gdr-ftp c2d4a9371b gno.h:
- Added declaration for the global "__progname".
	- Added prototypes for sprintmt(3) and vsprintmt(3).
1998-10-31 18:50:44 +00:00

144 lines
3.9 KiB

* gno/gno.h This collection of declarations are for routines that
* reside in libc, but are Apple IIgs or GNO specific.
* $Id: gno.h,v 1.5 1998/10/31 18:50:44 gdr-ftp Exp $
#ifndef _GNO_GNO_H_
#define _GNO_GNO_H_
#ifndef _SYS_CDEFS_H_
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#ifndef _SYS_TYPES_H_
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <types.h>
#ifndef _STDLIB_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
* Don't use va_list in these prototypes. Va_list is typedef'd in two
* places (<machine/varargs.h> and <machine/stdarg.h>), so if we include one
* of them here we may collide with the utility's includes. It's unreasonable
* for utilities to have to include one of them to include err.h, so we get
* _BSD_VA_LIST_ from <machine/ansi.h> and use it.
#ifndef _MACHINE_ANSI_H_
#include <machine/ansi.h>
#ifndef udispatch
#define udispatch 0xE10008
/* Arguments to setdebug(2) -- unverified */
#define dbgGSOS 0x0001
#define dbgPATH 0x0002
#define dbgERROR 0x0004
#define dbgSIG 0x0008
#define dbgSYSCALL 0x0010
#define dbgPBLOCK 0x0020
/* Environment Information */
extern char * __progname;
char * __prognameGS __P((void));
char * buildCmd __P((char * const *));
int buildEnv __P((char * const *));
char * buildPath __P((const char *));
int isRootPath __P((const char *));
int needsgno __P((void));
int setdebug __P((int));
void * setsystemvector __P((void *));
int InstallNetDriver __P((caddr_t netcore, short domain));
void SetGNOQuitRec __P((word pCount, GSStringPtr pathname,
word flags));
#if defined(__ORCAC__) && !defined(__KERN_STATUS)
#define __KERN_STATUS /* conflict with <gno/kerntool.h> */
pascal int kernVersion(void) inline(0x0403, udispatch);
pascal int kernStatus(void) inline(0x0603, udispatch);
/* Stack Checking */
void _assertStack __P((unsigned int, int, const char *));
void _beginStackCheck __P((void));
int _endStackCheck __P((void));
unsigned int _getStackBottom __P((void));
void _reportStack __P((void));
#ifdef __STACK_CHECK__
#define __REPORT_STACK _reportStack
#define __REPORT_STACK()
/* String Conversions */
#define GIfree(a) free(a)
#define GOfree(a) free(a)
GSStringPtr __C2GS __P((const char *, GSStringPtr));
GSStringPtr __C2GSMALLOC __P((const char *));
char * __GS2C __P((char *, const GSStringPtr));
char * __GS2CMALLOC __P((const GSStringPtr));
GSStringPtr GIinit __P((word, const char *));
GSStringPtr GIchange __P((GSStringPtr, word, const char *));
ResultBufPtr GOinit __P((word, const char *));
ResultBufPtr GOchange __P((ResultBufPtr, word, const char *));
/* Mapping */
char * _mapPath __P((char *));
GSStringPtr _mapPathGS __P((GSStringPtr));
int _getPathMapping __P((void));
int _setPathMapping __P((int));
mode_t _mapMode2GS __P((mode_t));
mode_t _mapMode2Unix __P((mode_t));
int _getModeEmulation __P((void));
int _setModeEmulation __P((int));
int _mapErr __P((int));
/* Low-level multithread safe routines */
char * sprintmt __P((char *, size_t, const char *, ...));
char * vsprintmt __P((char *, size_t, const char *, _BSD_VA_LIST_));
/* Message Passing IPC */
int procsend __P((pid_t, unsigned long));
unsigned long procreceive __P((void));
unsigned long procrecvtim __P((short));
unsigned long procrecvclr __P((void));
/* Job Control */
int tcnewpgrp __P((int));
int tctpgrp __P((int, pid_t));
int settpgrp __P((int));
/* Semaphores */
int scount __P((int));
int screate __P((int));
int sdelete __P((int));
int ssignal __P((int));
int swait __P((int));
/* Timers */
unsigned long alarm10 __P((unsigned long tenths));
/* Network */
int InstallNetDriver __P((void *pr_usrreq, int domain));
/* Kernel Virtual Memory */
#ifdef KERNEL
kvm_t * kvm_open __P((void)); /* non-BSD */
int kvm_close __P((kvm_t *));
struct pentry * kvm_getproc __P((kvm_t *, pid_t));
struct pentry * kvm_nextproc __P((kvm_t *));
int kvm_setproc __P((kvm_t *));
#endif /* _GNO_GNO_H_ */