
94 lines
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2022-04-29 17:38:04 +00:00
; A simple helper function that fills in all of the opcodes of a tile with the PEA opcode. This is
; a separate functino because we can often just update the tile data if we know the opcodes are already
; set. When we have to fill the opcodes, this function is used
sep #$20
lda #$F4
sta: $0000,y
sta: $0003,y
sta $1000,y
sta $1003,y
sta $2000,y
sta $2003,y
sta $3000,y
sta $3003,y
sta $4000,y
sta $4003,y
sta $5000,y
sta $5003,y
sta $6000,y
sta $6003,y
sta $7000,y
sta $7003,y
rep #$20
; Copy tile data into the direct page compositing buffer. The main reason to do this in full passes is
; because we can avoid needing to use both the X and Y registers during the compositing process and
; reserve Y to hold the code field address.
; Also, we can get away with not setting the bank register, this is a wash in terms of speed, but results
; in simpler, more composable subroutines
jsr _TBCopyTileDataToCBuff
jmp _TBCopyTileMaskToCBuff
jsr _TBCopyTileDataToCBuffV
jmp _TBCopyTileMaskToCBuffV
]line equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]line*4},x
sta blttmp+{]line*4}
ldal tiledata+{]line*4}+2,x
sta blttmp+{]line*4}+2
]line equ ]line+1
]src equ 7
]dest equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]src*4},x
sta blttmp+{]dest*4}
ldal tiledata+{]src*4}+2,x
sta blttmp+{]dest*4}+2
]src equ ]src-1
]dest equ ]dest+1
; Copy tile mask data into the direct page compositing buffer.
]line equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]line*4}+32,x
sta blttmp+{]line*4}+32
ldal tiledata+{]line*4}+32+2,x
sta blttmp+{]line*4}+32+2
]line equ ]line+1
]src equ 7
]dest equ 0
lup 8
ldal tiledata+{]src*4}+32,x
sta blttmp+{]dest*4}+32
ldal tiledata+{]src*4}+32+2,x
sta blttmp+{]dest*4}+32+2
]src equ ]src-1
]dest equ ]dest+1