tribby e7f2691599 Changes for gsh version 2.0d7:
Fixed several memory leaks.

Prefix command without any parameter (to list the prefixes) would cause
memory corruption when prefix had been invoked previously with a parameter.

Sourcing a command file from within an exec file could cause gsh to
wait forever, depending upon the commands executed in the sourced file.

All built-in commands return appropriate status: 1 for error, 0 for no error.

Fixed several cases where incorrect value was set in $status.

Added usage strings for tset, hash, commands, and history.

Fixed memory corruption error when edit command had no parameters.

When system() is called with pointer = NULL or with a command string that
causes gsh to detect an error (e.g., incompatibility with | and <), return
status of -1. In other cases, return process's status rather than always 0.

System would crash when output from a non-forked command was piped to
another process; for example   clear | cat > /tmp/list
1998-12-21 23:57:08 +00:00

314 lines
6.6 KiB

* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: orca.asm,v 1.7 1998/12/21 23:57:07 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* Builtin command for ORCA editor
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/orca.mac
dummyorca start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
* EDIT: builtin command
* syntax: edit pathname...
* Invokes the ORCA editor and edits a file or files.
MAXPARMBUF gequ 1023
edit START
strPtr equ 0
inLoopPtr equ strPtr+4
argLoopPtr equ inLoopPtr+4
sLen equ argLoopPtr+4
pathLen equ sLen+2
pnum equ pathLen+2
editcommand equ pnum+2
retval equ editcommand+4
sFile equ retval+2 GSString255Ptr
inPath equ sFile+4
outPath equ inPath+4
space equ outPath+4
subroutine (4:argv,2:argc),space
lda argc Make sure there are two or
cmp #2 more parameters.
bcs enoughparms Otherwise,
ldx #^enofile report error:
lda #enofile no filename specified
jsr errputs
lda #1
sta retval
jmp donedealloc
; Allocate memory for sFile, inPath, and outPath
enoughparms anop
jsl alloc1024
sta sFile
stx sFile+2
ora sFile+2
beq memerr1
jsl alloc1024
sta inPath
stx inPath+2
ora inPath+2
beq memerr1
jsl alloc1024
sta outPath
stx outPath+2
ora outPath+2
bne noerr1
memerr1 ldx #^enomem Report error:
lda #enomem out of memory
jsr errputs
lda #-1
seterr sta retval
jmp goaway
; Parameters were provided, and memory has been allocated.
; Ready to start processing the filename(s).
noerr1 anop
stz retval Zero return status
stz sLen and length of source names.
lda #1 Initialize parameter
sta pnum number to 1.
lda sFile strPtr = sFile + 2
adc #2
sta strPtr
lda sFile+2
adc #0
sta strPtr+2
bra nodelimit Skip delimiter for 1st file.
; Loop for getting name, converting it to a full path, and
; appending it to sFile
doloop short m Between parameters:
lda #10 Store newline as delimiter
sta [strPtr] character in strPtr.
long m
inc sLen Bump string length
incad strPtr and pointer.
nodelimit anop
lda pnum Get parameter number
asl a and turn it into an
asl a index to the proper
tay argv pointer.
lda [argv],y Store address in
sta argLoopPtr direct page variable
iny2 argLoopPtr.
lda [argv],y
sta argLoopPtr+2
lda inPath Get address of text field
clc in inPath.
adc #2
sta inLoopPtr
lda inPath+2
adc #0
sta inLoopPtr+2
; Move argument into inPath, counting characters
ldy #0
whileloop lda [argLoopPtr],y Get next character of name.
and #$00FF If it's the terminating null,
beq donewhile done copying.
