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synced 2025-02-13 05:30:29 +00:00
Checkpoint; blitter failing
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ appTmp0 equ 28
; Load a tileset
pea 0
pea 256
pea #^tiledata
pea #tiledata
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ MaxBG0X equ 20
MaxBG0Y equ 22
OldOneSecondCounter equ 26
appTmp0 equ 28
appTmp1 equ 30
appTmp2 equ 32
@ -50,15 +52,39 @@ appTmp0 equ 28
jsr GTEStartUp ; Load and install the GTE User Tool
; Initialize local variables
pea $0000 ; Set the first two tiles
pea $0002
pea #^TileData
pea #TileData
; pea $0000
; pea #^TileSetPalette
; pea #TileSetPalette
; _GTESetPalette
pea $0000
pea #^TileSetPalette
pea #TileSetPalette
; Set up our level data
; Fill in the field with a checkboard pattern
stz appTmp1
:tloop0 stz appTmp0
:tloop1 lda appTmp0 ; X
pei appTmp1 ; Y
eor appTmp1
and #$0001
pha ; tile ID
inc appTmp0
lda #40
cmp appTmp0
bcs :tloop1
inc appTmp1
lda #25
cmp appTmp1
bcs :tloop0
; Set up a very specific test. First, we draw a sprite into the sprite plane, and then
; leave it alone. We are just testing the ability to merge sprite plane data into
@ -70,7 +96,8 @@ EvtLoop
jsr HandleKeys ; Do the generic key handlers
pea RENDER_PER_SCANLINE ; Scanline rendering
pea #RENDER_PER_SCANLINE ; Scanline rendering
; pea $0000
brl EvtLoop
@ -88,9 +115,12 @@ qtRec adrl $0000
da $00
; Color palette
TileSetPalette dw $0000,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF,$0FFF
MyDirectPage ds 2
; Stub
SetLimits rts
PUT ../kfest-2022/StartUp.s
PUT Tiles.s
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ REM
REM Pass the path of the Cadius tool as the first argument (%1)
set CADIUS="%1"
set IMAGE="..\\..\\..\\emu\\Target.2mg"
set IMAGE="..\\..\\emu\\Target.2mg"
REM Cadius does not overwrite files, so clear the root folder first
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ REM Cadius does not overwrite files, so clear the root folder first
REM Now copy files and folders as needed
%CADIUS% ADDFILE %IMAGE% %FOLDER% ..\..\src\Tool160
@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ _GTEClearBG1Buffer MAC
UserTool $2B00+GTEToolNum
_GTEGetAddress MAC
UserTool $2C00+GTEToolNum
; EngineMode definitions
; Script definition
@ -155,6 +158,8 @@ RENDER_BG1_VERT_OFFSET equ $0004
; GetAddress table IDs
scanlineHorzOffset equ $0001
; Tile constants
@ -233,6 +233,7 @@ EngineReset
sta tmp15
stz tmp14
; Rebuild all of the bank blitters
ldx #BlitBuff
lda #^BlitBuff
@ -247,6 +248,15 @@ EngineReset
dec tmp15
bne :loop
; Set the scanline tables to reasonable default values
ldx #{416*2}-2
lda #0
sta StartXMod164Arr,x
bpl :sxm_loop
@ -184,6 +184,9 @@ DIRTY_BIT_BG0_REFRESH equ $0010
; GetAddress table IDs
scanlineHorzOffset equ $0001 ; table of 416 wors, a double-array of scanline offset values. Must be 0, 163
; Script definition
YIELD equ $8000
JUMP equ $4000
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ _Render
beq *+5
jmp _RenderScanlines ; Do the scanline-based renderer
jsr _ApplyBG0YPos ; Set stack addresses for the virtual lines to the physical screen
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ _Render
jsr _RenderSprites ; Once the BG0 X and Y positions are committed, update sprite data
jsr _UpdateBG0TileMap ; and the tile maps. These subroutines build up a list of tiles
; jsr _UpdateBG1TileMap ; that need to be updated in the code field
jsr _UpdateBG1TileMap ; that need to be updated in the code field
jsr _ApplyTiles ; This function actually draws the new tiles into the code field
@ -155,61 +154,63 @@ _DoOverlay
:disp jsl $000000
; Use the per-scanline tables to set the screen. This is really meant to be used without the built-in tilemap
; support and is more of a low-level way to control the background rendering
jsr _ApplyBG0YPos ; Set stack addresses for the virtual lines to the physical screen
; jsr _ApplyBG1YPos ; Set the y-register values of the blitter
jsr _ApplyBG1YPos ; Set the y-register values of the blitter
; _ApplyBG0Xpos need to be split because we have to set the offsets, then draw in any updated tiles, and
; finally patch out the code field. Right now, the BRA operand is getting overwritten by tile data.
