/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ /* * Mini find implementation for busybox * * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 by Erik Andersen * * Reworked by David Douthitt and * Matt Kraai . * * Licensed under the GPL version 2, see the file LICENSE in this tarball. */ /* findutils-4.1.20: * * # find file.txt -exec 'echo {}' '{} {}' ';' * find: echo file.txt: No such file or directory * # find file.txt -exec 'echo' '{} {}' '; ' * find: missing argument to `-exec' * # find file.txt -exec 'echo {}' '{} {}' ';' junk * find: paths must precede expression * # find file.txt -exec 'echo {}' '{} {}' ';' junk ';' * find: paths must precede expression * # find file.txt -exec 'echo' '{} {}' ';' * file.txt file.txt * (strace: execve("/bin/echo", ["echo", "file.txt file.txt"], [ 30 vars ])) * # find file.txt -exec 'echo' '{} {}' ';' -print -exec pwd ';' * file.txt file.txt * file.txt * /tmp * # find -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' * [shows files, *.c and *.h intermixed] * # find file.txt -name '*f*' -o -name '*t*' * file.txt * # find file.txt -name '*z*' -o -name '*t*' * file.txt * # find file.txt -name '*f*' -o -name '*z*' * file.txt * * # find t z -name '*t*' -print -o -name '*z*' * t * # find t z t z -name '*t*' -o -name '*z*' -print * z * z * # find t z t z '(' -name '*t*' -o -name '*z*' ')' -o -print * (no output) */ /* Testing script * ./busybox find "$@" | tee /tmp/bb_find * echo ================== * /path/to/gnu/find "$@" | tee /tmp/std_find * echo ================== * diff -u /tmp/std_find /tmp/bb_find && echo Identical */ #include #include "libbb.h" #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_REGEX #include "xregex.h" #endif /* This is a NOEXEC applet. Be very careful! */ typedef int (*action_fp)(const char *fileName, struct stat *statbuf, void *) FAST_FUNC; typedef struct { action_fp f; #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_NOT bool invert; #endif } action; #define ACTS(name, arg...) typedef struct { action a; arg; } action_##name; #define ACTF(name) \ static int FAST_FUNC func_##name(const char *fileName UNUSED_PARAM, \ struct stat *statbuf UNUSED_PARAM, \ action_##name* ap UNUSED_PARAM) ACTS(print) ACTS(name, const char *pattern; bool iname;) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PATH( ACTS(path, const char *pattern;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_REGEX( ACTS(regex, regex_t compiled_pattern;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PRINT0( ACTS(print0)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE( ACTS(type, int type_mask;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PERM( ACTS(perm, char perm_char; mode_t perm_mask;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME( ACTS(mtime, char mtime_char; unsigned mtime_days;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN( ACTS(mmin, char mmin_char; unsigned mmin_mins;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_NEWER( ACTS(newer, time_t newer_mtime;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_INUM( ACTS(inum, ino_t inode_num;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_USER( ACTS(user, uid_t uid;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_SIZE( ACTS(size, char size_char; off_t size;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_CONTEXT(ACTS(context, security_context_t context;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PAREN( ACTS(paren, action ***subexpr;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PRUNE( ACTS(prune)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_DELETE( ACTS(delete)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC( ACTS(exec, char **exec_argv; unsigned *subst_count; int exec_argc;)) IF_FEATURE_FIND_GROUP( ACTS(group, gid_t gid;)) struct globals { IF_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV(dev_t *xdev_dev;) IF_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV(int xdev_count;) action ***actions; bool need_print; recurse_flags_t recurse_flags; }; #define G (*(struct globals*)&bb_common_bufsiz1) #define INIT_G() do { \ struct G_sizecheck { \ char G_sizecheck[sizeof(G) > COMMON_BUFSIZE ? -1 : 1]; \ }; \ IF_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV(G.xdev_dev = NULL;) \ IF_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV(G.xdev_count = 0;) \ G.actions = NULL; \ G.need_print = 1; \ G.recurse_flags = ACTION_RECURSE; \ } while (0) #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC static unsigned count_subst(const char *str) { unsigned count = 0; while ((str = strstr(str, "{}")) != NULL) { count++; str++; } return count; } static char* subst(const char *src, unsigned count, const char* filename) { char *buf, *dst, *end; size_t flen = strlen(filename); /* we replace each '{}' with filename: growth by strlen-2 */ buf = dst = xmalloc(strlen(src) + count*(flen-2) + 1); while ((end = strstr(src, "{}"))) { memcpy(dst, src, end - src); dst += end - src; src = end + 2; memcpy(dst, filename, flen); dst += flen; } strcpy(dst, src); return buf; } #endif /* Return values of ACTFs ('action functions') are a bit mask: * bit 1=1: prune (use SKIP constant for setting it) * bit 0=1: matched successfully (TRUE) */ static int exec_actions(action ***appp, const char *fileName, struct stat *statbuf) { int cur_group; int cur_action; int rc = 0; action **app, *ap; /* "action group" is a set of actions ANDed together. * groups are ORed together. * We simply evaluate each group until we find one in which all actions * succeed. */ /* -prune is special: if it is encountered, then we won't * descend into current directory. It doesn't matter whether * action group (in which -prune sits) will succeed or not: * find * -prune -name 'f*' -o -name 'm*' -- prunes every dir * find * -name 'f*' -o -prune -name 'm*' -- prunes all dirs * not starting with 'f' */ /* We invert TRUE bit (bit 0). Now 1 there means 'failure'. * and bitwise OR in "rc |= TRUE ^ ap->f()" will: * (1) make SKIP (-prune) bit stick; and (2) detect 'failure'. * On return, bit is restored. */ cur_group = -1; while ((app = appp[++cur_group])) { rc &= ~TRUE; /* 'success' so far, clear TRUE bit */ cur_action = -1; while (1) { ap = app[++cur_action]; if (!ap) /* all actions in group were successful */ return rc ^ TRUE; /* restore TRUE bit */ rc |= TRUE ^ ap->f(fileName, statbuf, ap); #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_NOT if (ap->invert) rc ^= TRUE; #endif if (rc & TRUE) /* current group failed, try next */ break; } } return rc ^ TRUE; /* restore TRUE bit */ } ACTF(name) { const char *tmp = bb_basename(fileName); if (tmp != fileName && !*tmp) { /* "foo/bar/". Oh no... go back to 'b' */ tmp--; while (tmp != fileName && *--tmp != '/') continue; if (*tmp == '/') tmp++; } return fnmatch(ap->pattern, tmp, FNM_PERIOD | (ap->iname ? FNM_CASEFOLD : 0)) == 0; } #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PATH ACTF(path) { return fnmatch(ap->pattern, fileName, 0) == 0; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_REGEX ACTF(regex) { regmatch_t match; if (regexec(&ap->compiled_pattern, fileName, 1, &match, 0 /*eflags*/)) return 0; /* no match */ if (match.rm_so) return 0; /* match doesn't start at pos 0 */ if (fileName[match.rm_eo]) return 0; /* match doesn't end exactly at end of pathname */ return 1; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE ACTF(type) { return ((statbuf->st_mode & S_IFMT) == ap->type_mask); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PERM ACTF(perm) { /* -perm +mode: at least one of perm_mask bits are set */ if (ap->perm_char == '+') return (statbuf->st_mode & ap->perm_mask) != 0; /* -perm -mode: all of perm_mask are set */ if (ap->perm_char == '-') return (statbuf->st_mode & ap->perm_mask) == ap->perm_mask; /* -perm mode: file mode must match perm_mask */ return (statbuf->st_mode & 07777) == ap->perm_mask; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME ACTF(mtime) { time_t file_age = time(NULL) - statbuf->st_mtime; time_t mtime_secs = ap->mtime_days * 24*60*60; if (ap->mtime_char == '+') return file_age >= mtime_secs + 24*60*60; if (ap->mtime_char == '-') return file_age < mtime_secs; /* just numeric mtime */ return file_age >= mtime_secs && file_age < (mtime_secs + 24*60*60); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN ACTF(mmin) { time_t file_age = time(NULL) - statbuf->st_mtime; time_t mmin_secs = ap->mmin_mins * 60; if (ap->mmin_char == '+') return file_age >= mmin_secs + 60; if (ap->mmin_char == '-') return file_age < mmin_secs; /* just numeric mmin */ return file_age >= mmin_secs && file_age < (mmin_secs + 60); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_NEWER ACTF(newer) { return (ap->newer_mtime < statbuf->st_mtime); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_INUM ACTF(inum) { return (statbuf->st_ino == ap->inode_num); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC ACTF(exec) { int i, rc; char *argv[ap->exec_argc + 1]; for (i = 0; i < ap->exec_argc; i++) argv[i] = subst(ap->exec_argv[i], ap->subst_count[i], fileName); argv[i] = NULL; /* terminate the list */ rc = spawn_and_wait(argv); if (rc < 0) bb_simple_perror_msg(argv[0]); i = 0; while (argv[i]) free(argv[i++]); return rc == 0; /* return 1 if exitcode 0 */ } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_USER ACTF(user) { return (statbuf->st_uid == ap->uid); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_GROUP ACTF(group) { return (statbuf->st_gid == ap->gid); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PRINT0 ACTF(print0) { printf("%s%c", fileName, '\0'); return TRUE; } #endif ACTF(print) { puts(fileName); return TRUE; } #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PAREN ACTF(paren) { return exec_actions(ap->subexpr, fileName, statbuf); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_SIZE ACTF(size) { if (ap->size_char == '+') return statbuf->st_size > ap->size; if (ap->size_char == '-') return statbuf->st_size < ap->size; return statbuf->st_size == ap->size; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PRUNE /* * -prune: if -depth is not given, return true and do not descend * current dir; if -depth is given, return false with no effect. * Example: * find dir -name 'asm-*' -prune -o -name '*.[chS]' -print */ ACTF(prune) { return SKIP + TRUE; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_DELETE ACTF(delete) { int rc; if (S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode)) { rc = rmdir(fileName); } else { rc = unlink(fileName); } if (rc < 0) bb_simple_perror_msg(fileName); return TRUE; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_CONTEXT ACTF(context) { security_context_t con; int rc; if (G.recurse_flags & ACTION_FOLLOWLINKS) { rc = getfilecon(fileName, &con); } else { rc = lgetfilecon(fileName, &con); } if (rc < 0) return FALSE; rc = strcmp(ap->context, con); freecon(con); return rc == 0; } #endif static int FAST_FUNC fileAction(const char *fileName, struct stat *statbuf, void *userData IF_NOT_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH(UNUSED_PARAM), int depth IF_NOT_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH(UNUSED_PARAM)) { int i; #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH #define minmaxdepth ((int*)userData) if (depth < minmaxdepth[0]) return TRUE; if (depth > minmaxdepth[1]) return SKIP; #undef minmaxdepth #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV if (S_ISDIR(statbuf->st_mode) && G.xdev_count) { for (i = 0; i < G.xdev_count; i++) { if (G.xdev_dev[i] == statbuf->st_dev) break; } if (i == G.xdev_count) return SKIP; } #endif i = exec_actions(G.actions, fileName, statbuf); /* Had no explicit -print[0] or -exec? then print */ if ((i & TRUE) && G.need_print) puts(fileName); /* Cannot return 0: our caller, recursive_action(), * will perror() and skip dirs (if called on dir) */ return (i & SKIP) ? SKIP : TRUE; } #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE static int find_type(const char *type) { int mask = 0; if (*type == 'b') mask = S_IFBLK; else if (*type == 'c') mask = S_IFCHR; else if (*type == 'd') mask = S_IFDIR; else if (*type == 'p') mask = S_IFIFO; else if (*type == 'f') mask = S_IFREG; else if (*type == 'l') mask = S_IFLNK; else if (*type == 's') mask = S_IFSOCK; if (mask == 0 || type[1] != '\0') bb_error_msg_and_die(bb_msg_invalid_arg, type, "-type"); return mask; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PERM \ || ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME || ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN \ || ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_SIZE static const char* plus_minus_num(const char* str) { if (*str == '-' || *str == '+') str++; return str; } #endif static action*** parse_params(char **argv) { enum { PARM_a , PARM_o , IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( PARM_char_not ,) #if ENABLE_DESKTOP PARM_and , PARM_or , IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( PARM_not ,) #endif PARM_print , IF_FEATURE_FIND_PRINT0( PARM_print0 ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_DEPTH( PARM_depth ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PRUNE( PARM_prune ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_DELETE( PARM_delete ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC( PARM_exec ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PAREN( PARM_char_brace,) /* All options starting from here require argument */ PARM_name , PARM_iname , IF_FEATURE_FIND_PATH( PARM_path ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_REGEX( PARM_regex ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE( PARM_type ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PERM( PARM_perm ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME( PARM_mtime ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN( PARM_mmin ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_NEWER( PARM_newer ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_INUM( PARM_inum ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_USER( PARM_user ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_GROUP( PARM_group ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_SIZE( PARM_size ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_CONTEXT(PARM_context ,) }; static const char params[] ALIGN1 = "-a\0" "-o\0" IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( "!\0" ) #if ENABLE_DESKTOP "-and\0" "-or\0" IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( "-not\0" ) #endif "-print\0" IF_FEATURE_FIND_PRINT0( "-print0\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_DEPTH( "-depth\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PRUNE( "-prune\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_DELETE( "-delete\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC( "-exec\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PAREN( "(\0" ) /* All options starting from here require argument */ "-name\0" "-iname\0" IF_FEATURE_FIND_PATH( "-path\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_REGEX( "-regex\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE( "-type\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_PERM( "-perm\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME( "-mtime\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN( "-mmin\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_NEWER( "-newer\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_INUM( "-inum\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_USER( "-user\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_GROUP( "-group\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_SIZE( "-size\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_CONTEXT("-context\0") ; action*** appp; unsigned cur_group = 0; unsigned cur_action = 0; IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( bool invert_flag = 0; ) /* This is the only place in busybox where we use nested function. * So far more standard alternatives were bigger. */ /* Suppress a warning "func without a prototype" */ auto action* alloc_action(int sizeof_struct, action_fp f); action* alloc_action(int sizeof_struct, action_fp f) { action *ap; appp[cur_group] = xrealloc(appp[cur_group], (cur_action+2) * sizeof(*appp)); appp[cur_group][cur_action++] = ap = xmalloc(sizeof_struct); appp[cur_group][cur_action] = NULL; ap->f = f; IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( ap->invert = invert_flag; ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( invert_flag = 0; ) return ap; } #define ALLOC_ACTION(name) (action_##name*)alloc_action(sizeof(action_##name), (action_fp) func_##name) appp = xzalloc(2 * sizeof(appp[0])); /* appp[0],[1] == NULL */ /* Actions have side effects and return a true or false value * We implement: -print, -print0, -exec * * The rest are tests. * * Tests and actions are grouped by operators * ( expr ) Force precedence * ! expr True if expr is false * -not expr Same as ! expr * expr1 [-a[nd]] expr2 And; expr2 is not evaluated if expr1 is false * expr1 -o[r] expr2 Or; expr2 is not evaluated if expr1 is true * expr1 , expr2 List; both expr1 and expr2 are always evaluated * We implement: (), -a, -o */ while (*argv) { const char *arg = argv[0]; int parm = index_in_strings(params, arg); const char *arg1 = argv[1]; if (parm >= PARM_name) { /* All options starting from -name require argument */ if (!arg1) bb_error_msg_and_die(bb_msg_requires_arg, arg); argv++; } /* We can use big switch() here, but on i386 * it doesn't give smaller code. Other arches? */ /* --- Operators --- */ if (parm == PARM_a IF_DESKTOP(|| parm == PARM_and)) { /* no further special handling required */ } else if (parm == PARM_o IF_DESKTOP(|| parm == PARM_or)) { /* start new OR group */ cur_group++; appp = xrealloc(appp, (cur_group+2) * sizeof(*appp)); /*appp[cur_group] = NULL; - already NULL */ appp[cur_group+1] = NULL; cur_action = 0; } #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_NOT else if (parm == PARM_char_not IF_DESKTOP(|| parm == PARM_not)) { /* also handles "find ! ! -name 'foo*'" */ invert_flag ^= 1; } #endif /* --- Tests and actions --- */ else if (parm == PARM_print) { G.need_print = 0; /* GNU find ignores '!' here: "find ! -print" */ IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( invert_flag = 0; ) (void) ALLOC_ACTION(print); } #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PRINT0 else if (parm == PARM_print0) { G.need_print = 0; IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( invert_flag = 0; ) (void) ALLOC_ACTION(print0); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_DEPTH else if (parm == PARM_depth) { G.recurse_flags |= ACTION_DEPTHFIRST; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PRUNE else if (parm == PARM_prune) { IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( invert_flag = 0; ) (void) ALLOC_ACTION(prune); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_DELETE else if (parm == PARM_delete) { G.need_print = 0; G.recurse_flags |= ACTION_DEPTHFIRST; (void) ALLOC_ACTION(delete); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_EXEC else if (parm == PARM_exec) { int i; action_exec *ap; G.need_print = 0; IF_FEATURE_FIND_NOT( invert_flag = 0; ) ap = ALLOC_ACTION(exec); ap->exec_argv = ++argv; /* first arg after -exec */ ap->exec_argc = 0; while (1) { if (!*argv) /* did not see ';' until end */ bb_error_msg_and_die("-exec CMD must end by ';'"); if (LONE_CHAR(argv[0], ';')) break; argv++; ap->exec_argc++; } if (ap->exec_argc == 0) bb_error_msg_and_die(bb_msg_requires_arg, arg); ap->subst_count = xmalloc(ap->exec_argc * sizeof(int)); i = ap->exec_argc; while (i--) ap->subst_count[i] = count_subst(ap->exec_argv[i]); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PAREN else if (parm == PARM_char_brace) { action_paren *ap; char **endarg; unsigned nested = 1; endarg = argv; while (1) { if (!*++endarg) bb_error_msg_and_die("unpaired '('"); if (LONE_CHAR(*endarg, '(')) nested++; else if (LONE_CHAR(*endarg, ')') && !--nested) { *endarg = NULL; break; } } ap = ALLOC_ACTION(paren); ap->subexpr = parse_params(argv + 1); *endarg = (char*) ")"; /* restore NULLed parameter */ argv = endarg; } #endif else if (parm == PARM_name || parm == PARM_iname) { action_name *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(name); ap->pattern = arg1; ap->iname = (parm == PARM_iname); } #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PATH else if (parm == PARM_path) { action_path *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(path); ap->pattern = arg1; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_REGEX else if (parm == PARM_regex) { action_regex *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(regex); xregcomp(&ap->compiled_pattern, arg1, 0 /*cflags*/); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_TYPE else if (parm == PARM_type) { action_type *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(type); ap->type_mask = find_type(arg1); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PERM /* -perm mode File's permission bits are exactly mode (octal or symbolic). * Symbolic modes use mode 0 as a point of departure. * -perm -mode All of the permission bits mode are set for the file. * -perm +mode Any of the permission bits mode are set for the file. */ else if (parm == PARM_perm) { action_perm *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(perm); ap->perm_char = arg1[0]; arg1 = plus_minus_num(arg1); ap->perm_mask = 0; if (!bb_parse_mode(arg1, &ap->perm_mask)) bb_error_msg_and_die("invalid mode: %s", arg1); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MTIME else if (parm == PARM_mtime) { action_mtime *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(mtime); ap->mtime_char = arg1[0]; ap->mtime_days = xatoul(plus_minus_num(arg1)); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MMIN else if (parm == PARM_mmin) { action_mmin *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(mmin); ap->mmin_char = arg1[0]; ap->mmin_mins = xatoul(plus_minus_num(arg1)); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_NEWER else if (parm == PARM_newer) { struct stat