SMB_Open_ANDX support - Open a file for reading...

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Shepherd 2015-05-24 22:38:55 -04:00
parent a9bc75e5f6
commit 53d716efaa
3 changed files with 212 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
CIFS / SMB2 navel gazing, in 65816 assembly.
5/24/2015 - Current status: Connects on port 445, completes Protocol Negotiation, successfully sends login (on Setup_ANDX message), obsolete LM (DES) style password. sends successful Tree_ANDX message, thus connecting to a remote share.
5/24/2015 - Current status: Connects on port 445, completes Protocol Negotiation, successfully sends login (on Setup_ANDX message), obsolete LM (DES) style password. Sends successful Tree_ANDX message, thus connecting to a remote share. Sends Open_ANDX message message, opening a file.
Build 'CMD.S' with Merlin32 and the included Library directory.

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* Saturday, May 9, 2015 - Receive and interpret NEG_PROT reply and start login
* Sunday, May 24, 2015 - Some bugfixes, Tool128 and Tool129 requirement for hashing and DES, LM password hashing support
* Also introducing successful SMB_Tree_ANDX message. We connect to remote shares now.
* Also introducing SMB_Open_ANDX message. We open a file now.
* smb.c / smb.h from libOGC
@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ noevent4 PushLong MySMBHandle
jsr SMB_Setup_Poll
pla ; get negotiation status
bcc sendloop3
@ -722,7 +723,39 @@ noevent5 PushLong MySMBHandle
jsr SMB_TreeX_Poll
bcc sendloop4
; SMB_OpenFile
openf PushLong CTSWinPtr
PushWord #1350
PushLong #CTSTextC
PushLong MySMBHandle
PushLong #SMB_target_file
jsr SMB_OpenFile
sendloop5 PushWord #0000
PushWord #$0006
PushLong #EventRec
beq noevent6
PushWord #0000
PushLong #00000000
cmp #2
bne noevent6
jmp breakndie
noevent6 PushLong MySMBHandle
jsr SMB_OpenFile_Poll
bcc sendloop5
jmp SMB_staging_brk
@ -946,6 +979,7 @@ CTSText9 str 'Status: Connected, CIFS negotiating'
CTSTextA str 'Status: Connect Failed'
CTSTextB str 'Status: Logging In'
CTSTextC str 'Status: Mounting Share'
CTSTextD str 'Status: Opening \\testfile'
CTSItem6 dw 1360 ; id
dw 77,120,87,300 ; bounds
@ -1177,6 +1211,7 @@ SMB_lm_hash ds 21 ; LM Hash, actually 16 bytes but the extra zeroes make
SMB_lm_response ds 24 ; LM Response
SMB_target_tree asc '\\LIVINGROOM\GSFILES'00 ; remote tree to connect to
SMB_target_svc asc '?????'00 ; service type (wildcard)
SMB_target_file asc '\\TESTFILE'00 ; file to download
* SMB packet staging area
* TODO these will probably be dynamically allocated too?
@ -1906,6 +1941,10 @@ tft_far
cmp #0000
bne tf_trampoline ; they returned an error, kbye
lda SMB_input+SMB_offset_tid
ldy #SMB_sess_tid-SMB_sess_begin
sta [SMB_sessid],y ; save returned TID
* TODO save remote servicetype or filesystem type?
treex_finished plx ; our return address
@ -1932,12 +1971,11 @@ treex_proceeding
* Arguments:
* SMB session handle (two words, on stack)
* Long pointer to filename (two words, on stack)
* Access flags (one word, on stack)
* Creation flags (one word, on stack)
* Things I return on stack:
* A = SMB filehandle id
* Carry flag set if error
SMB_OpenFile plx ; return address
PullLong SMB_tmp1 ; filename
PullLong SMB_sessid
phx ; saved return address
@ -1946,10 +1984,179 @@ SMB_OpenFile plx ; return address
PushWord #CIFS_flags2 ; flags2
jsr _InitSMBHeader ; make an SMB header with this information
sep $30
mx %11
lda #15
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size ; word count
lda #$ff
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+1 ; next AndX
lda #$00
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+2 ; AndX Reserved
rep $30
mx %00
lda #$0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+3 ; AndX Offset
lda #$0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+5 ; Flags
lda #SMB_open_reading
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+7 ; Access Mode
lda #0006
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+9 ; ??
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+11 ; type of file
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+13 ; file attributes
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+15 ; file time (don't care, let server decide)
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+17
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+19 ; creation flags
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+21 ; creation flags2?
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+23 ; allocation size
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+25 ; allocation size
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+27 ; reserved[0] must be zero
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+31 ; reserved[1] must be zero
lda #0000
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+35 ; byte count
lda #0004
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+37 ; BufferFormat (8-bit)
lda #0
sta SMB_tmp5 ; initialize pointer
; Target File
PushLong #SMB_tmp1 ; source
pea #^SMB_staging ; destination
lda #SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+38
adc SMB_tmp5
jsr _strcpy
adc SMB_tmp5
sta SMB_tmp5
sta SMB_staging+SMB_header_size+35 ; update byte count
adc #SMB_header_size+33
pha ; 'length' parameter for _SMB_Send
sta SMB_staging+SMB_offset_tcplength+1 ; save length for naked-TCP dgram
jsr _SMB_Send ; send our reply!
* SMB_OpenFile_Poll - Call me until I tell you to stop, to receive and complete SMB Tree_ANDX
* Arguments:
* SMB session handle (two words, on stack)
* Things I return on stack:
* Setup status (word)
* $0000 - Setup proceeding
* $0001 - Setup finished
* $0002 - Setup failed
* Carry flag set means you can stop calling me
plx ; our return address
PullLong SMB_sessid ; your smb sessid
PushWord #0000 ; space for result
ldy #SMB_sess_ipid-SMB_sess_begin
lda [SMB_sessid],y
pha ; push Marinetti IPID for this SMB_sessid
PushLong #statbuf
_TCPIPStatusTCP ; see if marinetti has anything for us
beq of_trampoline
cmp #terrBADIPID
beq of_trampoline
lda statbuf+8 ; get recvq size, low word
cmp #0000 ; yeah i know. for clarity.
beq op_trampoline ; poll us again later, marinetti got nothing
PushWord #0000 ; space for result
ldy #SMB_sess_ipid-SMB_sess_begin
lda [SMB_sessid],y
pha ; push Marinetti IPID for this SMB_sessid
PushWord #0000 ; bufftype: static pre-allocated buffer
PushLong #SMB_input ; where it's all goin
PushLong #SMB_max_net_read_size
PushLong #readbuf
beq of_trampoline
cmp #terrBADIPID
beq of_trampoline
jsr _SMB_Check ; do basic check to make sure we received SMB data
bcs op_trampoline ; if not, wait for them to send again i guess
bra oft_far
of_trampoline jmp openx_failed
op_trampoline jmp openx_proceeding
lda SMB_input+SMB_offset_cmd
cmp #SMB_open_ANDX
bne op_trampoline ; punt if not setup_ANDX reply
lda SMB_input+SMB_offset_eclass
cmp #0000
bne of_trampoline ; they returned an error, kbye
lda SMB_input+SMB_header_size+5 ; saved returned sfid
openx_finished plx ; our return address
PushWord #0001 ; finished!
openx_failed plx ; our return address
PushWord #0002 ; failure
plx ; our return address
PushWord #0000 ; in progress
* SMB_CloseFile - Close an open file on the remote share
* Arguments:

Binary file not shown.