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/* ********************************************************************
GTE is copyright Lucas Scharenbroich and licensed under the Apache-2.0
The following code is taken from a branch of GTE:
The contents of this file are a derivite work from GTE intended to
ease the process of calling GTE / Tool 160 from ORCA/C and are believed
to be permitted under the terms of the Apache-2.0 License.
********************************************************************* */
#include <loader.h>
#include <locator.h>
#include <misctool.h>
#include "gte.h"
Str32 toolPath = {9, "1/Tool160" };
#define TOOLFAIL(string) if (toolerror()) SysFailMgr(toolerror(), "\p" string "\n\r Error Code -> $");
void LoadGTEToolSet(Word unused) {
LoadOneTool(160, 0);
TOOLFAIL("Unable to load GTE toolset");
void LoadGTEToolSet(Word userId) {
InitialLoadOutputRec loadRec;
// Load the tool from the local directory
loadRec = InitialLoad(userId, (Pointer) (&toolPath), 1);
TOOLFAIL("Unable to load Tool160 from local path");
// Install the tool using the user tool vector
SetTSPtr(0x8000, 160, loadRec.startAddr);
TOOLFAIL("Could not install tool");