Add basic tilemap support back in

This commit is contained in:
Lucas Scharenbroich 2021-08-05 08:20:38 -05:00
parent 19070fa194
commit 1d17b802ad
10 changed files with 389 additions and 265 deletions

View File

@ -276,35 +276,3 @@ _DoTimers

View File

@ -1196,23 +1196,4 @@ qtRec adrl $0000
put blitter/Tiles.s
put blitter/Vert.s
put blitter/BG1.s
; put RotData.s
PUT TileMap.s

View File

@ -64,4 +64,3 @@ tiledata ENT
hex 89ABCDEF

View File

@ -25,61 +25,5 @@
ASM RotData.s
DS 0
KND #$1001 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data)
SNA RotData

View File

@ -92,14 +92,3 @@ Render
jsr _RestoreBG0Opcodes

src/TileMap.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
; Routines for handling tilemaps
; This module contains higher-level functions than the low-level tile rendering routines. The
; goal here is to take a rectangular tilemap data structure and efficiently render it into
; code buffer. Especially inportant is to only draw new tiles as they come into view.
; Also, we maintain a tilemap cache to track the current state of the tiles rendered into
; the code field so if, by chance, a tile that comes into view is the same as a tile that
; has already been drawn, then there is no reason to update it. This happen quite often
; in actual games since the primary background is often large empty areas, or runs
; of repeating tiles.
:Left equ tmp0
:Right equ tmp1
:Top equ tmp2
:Bottom equ tmp3
:Width equ tmp4 ; Used in DrawRectBG0
:Height equ tmp5
:MulA equ tmp6 ; Scratch space for multiplication
:MulB equ tmp7
:Offset equ tmp8 ; Address offset into the tilemap
:Span equ tmp9
:GlobalTileIdxX equ tmp10
:GlobalTileIdxY equ tmp11
:BlkX equ tmp12
:BlkY equ tmp13
lda StartY ; calculate the tile index of the current location
and #$FFF8
sta BG0TileOriginY
lda OldStartY
and #$FFF8
sta OldBG0TileOriginY
lda StartX
and #$FFF8
sta BG0TileOriginX
lda OldStartX
and #$FFF8
sta OldBG0TileOriginY
; Figure out the two rectangular regions that need to be updated. We check for changes in Y-direction
; first because it's a bit more efficient to redraw tiles in long horizontal strips, because we do not
; have to skip to different banks.
; +---------------------------+----------+ <-- Top
; | | |
; | | New |
; | | |
; | Old Area | (drawn) |
; | | (second) |
; | | |
; +---------------------------+==========|
; | |
; | New Area (drawn first) |
; | |
; +--------------------------------------+ <-- Bottom
; ^ ^
; | |
; +--- Left Right --+
stz :Left ; prepare to do the entire screen
lda ScreenTileWidth ; and then whack off the parts
sta :Right ; that are not needed
stz :Top
lda ScreenTileHeight
sta :Bottom
lda BG0TileOriginY
cmp OldBG0TileOriginY
beq :NoYUpdate ; if equal, don't change Y
sbc OldBG0TileOriginY ; find the difference; D = Y_new - Y_old
bpl :DoBottom ; if we scrolled up, fill in the bottom row(s)
eor #$FFFF ; if we scrolled down, Y_new < Y_old and we need
sta :Bottom ; to fill in the top row(s) from 0 to Y_new - Y_old - 1
bra :DoYUpdate
eor #$FFFF ; same explanation as above, except we are filling in from
inc a ; Bottom - (Y_new - Y_old) to Bottom
adc ScreenTileHeight
sta :Top
jsr :DrawRectBG0 ; Fill in the rectangle.
; We performed an update in the Y-direction, so now change the bounds so
; an update in the X-direction will not draw too many rows
; +---------------------------+----------+
; | | |
; | | New |
; | | |
; | Old Area | (drawn) |
; | | (second) |
; | | |
; +---------------------------+==========| <-- Top
; |//////////////////////////////////////|
; |// New Area (drawn first) ////////////|
; |//////////////////////////////////////|
; +--------------------------------------+ <-- Bottom
; ^ ^
; | |
; +--- Left Right --+
lda :Top
beq :drewTop
dec a ; already did Y to HEIGHT, so only need to draw from
sta :Bottom ; 0 to (Y-1) for any horizontal updates
stz :Top
bra :NoYUpdate
lda :Bottom ; opposite, did 0 to Y
inc a ; so do Y+1 to HEIGHT
sta :Top
lda ScreenTileHeight
sta :Bottom
; +---------------------------+----------+ <-- Top
; | | |
; | | New |
; | | |
; | Old Area | (drawn) |
; | | (second) |
; | | | <-- Bottom
; +---------------------------+==========|
; |//////////////////////////////////////|
; |// New Area (drawn first) ////////////|
; |//////////////////////////////////////|
; +--------------------------------------+
; ^ ^
; | |
; +--- Left Right --+
; The Top an Bottom are set the the correct values to draw in whatever potential range of tiles
; need to be draws if there was any horizontal displacement
lda BG0TileOriginX ; Did the first column of the tile map change from before?
cmp OldBG0TileOriginX ; Did it change from before?
beq :NoXUpdate ; no, so we can ignore this
sbc BG0TileOriginX ; find the difference
bpl :DoRightSide ; did we move in a pos or neg?
; Handle the two sides in an analagous way as the vertical code
eor #$FFFF
sta :Right
bra :DoXUpdate
eor #$FFFF
adc ScreenTileWidth
sta :Left
jsr :DrawRectBG0 ; Fill in the rectangle.
; This is a private subroutine that draws in tiles into the code fields using the
; data from the tilemap and the local :Top, :Left, :Bottom and :Right parameters.
lda :Bottom
sbc :Top
sta :Height
lda :Right
sbc :Left
sta :Width
; Compute the offset into the tile array of the top-left corner
lda :Left
adc BG0TileOriginX
sta :GlobalTileIdxX
lda :Top
adc BG0TileOriginY ; This is the global verical index
sta :GlobalTileIdxY
ldx TileMapWidth
jsr :MulAX
adc :GlobalTileIdxX
asl ; Double for word sizes
sta :Offset ; Stash the pointer offset in Y
lda TileMapWidth
sbc :Width
asl ; This is the number of bytes to move the Offset to advance from the end of
sta :Span ; one line to the beginning of the next
; Now we need to figure out the code field tile coordinate of corner of
; play field. That is, becuase the screen is scrolling, the location of
; tile (0, 0) could be anywhere within the code field
lda StartYMod208 ; This is the code field line that is at the top of the screen
and #$FFF8 ; Clamp to the nearest block
lsr ; Could optimize because the Tile code shifts back....
adc :Top
sta :BlkY ; This is the Y-block we start drawing from
lda StartXMod164 ; Dx the same thing for X, except only need to clamp by 4
and #$FFFC
adc :Left
sta :BlkX
; Call the copy tile routine to blit the tile data into the playfield
; A = Tile ID (0 - 1023)
; X = Tile column (0 - 40)
; Y = Tile row (0 - 25)
pei :BlkX ; cache the starting X-block index to restore later
pei :Width ; cache the Width value to restore later
ldy :Offset ; Set up the arguments and call the tile blitter
lda [TileMapPtr],y
iny ; pre-increment the address. A bit faster than two "INC DP" instructions
sty :Offset
ldx :BlkX
ldy :BlkY
jsr CopyTile
inc :BlkX ; Move to the next block
dec :Width ; Decrement out count
bne :xloop
lda :Offset ; Move to the next line of the Tile Map
adc :Span
sta :Offset
lda 3,s ; Reset the BlkX
sta :BlkX
lda 1,s ; Reset the width
sta :Width
inc :BlkY
dec :Height ; Have we done all of the rows?
bne :yloop
pla ; Pop off cached values
; Quick multiplication of the accumulator and x-register
; A = A * X
stx :MulA
cmp :MulA ; Put the smaller value in MulA (less shifts on average)
bcc :swap
sta :MulB
bra :entry
:swap stx :MulB
sta :MulA
lda #0
; Start shifting and adding. We actually do an extra
; shift if MulA is zero, but a zero value does not
; change the result and it allows us to eliminate a
; branch on the inner loop
lsr :MulA ; shift out the LSB
bcc :skip ; zero is no multiply
adc :MulB
asl :MulB ; double the multplicand
ldx :MulA
bne :loop

