
482 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; Scratch space to lay out idealized _MakeDirtySprite
; On input, X register = Sprite Array Index
Left equ tmp1
Right equ tmp2
Top equ tmp3
Bottom equ tmp4
TileTop equ tmp5
RowTop equ tmp6
AreaIndex equ tmp7
TileLeft equ tmp8
ColLeft equ tmp9
SpriteBit equ tmp10 ; set the bit of the value that if the current sprite index
VBuffOrigin equ tmp11
; Marks asprite as dirty. The work here is mapping from local screen coordinates to the
; tile store indices. The first step is to adjust the sprite coordinates based on the current
; code field offsets and then cache variations of this value needed in the rest of the subroutine
; The SpriteX is always the MAXIMUM value of the corner coordinates. We subtract (SpriteX + StartX) mod 4
; to find the coordinate in the sprite plane that matches up with the tile in the play field and
; then use that to calculate the VBUFF address from which to copy sprite data.
; StartX SpriteX z = * mod 4 (SpriteX - z)
; ----------------------------------------------
; 0 8 0 8
; 1 8 1 7
; 2 8 2 6
; 3 8 3 5
; 4 9 1 8
; 5 9 2 7
; 6 9 3 6
; 7 9 0 9
; 8 10 2 8
; ...
; For the Y-coordinate, we just use "mod 8" instead of "mod 4"
mdsOut rts
stz _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,x ; Clear the this sprite's dirty tile list in case of an early exit
lda _SpriteBits,x
sta SpriteBit
; Clip the sprite's extent to the screen so we can assume (mostly) position values from here on out. Note that
; the sprite width and height are _only_ used in the clip and afterward all calculation use the clip rect
; OPTIMIZATION NODE: These values can be calculated in AddSprite/MoveSprite once and stored in the sprite
; record since the screen size doesn't change.
lda _Sprites+SPRITE_ID,x ; Get an index into the height/width tables based on the sprite bits
and #$1800
lda _Sprites+SPRITE_X,x
bpl :pos_x
lda #0
:pos_x cmp ScreenWidth
bcs mdsOut ; sprite is off-screen, exit early
sta Left
lda _Sprites+SPRITE_Y,x
bpl :pos_y
lda #0
:pos_y cmp ScreenHeight
bcs mdsOut ; sprite is off-screen, exit early
sta Top
lda _Sprites+SPRITE_X,x
adc _SpriteWidthMinus1,y
bmi mdsOut ; another off-screen test
cmp ScreenWidth
bcc :ok_x
lda ScreenWidth
:ok_x sta Right
lda _Sprites+SPRITE_Y,x
adc _SpriteHeightMinus1,y
bmi mdsOut ; another off-screen test
cmp ScreenHeight
bcc :ok_y
lda ScreenHeight
:ok_y sta Bottom
; At this point we know that we have to update the tile that overlap the sprite plane rectangle defined
; by (Top, Left), (Bottom, Right). The general process is to figure out the top-left coordinate in the
; sprite plane that matches up with the code field and then calculate the number of tiles in each direction
; that need to be dirtied to cover the sprite.
lda Top
adc StartYMod208 ; Adjust for the scroll offset (could be a negative number!)
tay ; Save this value
and #$0007 ; Get (StartY + SpriteY) mod 8
eor #$FFFF
adc Top ; subtract from the Y position (possible to go negative here)
sta TileTop ; This position will line up with the tile that the sprite overlaps with
tya ; Get back the position of the sprite top in the code field
cmp #208 ; check if we went too far positive
bcc *+5
sbc #208
; lsr ; This is the row in the Tile Store for top-left corner of the sprite
and #$FFFE ; Store the pre-multiplied by 2 for indexing in the :mark_R_C routines
sta RowTop
lda Bottom ; Figure out how many tiles are needed to cover the sprite's area
sbc TileTop
and #$0018 ; Clear out the lower bits and stash in bits 4 and 5
sta AreaIndex
; Repeat to get the same information for the columns
lda Left
adc StartXMod164
and #$0003
eor #$FFFF
adc Left
sta TileLeft
cmp #164
bcc *+5
sbc #164
; lsr
and #$FFFE ; Same pre-multiply by 2 for later
sta ColLeft
; Sneak a pre-calculation here. Calculate the upper-left corder of the sprite in the sprite plane.
