2023-05-11 11:23:58 -04:00

262 lines
5.5 KiB

// GSLA - GS LZB Animation Tool
// Look in gsla_file.cpp/h for more information about the file format
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include "c2_file.h"
#include "gsla_file.h"
static void helpText()
printf("GSLA - v1.1\n");
printf("GS Lzb Animation Creation Tool\n");
printf("\ngsla [options] <input_file> <outfile>\n\n");
printf("\t-t<bytes> Throttle bytes per frame\n");
printf("\t-g<x>x<y> Grid size, default 8x8\n");
printf("\nExample: gsla -t2960 -g8x8 movie.c2 movie.gsla\n\n");
printf("Converts from C2 to GSLA\n");
// Local helper functions
static bool contains(char x, const char* pSeparators)
while (*pSeparators)
if (x == *pSeparators)
return true;
return false;
static std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s, const char* separators)
std::vector<std::string> output;
std::string::size_type prev_pos = 0, pos = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < s.length(); ++index)
pos = index;
// if the index is a separator
if (contains(s[index], separators))
// if we've skipped a token, collect it
if (prev_pos != index)
output.push_back(s.substr(prev_pos, index-prev_pos));
// skip white space here
while (index < s.length())
if (contains(s[index], separators))
prev_pos = index;
pos = index;
output.push_back(s.substr(prev_pos, pos-prev_pos+1)); // Last word
return output;
static std::string toLower(const std::string s)
std::string result = s;
for (int idx = 0; idx < result.size(); ++idx)
result[ idx ] = (char)tolower(result[idx]);
return result;
// Case Insensitive
static bool endsWith(const std::string& S, const std::string& SUFFIX)
bool bResult = false;
std::string s = toLower(S);
std::string suffix = toLower(SUFFIX);
bResult = s.rfind(suffix) == (s.size()-suffix.size());
return bResult;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char* pInfilePath = nullptr;
char* pOutfilePath = nullptr;
int throttle=0; // no throttling
// default 8x8 grid
int gridSizeX = 8;
int gridSizeY = 8;
// index 0 is the executable name
if (argc < 2) helpText();
for (int idx = 1; idx < argc; ++idx )
char* arg = argv[ idx ];
if ('-' == arg[0])
// Parse as an option
if ('t' == arg[1])
// Set throttle size, which enables throttling
throttle = atoi(&arg[2]);
printf("Throttle = %d bytes per frame\n",throttle);
if ('g' == arg[1])
// set grid size for the throttler (this effects the pattern, when throttling kicks in)
std::string gridstring = toLower(&arg[2]);
std::vector<std::string> values = split(gridstring, "x");
if (values.size() != 2)
printf("invalid grid size setting: %s\n", arg);
gridSizeX = atoi(values[0].c_str());
gridSizeY = atoi(values[1].c_str());
else if (nullptr == pInfilePath)
// Assume the first non-option is an input file path
pInfilePath = argv[ idx ];
else if (nullptr == pOutfilePath)
// Assume second non-option is an output file path
pOutfilePath = argv[ idx ];
// Oh Crap, we have a non-option, but we don't know what to do with
// it
printf("ERROR: Invalid option, Arg %d = %s\n\n", idx, argv[ idx ]);
if (pInfilePath)
// See what we can do with the input file path
// could be a .gsla file, for a .c2 file, or maybe a series of .c1 files
if (endsWith(pInfilePath, ".c2") || endsWith(pInfilePath, "#c20000"))
// It's a C2 file
printf("Loading C2 File %s\n", pInfilePath);
C2File c2data( pInfilePath );
int frameCount = c2data.GetFrameCount();
if (frameCount < 1)
// c2 file can't be valid, if there are no frames
printf("C2 File seems invalid.\n");
if (pOutfilePath)
if (0 != throttle)
printf("Grid Size = %dx%d\n", gridSizeX, gridSizeY);
int numCellsX = 320/gridSizeX;
int numCellsY = 200/gridSizeY;
printf("Cell Count = %dx%d\n", numCellsX, numCellsY);
int numCells = numCellsX*numCellsY;
printf("Cell Total = %d\n", numCells);
printf("Each cell min budget = %d bytes\n", throttle/numCells);
c2data.ApplyThrottle(throttle, gridSizeX, gridSizeY);
const std::vector<unsigned char*>& c1Datas = c2data.GetPixelMaps();
printf("Saving %s with %d frames\n", pOutfilePath, (int)c1Datas.size());
GSLAFile anim(320,200, 0x8000);
#if 1
// Verify the conversion is good
// Load the file back in
GSLAFile verify(pOutfilePath);
const std::vector<unsigned char *> &frames = verify.GetPixelMaps();
for (int idx = 0; idx < frames.size(); ++idx)
int result = memcmp(c1Datas[idx % c1Datas.size()], frames[idx], verify.GetFrameSize());
printf("Verify Frame %d - %s\n", idx, result ? "Failed" : "Good");
return 0;