2015-05-09 15:40:04 -04:00

28 lines
794 B

; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986, 1987
; All Rights Reserved
ogood equ $00 ; Boolean - SFReplyRec - TRUE for open; FALSE for
ofileType equ $02 ; Word - SFReplyRec - ProDOS file type
oauxFileType equ $04 ; Word - SFReplyRec - ProDOS aux file type
ofilename equ $06 ; Byte - SFReplyRec - Name of file in prefix 0
ofullPathname equ $22 ; Byte - SFReplyRec - The full pathname of
; the selected file.
noDisplay equ $0000 ; filterProc result - file not to be display
noSelect equ $0001 ; filterProc result - file displayed, but not
; selectable
displaySelect equ $0002 ; filterProc result - file displayed and
; selectable