SNRUN temporary documentation. SNRUN is used to send a cpe file to a target machine and then start execution. It can cope with cpe files produced by all versions of the assemblers and linkers and copes with all embeded register and workspace information. To get command line help type 'snrun ?'. To send myfile.cpe to target 7 just type - snrun myfile To send myfile.cpe to target 6 but not start executing type - snrun /h /t6 myfile The following can be used in your .prj file if you want to work via a cpe file. ... demoag.cpe; demoag.68k snasm68k $! demoag.68k,demoag.cpe,demoag.sym !ifdef(debugstr) snbug68k /edemoag.cpe demoag.sym !else snrun demoag !endif ... It returns error codes but I don't have a list of them yet! Ian Oliver