This is test(1) for GNO/ME.  For those of you familiar with it
from other platforms, it is a minimal BSD version, not a code-bloated
GNU version.  For those not familiar with it, read the man page.

I admit that this has limited functionality with gsh, but it will
become more useful when sh(1) comes out ...

For copying info, see the legalese at the beginning of the file
test.c, or the man page (you have to view the file directly rather
than than via nroff(1) to see it).

Also, regarding the GNO binary:

	This program contains material from the ORCA/C Run-Time
	Libraries, copyright 1987-1996 by Byte Works, Inc.  Used
	with permission.

If you have problems with this, let me know.  It was a two-hour port.

Devin Reade
February, 1996