
369 lines
13 KiB
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; Feature flags
NO_INTERRUPTS equ 1 ; turn off for crossrunner debugging
NO_MUSIC equ 1 ; turn music + tool loading off
; External data space provided by the main program segment
tiledata EXT
TileStore EXT
; Sprite plane data and mask banks are provided as an external segment
; The sprite data holds a set of pre-rendered sprites that are optimized to support the rendering pipeline. There
; are four copies of each sprite, along with the cooresponding mask laid out into 4x4 tile regions where the
; empty row and column is shared between adjacent blocks.
; Logically, the memory is laid out as 4 columns of sprites and 4 rows.
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; | | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | ...
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; | | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | ...
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; | | 4 | 4 | | 5 | 5 | | 6 | 6 | | 7 | 7 | ...
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; | | 4 | 4 | | 5 | 5 | | 6 | 6 | | 7 | 7 | ...
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+-...
; For each sprite, when it needs to be copied into an on-screen tile, it could exist at any offset compared to its
; natural alignment. By having a buffer around the sprite data, an address pointer can be set to a different origin
; and a simple 8x8 block copy can cut out the appropriate bit of the sprite. For example, here is a zoomed-in look
; at a sprite with an offset, O, at (-2,-3). As shown, by selecting an appropriate origin, just the top corner
; of the sprite data will be copied.
; +---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | || | || | | | || | | | |
; +---+-- O----------------+ --+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | | || | | | || | | | |
; +---+-- | | --+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | | || | | | || | | | |
; +---+-- | | --+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | | || | | | || | | | |
; +===+== | ++===+== | ==+===++===+===+===+===++===+===+===+===+..
; | | | || | S | S | S || S | S | S | || | | | |
; +---+-- +----------------+ --+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | || S | S S | S || S | S | S | S || | | | |
; +---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | || S | S | S | S || S | S | S | S || | | | |
; +---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | || S | S | S | S || S | S | S | S || | | | |
; +===+===+===+===++===+===+===+===++===+===+===+===++===+===+===+===+..
; | | | | || S | S | S | S || S | S | S | S || | | | |
; +---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | || S | S | S | S || S | S | S | S || | | | |
; +---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | || S | S | S | S || S | S | S | S || | | | |
; +---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; | | | | || | S | S | S || S | S | S | || | | | |
; +---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---++---+---+---+---+..
; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
; Each sprite will take up, effectively 9 tiles of storage space per
; instance (plus edges) and there are 4 instances for the H/V bits
; and 4 more for the masks. This results in a need for 43,264 bytes
; for all 16 sprites.
spritedata EXT
spritemask EXT
; If there are overlays, they are provided as an external
Overlay EXT
; Core engine functionality. The idea is that that source file can be PUT into
; a main source file and all of the functionality will be available.
; There are some constancts that must be externally defined that can affect how
; the GTE runtime works
; NO_MUSIC : Set to non-zero to avoid using any source
; NO_INTERRUPTS : Set to non-zero to avoid installing custom interrupt handlers
mx %00
; A = memory manager userId
; X = tool number
sta UserId ; This is the first thing to do
stx ToolNum
jsr IntStartUp ; Enable certain iterrupts
jsr InitMemory ; Allocate and initialize memory for the engine
jsr EngineReset ; All of the resources are allocated, put the engine in a known state
; jsr InitGraphics ; Initialize all of the graphics-related data
; jsr InitSprites ; Initialize the sprite subsystem
; jsr InitTiles ; Initialize the tile subsystem
jsr InitTimers ; Initialize the timer subsystem
jsr IntShutDown
; Install interrupt handlers. We use the VBL interrupt to keep animations
; moving at a consistent rate, regarless of the rendered frame rate. The
; one-second timer is generally just used for counters and as a handy
; frames-per-second trigger.
