#!/usr/binenv ruby -w def dump_rules(rules) # create another hash for the hash code. index = [] rules.each {|key, value| # 1.8 doesn't have getbyte() # string[] returns a byte in 1.8, string in 1.9 byte = key.bytes.next() byte |= 0x20 byte ^= key.length byte &= 0x0f index[byte] ||= [] index[byte].push(key) } indent6 = " " index.each_index {|ix| array = index[ix] next unless array printf(" case 0x%02x:\n", ix) array.each{|key| offset = 0 printf(" // %s\n", key) printf(" if (size == %d\n", key.length) key.scan(/..?/) {|xx| tmp = xx.unpack("C*") tmp = tmp.map {|xxx| xxx | 0x20 } if tmp.length == 2 tmp = (tmp[0]) + (tmp[1] << 8 ) printf(" && (wp[%d] | 0x2020) == 0x%04x // '%s'\n", offset, tmp, xx ) offset += 1 else tmp = tmp[0] printf(" && (cp[%d] | 0x20) == 0x%02x // '%s'\n", offset * 2, tmp, xx ) end } # scan puts(" ) {") rules[key].each {|x| puts(indent6 + x) } puts(" }") } printf(" break;\n\n") } end ARGV.each {|filename| state = 0 substate = 0 header = [] trailer = [] tmp = [] rule = nil rules = {} IO.foreach(filename) {|line| #line.chomp! line.sub!(/\s*$/, ''); #trim trailing space #next if line == '' if line == '%%' state = state + 1 raise "Too many sections" if state > 3 next end case state when 0 raise "invalid section" unless line == '' next when 1 header.push(line) next when 2 trailer.push(line) next end # state 3 if !rule next if line == '' if line =~ /^'([a-zA-Z0-9.+_\/-]+)'\s*->$/ rule = $1; raise "duplicate rule: #{rule}" if rules[rule] next else raise "oops #{line}" end end if line == '.' rules[rule] = tmp tmp = [] rule = nil else tmp.push(line) end } if state != 3 || rule raise "unexpected EOF" end header.each {|x| puts x } dump_rules(rules) trailer.each{|x| puts x } }