
67 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; _TBSolidTile
; Define the addresses of the subroutines that draw the normal and flipped variants of the tiles, both
; in the optimized (no second background) and normal cases.
; On entry, the following register values need to be set
; X : address of base tile in the tiledata bank (tileId * 128)
; Y : address of the top-left corder of the tile location in the code field
; B : set to the code field bank
jsr _TBCopyData
jmp _TBFillPEAOpcode
jsr _TBCopyData
jmp _TBFillPEAOpcode
jsr _TBCopyDataV
jmp _TBFillPEAOpcode
jsr _TBCopyDataV
jmp _TBFillPEAOpcode
; The workhorse blitter. This blitter copies tile data into the code field without masking. This is the
; most common blitter function. It is slightly optimized to fall through to the code that sets the PEA
; opcodes in order to be slightly more efficient given it's frequent usage.
; There is a small variation of this blitter that just copies the data without setting the PEA opcodes. This
; is used by the engine when the capabilitiy bits have turned off the second background layer. In fact, most
; of the tile rendering routines have an optimized version for this important use case. Skipping the opcode
; step results in a 37% speed boost in tile rendering.
; This does not increase the FPS by 37% because only a small number of tiles are drawn each frame, but it
; has an impact and can significantly help out when sprites trigger more dirty tile updates than normal.
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
]line equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]line*4},x
sta: $0004+{]line*$1000},y
ldal tiledata+{]line*4}+2,x
sta: $0001+{]line*$1000},y
]line equ ]line+1
2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
]src equ 7
]dest equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]src*4},x
sta: $0004+{]dest*$1000},y
ldal tiledata+{]src*4}+2,x
sta: $0001+{]dest*$1000},y
]src equ ]src-1
]dest equ ]dest+1