },
{ 0, NONE } /* we shouldn't see this */
unsigned short errnoGS = 0;
char *
strerrorGS(unsigned short num)
int i;
if (num == 0) {
return NONE;
i = 0;
while (sys_errlistGS[i].num) {
if (sys_errlistGS[i].num == num) {
return sys_errlistGS[i].str;
return UNKNOWN;
#ifdef __ORCAC__
#pragma debug 0
#pragma optimize 78
perrorGS(char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
fprintf(stderr,": %s\n",strerrorGS(errnoGS));