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passwd, ps, purge, shutdown, stty, upper, and vi. These sources are for the versions of the utils shipped with GNO v2.0.4.
210 lines
5.8 KiB
210 lines
5.8 KiB
** passwd - change user passwords
** Programmed by: Eric Shepherd
** Date: September 6, 1993
** Requires GNO 2.0
** Revision history:
** 1.0: Updated version numbers to final.
** 1.0b1: Changed the sleep(1) call to an asm { cop
** 0x7F };. Also removed the "conflict" error
** message. Instead, if the call to remove
** /etc/passwd fails, we sleep and retry until
** it succeeds, thus eliminating the problem...
** there's no significant reason why that file
** will stay open longer than a moment or two.
** 1.0a4: Now uses getpass(), since it's been fixed.
** 1.0a3: Adjusted closing code to shrink the window
** during which the system is vulnerable to
** becoming unprotected. Also added code to
** retry renaming passwd.new until it succeeds.
** 1.0a2: Optimized code, added optimize and stacksize
** pragmas, added new error message for the
** off chance that the rename could fail. Code
** size reduced by about 2K.
** 1.0a1: Works completely, except that getpass()
** crashes all the time, so I don't use it.
** Also, due to apparent login bug, sometimes
** the /etc/passwd file doesn't get updated --
** the corrected file is in /etc/passwd.new.
#pragma optimize -1
#pragma stacksize 512
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gno/gno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
extern char *crypt(char *key, char *salt);
extern char *getpass(char *prompt);
char entry[129];
static unsigned char salttab[] = /* table of chars. for salt */
void usage(void) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: passwd [-v|?] [username]\n");
void makesalt(char *salt, long seed) {
int num = 2;
while (--num >= 0) {
*salt++ = salttab[seed&0x3f];
seed >= 6;
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
extern int optind;
int ch, uid, tries;
char password[9]; /* password string (8+\0) */
char *p, *t;
char salt[3];
FILE *passfile, *newpass; /* file /etc/newpasswd */
char *uname; /* pointer to username to change passwd of */
struct passwd *passwdRec;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "v?")) != EOF)
switch (ch) {
case 'v':
fprintf(stderr, "GNO passwd v1.0 by Eric Shepherd (September 6, 1993)\n");
case '?':
argc -= optind; /* move to next option */
argv += optind;
/* if no username supplied, use the current user's name */
uid = getuid(); /* get the user's ID */
switch(argc) {
case 1:
uname = argv[0];
if (!(passwdRec = getpwnam(uname))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown user %s.\n", uname);
/* the following code verifies that the user only tries to
change his own password, unless he is superuser */
if (uid && uid != passwdRec->pw_uid) {
fprintf(stderr, "You can't change other users' passwords.\n");
case 0:
passwdRec = getpwuid(uid);
uname = passwdRec->pw_name; /* make sure we have the right one */
/* Here's the code to handle changing passwords */
printf("Changing password for user %s.\n", uname);
if (uid && strlen(passwdRec->pw_passwd) &&
strcmp(crypt(getpass("Old password:"), passwdRec->pw_passwd),
passwdRec->pw_passwd)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Password incorrect.\n");
for (password[0] = '\0', tries = 0;;) {
p = getpass("New password:");
if (!*p) {
printf("Password unchanged.\n");
if (strlen(p) <= 5 && (uid != 0 || ++tries < 2)) {
printf("Please enter a longer password.\n");
/* Let only root assign easy passwords */
for (t = p; *t && islower(*t); ++t);
if (!*t && (uid != 0 || ++tries < 2)) {
printf("All-lower-case passwords can be easy to break. Please use unusual\ncapitalization, control characters, and digits.\n");
strcpy(password, p); /* snag a copy of the password */
if (!strcmp(password, getpass("Retype new password:")))
break; /* ah! got it! */
printf("That's not what you typed the first time. Please start over, or\nhit CTRL-@ to quit.\n");
/* create salt randomly after seeding the random number generator */
srand((int) time((time_t *) NULL));
makesalt(&salt[0], rand());
/* Copy /etc/passwd to /etc/passwd.new, line-by-line, skipping
the entry for the user whose password is changing -- insert
the new entry instead. */
if (!(passfile = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open /etc/passwd.\n");
if (!(newpass = fopen("/etc/passwd.new", "w"))) {
fclose(passfile); /* it's already open, so close it -- unlike login :) */
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write new /etc/passwd.\n");
while (!feof(passfile)) {
if (strncmp(passwdRec->pw_name, fgets(entry, 129, passfile),
fputs(entry, newpass); /* not us -- just copy it */
fprintf(newpass, "%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%s:%s\n", passwdRec->pw_name,
crypt(password, salt), passwdRec->pw_uid, passwdRec->pw_gid,
passwdRec->pw_comment, passwdRec->pw_dir, passwdRec->pw_shell);
asm { cop 0x7F }; /* Jawaid sez this is better than sleep(1) */
/* Erase the old file and rename the new one */
while (remove("/etc/passwd"))
sleep(1); /* Keep trying */
fclose(newpass); /* NOW close the new file */
/* As long as the rename fails, wait a moment, then try again */
while (rename("/etc/passwd.new", "/etc/passwd"))
sleep(1); /* sleep one second before trying again */