stat_newer; action_newer *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(newer); xstat(arg1, &stat_newer); ap->newer_mtime = stat_newer.st_mtime; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_INUM else if (parm == PARM_inum) { action_inum *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(inum); ap->inode_num = xatoul(arg1); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_USER else if (parm == PARM_user) { action_user *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(user); ap->uid = bb_strtou(arg1, NULL, 10); if (errno) ap->uid = xuname2uid(arg1); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_GROUP else if (parm == PARM_group) { action_group *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(group); ap->gid = bb_strtou(arg1, NULL, 10); if (errno) ap->gid = xgroup2gid(arg1); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_SIZE else if (parm == PARM_size) { /* -size n[bckw]: file uses n units of space * b (default): units are 512-byte blocks * c: 1 byte * k: kilobytes * w: 2-byte words */ #if ENABLE_LFS #define XATOU_SFX xatoull_sfx #else #define XATOU_SFX xatoul_sfx #endif static const struct suffix_mult find_suffixes[] = { { "c", 1 }, { "w", 2 }, { "", 512 }, { "b", 512 }, { "k", 1024 }, { } }; action_size *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(size); ap->size_char = arg1[0]; ap->size = XATOU_SFX(plus_minus_num(arg1), find_suffixes); } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_CONTEXT else if (parm == PARM_context) { action_context *ap; ap = ALLOC_ACTION(context); ap->context = NULL; /* SELinux headers erroneously declare non-const parameter */ if (selinux_raw_to_trans_context((char*)arg1, &ap->context)) bb_simple_perror_msg(arg1); } #endif else { bb_error_msg("unrecognized: %s", arg); bb_show_usage(); } argv++; } return appp; #undef ALLOC_ACTION } int find_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE; int find_main(int argc, char **argv) { static const char options[] ALIGN1 = "-follow\0" IF_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV( "-xdev\0" ) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH("-mindepth\0""-maxdepth\0") ; enum { OPT_FOLLOW, IF_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV( OPT_XDEV ,) IF_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH(OPT_MINDEPTH,) }; char *arg; char **argp; int i, firstopt, status = EXIT_SUCCESS; #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH int minmaxdepth[2] = { 0, INT_MAX }; #else #define minmaxdepth NULL #endif INIT_G(); for (firstopt = 1; firstopt < argc; firstopt++) { if (argv[firstopt][0] == '-') break; if (ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_NOT && LONE_CHAR(argv[firstopt], '!')) break; #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_PAREN if (LONE_CHAR(argv[firstopt], '(')) break; #endif } if (firstopt == 1) { argv[0] = (char*)"."; argv--; firstopt++; } /* All options always return true. They always take effect * rather than being processed only when their place in the * expression is reached. * We implement: -follow, -xdev, -maxdepth */ /* Process options, and replace then with -a */ /* (-a will be ignored by recursive parser later) */ argp = &argv[firstopt]; while ((arg = argp[0])) { int opt = index_in_strings(options, arg); if (opt == OPT_FOLLOW) { G.recurse_flags |= ACTION_FOLLOWLINKS | ACTION_DANGLING_OK; argp[0] = (char*)"-a"; } #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_XDEV if (opt == OPT_XDEV) { struct stat stbuf; if (!G.xdev_count) { G.xdev_count = firstopt - 1; G.xdev_dev = xmalloc(G.xdev_count * sizeof(dev_t)); for (i = 1; i < firstopt; i++) { /* not xstat(): shouldn't bomb out on * "find not_exist exist -xdev" */ if (stat(argv[i], &stbuf)) stbuf.st_dev = -1L; G.xdev_dev[i-1] = stbuf.st_dev; } } argp[0] = (char*)"-a"; } #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH if (opt == OPT_MINDEPTH || opt == OPT_MINDEPTH + 1) { if (!argp[1]) bb_show_usage(); minmaxdepth[opt - OPT_MINDEPTH] = xatoi_u(argp[1]); argp[0] = (char*)"-a"; argp[1] = (char*)"-a"; argp++; } #endif argp++; } G.actions = parse_params(&argv[firstopt]); for (i = 1; i < firstopt; i++) { if (!recursive_action(argv[i], G.recurse_flags,/* flags */ fileAction, /* file action */ fileAction, /* dir action */ #if ENABLE_FEATURE_FIND_MAXDEPTH minmaxdepth, /* user data */ #else NULL, /* user data */ #endif 0)) /* depth */ status = EXIT_FAILURE; } return status; }