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synced 2025-03-12 05:32:16 +00:00
Fixed several memory leaks. Prefix command without any parameter (to list the prefixes) would cause memory corruption when prefix had been invoked previously with a parameter. Sourcing a command file from within an exec file could cause gsh to wait forever, depending upon the commands executed in the sourced file. All built-in commands return appropriate status: 1 for error, 0 for no error. Fixed several cases where incorrect value was set in $status. Added usage strings for tset, hash, commands, and history. Fixed memory corruption error when edit command had no parameters. When system() is called with pointer = NULL or with a command string that causes gsh to detect an error (e.g., incompatibility with | and <), return status of -1. In other cases, return process's status rather than always 0. System would crash when output from a non-forked command was piped to another process; for example clear | cat > /tmp/list
560 lines
9.3 KiB
560 lines
9.3 KiB
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: term.asm,v 1.8 1998/12/21 23:57:08 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Routines for dealing with Termcap under gsh.
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/term.mac
dummyterm start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
TIOCGETP gequ $40067408
* Initialize the system for termcap - checks to see if $TERM exists
* and is set, if not, sets to GNOCON; and allocate termcap buffers.
InitTerm START
using termdata
; See if $TERM exists
ReadVariableGS ReadVarPB
lda term_len Get length of $TERM
bne allocate If 0,
SetGS SetPB set to default ("gnocon")
allocate anop Allocate termcap buffers.
ph4 #1024
sta bp
stx bp+2
ph4 #1024
sta areabuf
stx areabuf+2
rts Return to caller.
; Parameter block for shell ReadVariableGS call (p 423 in ORCA/M manual)
ReadVarPB anop
dc i2'3' pCount
dc i4'term' Name (pointer to GS/OS string)
dc i4'dummyresult' GS/OS Output buffer ptr
ds 2 export flag
; GS/OS result buffer for getting length of TERM env var.
dummyresult dc i2'5' Only five bytes total.
term_len ds 2 Value's length returned here.
ds 1 Only 1 byte for value.
; Parameter block for shell SetGS calls (p 427 in ORCA/M manual)
SetPB anop
dc i2'3' pCount
dc i4'term' Name (pointer to GS/OS string)
dc i4'gnocon' Value (pointer to GS/OS string)
dc i2'1' Export flag
term gsstr 'term'
gnocon gsstr 'gnocon'
* read new temcap information
readterm START
using termdata
backward_char equ 3
forward_char equ 4
up_history equ 5
down_history equ 6
lda #1
sta didReadTerm
ph4 #termname
jsl getenv
phx Push allocated buffer on stack
pha for later call to nullfree.
clc Add 4 to GS/OS result buffer
adc #4 to get pointer to text.
bcc val_addr_set
val_addr_set sta hold_term_val
stx hold_term_val+2
tgetent (bp,@xa) ;xa is pushed first
beq noentry
dec a
beq ok
jsl nullfree Free buffer allocated by getenv.
stz termok
ldx #^error1
lda #error1
jmp errputs
noentry anop
stz termok
ldx #^error2
lda #error2 Print error message:
jsr errputs 'Termcap entry not found for '
lda hold_term_val Get text from buffer allocated
ldx hold_term_val+2 by getenv
jsr errputs and print it.
jsl nullfree Free buffer allocated by getenv.
lda #13
jmp errputchar
ok jsl nullfree Free buffer allocated by getenv.
lda #1
sta termok
mv4 areabuf,area
; Get addresses of termcap strings
tgetstr (#isid,#area)
jsr puts Send initialization string to term.
