tribby ddb82cb2e0 Remaining files for awk 2.0 that were left out of the previous checkin.
Maybe someday I'll become adept at using cvs...
1998-04-07 17:06:53 +00:00

59 lines
2.0 KiB

# prchecks - print formatted checks
# input: number \t amount \t payee
# output: eight lines of text for preprinted check forms
FS = "\t"
dashes = sp45 = sprintf("%45s", " ")
gsub(/ /, "-", dashes) # to protect the payee
### Just use a fixed date: to avoid pipe and to ensure consistency
## "date" | getline date # get today's date
## split(date, d, " ")
## date = d[2] ". " d[3] ", " d[6]
date = "Mar. 7, 1998"
initnum() # set up tables for number conversion
NF != 3 {
printf("\nrec %d has %d fields:\n|%s|\n\nVOID\nVOID\n\n\n",
NR, NF, $0)
{ printf("\n") # nothing on line 1
printf("%s%s\n", sp45, $1) # number, indented 45 spaces
printf("%s%s\n", sp45, date) # date, indented 45 spaces
amt = sprintf("%.2f", $2) # formatted amount
printf("Pay to %45.45s $%s\n", $3 dashes, amt) # line 4
printf("the sum of %s\n", numtowords(amt)) # line 5
printf("\n\n\n") # lines 6, 7 and 8
function numtowords(n, cents, dols, s) { # n has 2 decimal places
cents = substr(n, length(n)-1, 2)
dols = substr(n, 1, length(n)-3)
if (dols == 0)
s = "zero dollars and " cents " cents exactly"
s = intowords(dols) " dollars and " cents " cents exactly"
sub(/^one dollars/, "one dollar", s)
gsub(/ +/, " ", s)
return s
function intowords(n) {
n = int(n)
if (n >= 1000000)
if (n >= 1000)
return intowords(n/1000) " thousand " intowords(n%1000)
if (n >= 100)
return intowords(n/100) " hundred " intowords(n%100)
if (n >= 20)
return tens[int(n/10)] " " intowords(n%10)
return nums[n]
function initnum() {
split("one two three four five six seven eight nine " \
"ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen " \
"sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen", nums, " ")
split("ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty " \
"seventy eighty ninety", tens, " ")