sta [inLoopPtr],y Store character (and null byte)
cpy #255 If < 255,
bcc whileloop stay in loop.
ldx #^einval Print error:
lda #einval invalid argument (filename too long)
jsr errputs
lda #2
bra seterr
donewhile tya Set length of GS/OS string inPath.
sta [inPath]
lda #1024 Set max len of result buffer outPath.
sta [outPath]
; Set up GS/OS ExpandPath parameter buffer and make call.
mv4 inPath,ep_inputPath
mv4 outPath,ep_outputPath
ExpandPath ep Expand the pathname.
; Note: The GS/OS reference says ExpandPath can detect invalid pathname
; syntax error, but I can't get this to happen (even with names like
; "::/^" and " "). Ignore errors and let the editor report them.
ldy #2 Get length of result string
lda [outPath],y
sta pathLen and store in pathLen.
adc sLen If accumulated length is
cmp #MAXPARMBUF beyond the maximum,
bcs doloopend don't add this name.
sta sLen Store accumulated length in sLen.
pei (pathLen) Append outPath string
pei (outPath+2) to the end of sFile's text.
lda outPath
adc #4
pei (strPtr+2)
pei (strPtr)
jsl rmemcpy
lda strPtr Add pathLen to strPtr.
adc pathLen
sta strPtr
lda strPtr+2
adc #0
sta strPtr+2
doloopend inc pnum pnum++
lda pnum if pnum < argc,
cmp argc
jcc doloop continue processing filenames.
; All of the arguments have been processed.
lda sLen Save length in
sta [sFile] GS/OS buffer.
; Set up shell SetLInfo parameter buffer and make call.
mv4 sFile,gl_sFile
SetLInfoGS gl Set the edit environment.
ph4 #editorvar Get value of environment
jsl getenv variable "editor".
sta editcommand
stx editcommand+2
ora editcommand+2
bne goteditvar If $editor is not defined,
ph4 #defedit use default value.
bra execit
goteditvar anop Add 4 to value returned by getenv
ldx editcommand+2 to get address of text portion.
lda editcommand
adc #4
bcc nobump
nobump anop
phx Push address onto stack.
execit ph2 #0 Tells execute we're called by system
jsl execute
sta retval
lda editcommand If getenv allocated it,
ora editcommand+2
beq goaway
pei (editcommand+2) free the "editcommand" string.
pei (editcommand)
jsl nullfree
; See which GS/OS buffers need to be deallocated
goaway lda sFile
ora sFile+2
beq donedealloc
ldx sFile+2
lda sFile
jsl free1024
lda inPath
ora inPath+2
beq donedealloc
ldx inPath+2
lda inPath
jsl free1024
lda outPath
ora outPath+2
beq donedealloc
ldx outPath+2
lda outPath
jsl free1024
; Return to caller with status set to value in retval
donedealloc return 2:retval
; Parameter block for GS/OS ExpandPath call (p. 140 in GS/OS Reference)
ep dc i2'2' pCount
ep_inputPath dc i4'0' input pointer (GS/OS string)
ep_outputPath dc i4'0' output pointer (GS/OS result buf)
; Error messages
enofile dc c'edit: no filename specified',h'0D00'
enomem dc c'edit: out of memory',h'0D00'
einval dc c'edit: invalid argument (filename too long)',h'0D00'
; Parameter block for shell SetLInfo call (p. 433 in ORCA/M book)
gl anop
dc i2'11' pCount
gl_sfile dc i4'0' source file name (GS/OS string)
dc i4'nullparm' output file name (compile/link)
dc i4'nullparm' names in NAMES parameter list (compile)
dc i4'nullparm' compiler commands (compiler)
dc i1'0' max err level allowed (compile/link)
dc i1'0' max err level found (compile/link)
dc i1'0' operations flags (compile/link)
dc i1'0' keep flag (compile)
dc i4'0' minus flags (see ASML command descr)
dc i4'$08000000' plus flags [+E] (see ASML)
dc i4'0' origin (link)
nullparm dc i2'0'
editorvar gsstr 'editor' Name of editor environment variable
defedit dc c'4:editor',h'00' Default value for editor