tgetstr (#leid,#area)
sta lecap
stx lecap+2
tgetstr (#ndid,#area)
sta ndcap
stx ndcap+2
tgetstr (#veid,#area)
sta vecap
stx vecap+2
tgetstr (#viid,#area)
sta vicap
stx vicap+2
tgetstr (#vsid,#area)
sta vscap
stx vscap+2
tgetstr (#blid,#area)
sta blcap
stx blcap+2
tgetstr (#clid,#area)
sta clcap
stx clcap+2
tgetstr (#soid,#area)
sta socap
stx socap+2
tgetstr (#seid,#area)
sta secap
stx secap+2
tgetstr (#cdid,#area)
sta cdcap
stx cdcap+2
tgetstr (#ueid,#area)
sta uecap
stx uecap+2
tgetstr (#usid,#area)
sta uscap
stx uscap+2
; Bind keyboard characters
tgetstr (#klid,#area)
ph2 #backward_char
jsl bindkeyfunc
tgetstr (#krid,#area)
ph2 #forward_char
jsl bindkeyfunc
tgetstr (#kuid,#area)
ph2 #up_history
jsl bindkeyfunc
tgetstr (#kdid,#area)
ph2 #down_history
jsl bindkeyfunc
; the following is VERY important. It doesn't seem so, but I actually tested
; a terminal that dropped characters w/o it.
ioctl (#1,#TIOCGETP,#sgtty)
lda sg_ospeed ;let termcap know our speed
case on
sta >ospeed
case off
termname gsstr 'term'
error1 dc c'Error reading termcap file!',h'0d0d00'
error2 dc c'Termcap entry not found for ',h'00'
; Termcap identification strings
isid dc c'is',h'00' Initialization
leid dc c'le',h'00' Out of keypad transmit mode
ndid dc c'nd',h'00' Non-destructive space
veid dc c've',h'00' Normal cursor visible
viid dc c'vi',h'00' Cursor unvisible
vsid dc c'vs',h'00' Standout cursor
blid dc c'bl',h'00' Bell
clid dc c'cl',h'00' Clear screen and home cursor
soid dc c'so',h'00' Begin standout mode
seid dc c'se',h'00' End standout mode
cdid dc c'cd',h'00' Clear to end of display
ueid dc c'ue',h'00' End underscore mode
usid dc c'us',h'00' Begin underscore mode
klid dc c'kl',h'00' Left arrow key
krid dc c'kr',h'00' Right arrow key
kuid dc c'ku',h'00' Up key
kdid dc c'kd',h'00' Down key
sgtty anop
dc i1'0'
sg_ospeed dc i1'0'
dc i1'0'
dc i1'0'
sg_flags dc i2'0'
; Hold the address of the value of $TERM
hold_term_val ds 4
* outc for outputting characters by termcap
outc START
space equ 0
subroutine (2:char),space
lda char
jsr putchar
* move left x characters
moveleft START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
loop dex
bmi done
tputs (lecap,#0,#outc)
bra loop
done rts
* move right x characters
moveright START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
loop dex
bmi done
tputs (ndcap,#0,#outc)
bra loop
done rts
* cursor off
cursoroff START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
lda vicap
ldx vicap+2
jmp puts
done rts
* cursor on
cursoron START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
lda insertflag
beq dovs
lda vecap
ldx vecap+2
jmp puts
dovs lda vscap
ldx vscap+2
jmp puts
done rts
* Beep the bell if it's ok.
beep START
using vardata
using termdata
lda varnobeep
bne beepdone
lda termok
beq beepdone
tputs (blcap,#0,#outc)
beepdone rts
* clear the screen
clearscrn START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
tputs (clcap,#0,#outc)
done rts
* begin standout mode
standout START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
tputs (socap,#0,#outc)
done rts
* end standout mode
standend START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
tputs (secap,#0,#outc)
done rts
* begin underline mode
underline START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
tputs (uscap,#0,#outc)
done rts
* end underline mode
underend START
using termdata
lda termok
beq done
tputs (uecap,#0,#outc)
done rts
* TSET: builtin command
* syntax: tset
* reset the termcap for gsh
tset START
using global
status equ 0
space equ status+2
subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
stz status
lda argc
dec a
beq doterm
ldx #^Usage
lda #Usage
jsr errputs
inc status Return status = 1.
bra exit
doterm jsr readterm
exit return 2:status
usage dc c'Usage: tset',h'0d00'
* termcap data
termdata DATA
didReadTerm dc i2'0'
termok dc i2'0'
insertflag dc i2'1'
bp ds 4
areabuf ds 4
area ds 4
blcap ds 4
cdcap ds 4
clcap ds 4
lecap ds 4
ndcap ds 4
secap ds 4
socap ds 4
uecap ds 4
uscap ds 4
vecap ds 4
vicap ds 4
vscap ds 4