; We can reuse this in all of the routines below
lda TileTop
adc TileLeft
sta VBuffOrigin ; Save once to use later (constant offsets)
; Calculate the number of columns and dispatch
txy ; Swap the sprite index into the Y register
lda Right
sbc TileLeft
and #$000C
lsr ; bit 0 is always zero and width stored in bits 1 and 2
ora AreaIndex
jmp (:mark,x)
:mark dw :mark1x1,:mark1x2,:mark1x3,mdsOut
dw :mark2x1,:mark2x2,:mark2x3,mdsOut
dw :mark3x1,:mark3x2,:mark3x3,mdsOut
dw mdsOut,mdsOut,mdsOut,mdsOut
; Dispatch to the calculated sizing
; Begin a list of subroutines to cover all of the valid sprite size compinations. This is all unrolled code,
; maily to be able to do an unrolled fill of the TILE_STORE_ADDR_X values. Thus, it's important that the clipping
; function does its job properly since it allows up to save a lot of time here.
; These functional are a trade off of being composable versus fast. Having to pay for multiple JSR/RTS invoations
; in the hot sprite path isn't great, but we're at a point of diminishing returns.
; There *might* be some speed gained by pushing a list of :mark_R_C addressed onto the stack in the clipping routing
; and dispatching that way, but probably not...
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_0_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_0_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
jsr :mark_0_2
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_4,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_1_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_0_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
jsr :mark_1_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
jsr :mark_1_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_4,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_5,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_0_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
jsr :mark_0_2
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
jsr :mark_1_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_4,y
jsr :mark_1_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_5,y
jsr :mark_1_2
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_6,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_7,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_1_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
jsr :mark_2_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_4,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_1_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
jsr :mark_2_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
jsr :mark_0_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_4,y
jsr :mark_1_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_5,y
jsr :mark_2_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_6,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_7,y
jsr :mark_0_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_1,y
jsr :mark_1_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_2,y
jsr :mark_2_0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_3,y
jsr :mark_0_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_4,y
jsr :mark_1_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_5,y
jsr :mark_2_1
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_6,y
jsr :mark_0_2
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_7,y
jsr :mark_1_2
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_8,y
jsr :mark_2_2
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_9,y
lda #0
sta _Sprites+TILE_STORE_ADDR_10,y
; Begin List of subroutines to mark each tile offset
ldx RowTop
lda ColLeft
adc TileStoreYTable,x ; Fixed offset to the next row
tax ; This is the tile store offset
lda VBuffOrigin
; adc #{0*4}+{0*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX ; Needs X = tile store offset; destroys A,X. Returns X in A
lda ColLeft
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable+2,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{0*4}+{1*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
lda ColLeft
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable+4,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{0*4}+{2*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
ldx ColLeft
lda NextCol+2,x
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{1*4}+{0*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
ldx ColLeft
lda NextCol+2,x
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable+2,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{1*4}+{1*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
ldx ColLeft
lda NextCol+2,x
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable+4,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{1*4}+{2*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
ldx ColLeft
lda NextCol+4,x
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{2*4}+{0*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
ldx ColLeft
lda NextCol+4,x
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable+2,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{2*4}+{1*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
ldx ColLeft
lda NextCol+4,x
ldx RowTop
adc TileStoreYTable+4,x
lda VBuffOrigin
adc #{2*4}+{2*8*256}
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_ADDR,x
lda SpriteBit
ora TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
sta TileStore+TS_SPRITE_FLAG,x
jmp _PushDirtyTileX
; End list of subroutines to mark dirty tiles
; Range-check and clamp the vertical part of the sprite. When this routine returns we will have valid
; values for the tile-top and row-top. Also, the accumulator will return the number of rows to render,
; a value of zero means that all of the sprite's rows are off-screen.
; This subroutine takes are of calculating the extra tile for unaligned accesses, too.
_SpriteHeight dw 8,8,16,16
_SpriteHeightMinus1 dw 7,7,15,15
_SpriteRows dw 1,1,2,2
_SpriteWidth dw 4,8,4,8
_SpriteWidthMinus1 dw 3,7,3,7
_SpriteCols dw 1,2,1,2
; Convert sprite index to a bit position
_SpriteBits dw $0001,$0002,$0004,$0008,$0010,$0020,$0040,$0080,$0100,$0200,$0400,$0800,$1000,$2000,$4000,$8000