mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 11:29:24 +00:00
(PR#85, PR#86): For login shells (command line starts with '-'), If $PATH doesn't start with ':' or contain a space, change all ":" to " ". source /etc/glogin source $HOME/glogin $HOME/gshrc is sourced afterward for both login and non-login shells. Don't the print number of hashed commands (from "rehash") until all initialization is completed. Only pass exported environment variables to child processes, and prevent child processes from changing parent's environment. A null command followed by a redirection of stdout, for example > /tmp/list would cause an error message "<garbage> not found" due to incorrect setting of command buffer pointer. Filename completion did not work following ">&" or ">" without a trailing space. Entabbed all the asm files, saving more than 36,000 bytes.
446 lines
7.5 KiB
446 lines
7.5 KiB
* The GNO Shell Project
* Developed by:
* Jawaid Bazyar
* Tim Meekins
* $Id: prompt.asm,v 1.6 1998/09/08 16:53:12 tribby Exp $
* By Tim Meekins
* Modified by Dave Tribby for GNO 2.0.6
* This displays the command-line prompt
* Note: text set up for tabs at col 16, 22, 41, 49, 57, 65
* | | | | | |
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
mcopy /obj/gno/bin/gsh/prompt.mac
dummyprompt start ; ends up in .root
setcom 60
WritePrompt START
using HistoryData
prompt equ 0
promptgsbuf equ prompt+4
usergsbuf equ promptgsbuf+4
hour equ usergsbuf+4
minute equ hour+2
offset equ minute+2
pfx equ offset+2
space equ pfx+4
year equ hour
monday equ minute
precmd equ prompt
subroutine (0:dummy),space
ph4 #precmdstr If "precmd" alias is defined,
jsl findalias
sta precmd
stx precmd+2
ora precmd+2
beq getvar
pei (precmd+2) execute it before parsing prompt.
pei (precmd)
ph2 #0
jsl execute
; Get value of $PROMPT environment variable
getvar ph4 #promptname
jsl getenv
php Turn off interrupts: mutex
sei won't do what we want!
sta promptgsbuf Save pointer to GS/OS result buffer.
stx promptgsbuf+2 If there is no memory to hold it,
ora promptgsbuf+2 it's undefined, or it has a
bne parseprompt length of 0,
ldx #^dfltPrompt
lda #dfltPrompt
jsr puts print the default prompt
bra donemark2 and exit.
; Prompt string begins in result buffer after the two length words
parseprompt anop
lda promptgsbuf
adc #4
sta prompt
lda promptgsbuf+2
adc #0
sta prompt+2
promptloop lda [prompt]
incad prompt
and #$FF
beq done
cmp #'%'
beq special
cmp #'!'
jeq phist
cmp #'\'
jeq quoteit
_putchar jsr putchar
bra promptloop
done jsr standend
jsr cursoron
donemark2 anop
plp Restore interrupts.
pei (promptgsbuf+2) Free $PROMPT value buffer
pei (promptgsbuf)
jsl nullfree
jsr flush
; Previous character was a "%". Handle special character flags
special lda [prompt] Get character following "%".
incad prompt
and #$FF
beq done If end of string, all done.
cmp #'%' If another "%",
beq _putchar print the "%"
cmp #'h' If 'h'
beq phist
cmp #'!' or '!',
beq phist print history number.
cmp #'t' If 't'
beq ptime
cmp #'@' or '@',
beq ptime print time (am/pm format)
cmp #'S' If 'S',
jeq pstandout turn inverse mode on.
cmp #'s' If 's',
jeq pstandend turn inverse mode off.
cmp #'U' If 'U',
jeq punderline turn underline mode on.
cmp #'u' If 'u',
jeq punderend turn underline mode off
cmp #'d' If 'd'
jeq pcwd
cmp #'/' or '/',
jeq pcwd print working directory.
cmp #'c' If 'c'
jeq pcwdend
cmp #'C' or 'C'
jeq pcwdend
cmp #'.' or '.',
jeq pcwdend print final part of wrk dir.
cmp #'n' If 'n',
jeq puser print $USER
cmp #'W' If 'W',
jeq pdate1 print date (mm/dd/yy)
cmp #'D' If 'D',
jeq pdate2 print date (yy-mm-dd)
cmp #'~' If '~',
jeq ptilde print wrk dir with ~ subs.
jmp promptloop If none of these characters, ignore it.