View File

@ -609,61 +609,3 @@ ApplyBG1OffsetValues
:none rts
BG1YCache ds 32

View File

@ -37,13 +37,34 @@ OldBG1StartY equ 50
BG1OffsetIndex equ 52
BG0TileOriginX equ 54 ; Coordinate in the tile map that corresponds to the top-left corner
BG0TileOriginY equ 56
OldBG0TileOriginX equ 58
OldBG0TileOriginY equ 60
BG1TileOriginX equ 62 ; Coordinate in the tile map that corresponds to the top-left corner
BG1TileOriginY equ 64
OldBG1TileOriginX equ 66
OldBG1TileOriginY equ 68
TileMapWidth equ 70
TileMapHeight equ 72
TileMapPtr equ 74
Next equ 78
BankLoad equ 128
bstk equ 208 ; 16-byte stack to push bank addresses
blttmp equ 192 ; 32 bytes of local cache/scratch space
tmp8 equ 224
tmp9 equ 226
tmp10 equ 228
tmp11 equ 230
tmp12 equ 232
tmp13 equ 234
tmp14 equ 236
tmp15 equ 238
tmp0 equ 240 ; 16 bytes of temporary space to be used as scratch
tmp1 equ 242
@ -58,30 +79,3 @@ DIRTY_BIT_BG0_X equ $0001
DIRTY_BIT_BG0_Y equ $0002
DIRTY_BIT_BG1_X equ $0004
DIRTY_BIT_BG1_Y equ $0008

View File

@ -235,19 +235,3 @@ CopyTile
sta $7003,y
rep #$20

View File

@ -189,5 +189,3 @@ CopyRTableToStkAddr
:x01 ldal RTable+00,x
sta: STK_ADDR+$0000,y
:none rts