bne :no_interrupts
PushLong #0
pea $0015 ; Get the existing 1-second interrupt handler and save
PullLong OldOneSecVec
pea $0015 ; Set the new handler and enable interrupts
PushLong #OneSecHandler
pea $0006
PushLong #VBLTASK ; Also register a Heart Beat Task
bne :no_interrupts
pea $0007 ; disable 1-second interrupts
PushLong #VBLTASK ; Remove our heartbeat task
pea $0015
PushLong OldOneSecVec ; Reset the interrupt vector
; Interrupt handlers. We install a heartbeat (1/60th second and a 1-second timer)
OneSecHandler mx %11
rep #$20
inc OneSecondCounter
sep #$20
ldal $E0C032
and #%10111111 ;clear IRQ source
stal $E0C032
mx %00
OneSecondCounter ENT
dw 0
OldOneSecVec ds 4
VBLTASK hex 00000000
dw 0
hex 5AA5
; Reset the engine to a known state
; Blitter initialization
stz ScreenHeight
stz ScreenWidth
stz ScreenY0
stz ScreenY1
stz ScreenX0
stz ScreenX1
stz ScreenTileHeight
stz ScreenTileWidth
stz StartX
stz OldStartX
stz StartXMod164
stz StartY
stz OldStartY
stz StartYMod208
stz EngineMode
stz DirtyBits
stz LastRender
stz LastPatchOffset
stz BG1StartX
stz BG1StartXMod164
stz BG1StartY
stz BG1StartYMod208
stz BG1OffsetIndex
stz BG0TileOriginX
stz BG0TileOriginY
stz OldBG0TileOriginX
stz OldBG0TileOriginY
stz BG1TileOriginX
stz BG1TileOriginY
stz OldBG1TileOriginX
stz OldBG1TileOriginY
stz TileMapWidth
stz TileMapHeight
stz TileMapPtr
stz TileMapPtr+2
stz FringeMapPtr
stz FringeMapPtr+2
stz BG1TileMapWidth
stz BG1TileMapHeight
stz BG1TileMapPtr
stz BG1TileMapPtr+2
stz SCBArrayPtr
stz SCBArrayPtr+2
stz SpriteBanks
stz SpriteMap
stz ActiveSpriteCount
stz OneSecondCounter
lda #13
sta tmp15
stz tmp14
ldx #BlitBuff
lda #^BlitBuff
ldy tmp14
; jsr BuildBank
lda tmp14
adc #4
sta tmp14
dec tmp15
bne :loop
WaitForKey sep #$20
stal KBD_STROBE_REG ; clear the strobe
bpl :WFK
rep #$20
and #$007F
ClearKbdStrobe sep #$20
rep #$20
; Read the keyboard and paddle controls and return in a game-controller-like format
LastKey db 0
ReadControl ENT
jsr _ReadControl
pea $0000 ; low byte = key code, high byte = %------AB
sep #$20
ldal OPTION_KEY_REG ; 'B' button
and #$80
beq :BNotDown
ora 2,s
sta 2,s
and #$80
beq :ANotDown
ora 2,s
sta 2,s
ldal KBD_STROBE_REG ; read the keyboard
bit #$80
beq :KbdNotDwn ; check the key-down status
and #$7f
ora 1,s
sta 1,s
cmpl LastKey
beq :KbdDown
stal LastKey
lda #PAD_KEY_DOWN ; set the keydown flag
ora 2,s
sta 2,s
bra :KbdDown
lda #0
stal LastKey
rep #$20
; Helper function to take a local pixel coordinate [0, ScreenWidth-1],[0, ScreenHeight-1] and return the
; row and column in the tile store that is corresponds to. This takes into consideration the StartX and
; StartY offsets.
; This is more specialized than the code in the _MarkDirtySprite routine below since it does not deal with
; negative or off-screen values.
lda StartYMod208
and #$FFFE ; Store the pre-multiplied by 2 for indexing
lda StartXMod164
and #$FFFE ; Same pre-multiply by 2 for later
; X = local x-coordinate (0, playfield width)
; Y = local y-coordinate (0, playfield height)
adc StartYMod208 ; Adjust for the scroll offset
cmp #208 ; check if we went too far positive
bcc *+5
sbc #208
and #$FFFE ; Store the pre-multiplied by 2 for indexing
adc StartXMod164
cmp #164
bcc *+5
sbc #164
and #$FFFE ; Same pre-multiply by 2 for later