; Put history number
phist lda lasthist
inc a
jsr WriteNum
jmp promptloop
; Print current time
ptime ReadTimeHex (minute,hour,@a,@a)
lda hour
and #$FF
if2 @a,cc,#13,ptime2
sub2 @a,#12,@a
ptime2 if2 @a,ne,#0,ptime2b
lda #12
ptime2b jsr WriteNum
lda #':'
jsr putchar
lda minute
and #$FF
cmp #10
bcs ptime2a
lda #'0'
jsr putchar
ptime2a pla
jsr WriteNum
lda hour
and #$FF
if2 @a,cs,#12,ptime3
ptime5 lda #'a'
bra ptime4
ptime3 lda #'p'
ptime4 jsr putchar
lda #'m'
jmp _putchar
; Set Stand Out (turn on inverse mode)
pstandout jsr standout
jmp promptloop
; UnSet Stand Out (turn off inverse mode)
pstandend jsr standend
jmp promptloop
; Set Underline
punderline jsr underline
jmp promptloop
; UnSet Underline
punderend jsr underend
jmp promptloop
; Current working directory
pcwd anop
pea 0
jsl getpfxstr Get value of prefix 0.
sta pfx
stx pfx+2
ora pfx+2 If NULL pointer returned,
jeq promptloop an error was reported.
ldy #4 Text starts at byte 4.
pcwd1 lda [pfx],y Get next
and #$FF character.
beq freepfx Done when at end of string.
jsr toslash Convert to slash.
phy Hold index on stack
jsr putchar while printing character.
iny Bump index
bra pcwd1 and stay in loop.
freepfx ph4 pfx Free the current directory buffer.
jsl nullfree
jmp promptloop
; Tail of current working directory
pcwdend anop
pea 0
jsl getpfxstr Get value of prefix 0.
sta pfx
stx pfx+2
ora pfx+2 If NULL pointer returned,
jeq promptloop an error was reported.
ldy #2 Get string's length word
lda [pfx],y from bytes 2 & 3.
clc Add 3 to get offset
adc #3 from beginning of buffer.
sta offset
pcwdend1 dey If we've backed up to the beginning,
bmi pcwdend2 we can't go any further!
lda [pfx],y Get next character.
and #$FF
cmp #':' If it's not ':',
bne pcwdend1 keep searching backward.
pcwdend2 iny
cpy offset
jeq freepfx Free the current directory buffer.
lda [pfx],y
and #$FF
cmp #':'
jeq freepfx Free the current directory buffer.
jsr putchar
bra pcwdend2
; Current working directory substituting '~' if necessary
ptilde anop
pea 0
jsl getpfxstr Get value of prefix 0.
sta pfx
stx pfx+2
ora pfx+2 If NULL pointer returned,
jeq promptloop an error was reported.
lda pfx Otherwise, restore low-order address.
clc Add 4 to start of buffer
adc #4 so it can be treated like
bcc pushad a c-string.
pushad phx
jsl path2tilde Convert $HOME to "~"
phx Push addr onto stack
pha for nullfree.
jsr puts Print tilde string.
jsl nullfree Free the converted string.
jmp freepfx Free the current directory buffer.
; Write user name
puser ph4 #username Get value of $USER
jsl getenv
sta usergsbuf If buffer wasn't allocated
stx usergsbuf+2
ora usergsbuf+2
beq goploop ignore it.
lda usergsbuf Text begins after
adc #4 four bytes of
bcc printit length words.
printit jsr puts
pei (usergsbuf+2) Free $USER value buffer
pei (usergsbuf)
jsl nullfree
goploop jmp promptloop
; Write date as mm/dd/yy
pdate1 ReadTimeHex (@a,year,monday,@a)
lda monday
and #$FF00
inc a
jsr WriteNum
lda #'/'
jsr putchar
lda monday
and #$FF
inc a
jsr WriteNum
lda #'/'
jsr putchar
lda year
and #$FF00
jsr WriteNum
jmp promptloop
; Write date as yy-mm-dd
pdate2 ReadTimeHex (@a,year,monday,@a)
lda year
and #$FF00
jsr WriteNum
lda #'-'
jsr putchar
lda monday
and #$FF00
inc a
jsr WriteNum
lda #'-'
jsr putchar
lda monday
and #$FF
inc a
jsr WriteNum
jmp promptloop
; check for \ quote
quoteit lda [prompt]
incad prompt
and #$FF
jeq done
cmp #'n'
beq newline
cmp #'r'
beq newline
cmp #'t'
beq tab
cmp #'b'
beq backspace
jmp _putchar
newline lda #13
jmp _putchar
tab lda #9
jmp _putchar
backspace lda #8
jmp _putchar
; Write a number between 0 and 9,999
WriteNum cmp #10
bcs write1
adc #'0'
jmp putchar
write1 cmp #100
bcs write2
Int2Dec (@a,#num+2,#2,#0)
ldx #^num+2
lda #num+2
jmp puts
write2 cmp #1000
bcs write3
Int2Dec (@a,#num+1,#3,#0)
ldx #^num+1
lda #num+1
jmp puts
write3 Int2Dec (@a,#num,#4,#0)
ldx #^num
lda #num
jmp puts
; Name of alias to execute before prompt
precmdstr dc c'precmd',h'00'
; Names of environment variables
promptname gsstr 'prompt'
username gsstr 'user'
; Default prompt
dfltPrompt dc c'% ',h'00'
num dc c'0000',h'00'