**************************************** * Quit8 * * * * Dagen Brock * * 2013-06-24 * **************************************** org $2000 ; start at $2000 (all ProDOS8 system files) dsk quit8.system ; tell compiler what name for output file typ $ff ; set P8 type ($ff = "SYS") for output file MLI equ $bf00 Quit jsr MLI ; first actual command, call ProDOS vector dfb $65 ; with "quit" request ($65) da QuitParm bcs Error brk $00 ; shouldn't ever here! QuitParm dfb 4 ; number of parameters dfb 0 ; standard quit type da $0000 ; not needed when using standard quit dfb 0 ; not used da $0000 ; not used Error brk $00 ; shouldn't be here either