jsr _ApplyBG0XPosPre
; jsr _ApplyBG1XPosPre
jsr _ApplyBG1XPosPre
; jsr _RenderSprites ; Once the BG0 X and Y positions are committed, update sprite data
; jsr _ApplyTiles ; This function actually draws the new tiles into the code field
jsr _ScanlineBG0XPos ; Patch the code field instructions with exit BRA opcode
jsr _ScanlineBG0XPos ; Patch the code field instructions with exit BRA opcode
; jsr _ApplyBG1XPos ; Update the direct page value based on the horizontal position
; The code fields are locked in now and ready to be rendered. See if there is an overlay or any
; other reason to render with shadowing off. Otherwise, just do things quickly.
lda Overlays
beq :no_ovrly
; lda Overlays
; beq :no_ovrly
jsr _ShadowOff
; jsr _ShadowOff
; Shadowing is turned off. Render all of the scan lines that need a second pass. One
; optimization that can be done here is that the lines can be rendered in any order
; since it is not shown on-screen yet.
ldx Overlays+2 ; Blit the full virtual buffer to the screen
ldy Overlays+4
jsr _BltRange
; ldx Overlays+2 ; Blit the full virtual buffer to the screen
; ldy Overlays+4
; jsr _BltRange
; Turn shadowing back on
jsr _ShadowOn
; jsr _ShadowOn
; Now render all of the remaining lines in top-to-bottom (or bottom-to-top) order
ldx #0
ldy Overlays+2
beq :skip
jsr _BltRange
; ldx #0
; ldy Overlays+2
; beq :skip
; jsr _BltRange
jsr _DoOverlay
; jsr _DoOverlay
ldx Overlays+4
cpx ScreenHeight
beq :done
ldy ScreenHeight
jsr _BltRange
bra :done
; ldx Overlays+4
; cpx ScreenHeight
; beq :done
; ldy ScreenHeight
; jsr _BltRange
; bra :done
ldx #0 ; Blit the full virtual buffer to the screen
@ -217,9 +218,9 @@ _RenderScanlines
jsr _BltRange
ldx #0
ldy ScreenHeight
jsr _BltSCB
; ldx #0
; ldy ScreenHeight
; jsr _BltSCB
lda StartYMod208 ; Restore the fields back to their original state
ldx ScreenHeight
@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
; Basic tile functions
; Copy tileset data from a pointer in memory to the tiledata back
; X = high word
; A = low word
; tmp0 = Pointer to tile data
; X = first tile
; Y = last tile
; To copy in three tiles starting at tile 5, for example, X = 5 and Y = 9
sta tmp0
stx tmp1
_Mul128 ; Jump to the target location
sta tmp2 ; This is the terminating byte
ldy #0
:loop lda [tmp0],y
stal tiledata,x
bne :loop
cpx tmp2
bne :loop ; Use BNE so when Y=512 => $0000, we wait for wrap-around
@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ _CallTable
adrl _TSClearBG1Buffer-1
adrl _TSSetBG1Scale-1
adrl _TSGetAddress-1
_GTEAddSprite MAC
UserTool $1000+GTEToolNum
@ -183,7 +184,9 @@ _TSShutDown
jsr _CoreShutDown ; Shut down the library
pea $8000
lda EngineMode ; $0000 = system tool, $8000 = user tool set
and #$8000
pei ToolNum
pea $0000 ; Set WAP to null
pea $0000
@ -303,18 +306,27 @@ _TSRenderDirty
jsr _RenderDirty
_TSExit #0;#2
; LoadTileSet(Pointer)
; LoadTileSet(Start, Finish, Pointer)
TSPtr equ FirstParam
:TSPtr equ FirstParam
:finish equ FirstParam+4
:start equ FirstParam+6
lda TSPtr+2,s
lda :TSPtr+2,s ; stuff the pointer in the direct page
sta tmp1
lda :TSPtr,s
sta tmp0
lda :start,s ; put the range in the registers
lda TSPtr,s
lda :finish,s
jsr _LoadTileSet
_TSExit #0;#4
_TSExit #0;#8
; CreateSpriteStamp(spriteDescriptor: Word, vbuffAddr: Word)
@ -805,6 +817,27 @@ _TSSetBG1Scale
sta BG1Scaling
_TSExit #0;#2
:output equ FirstParam+0
:tblId equ FirstParam+4
lda #0
sta :output,s
sta :output+2,s
lda :value,s
cmp #scanlineHorzOffset
bne :out
lda #StartXMod164Arr
sta :output,s
lda #^StartXMod164Arr
sta :output+2,s
_TSExit #0;#2
; Insert the GTE code
put Math.s
@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ _BltRange
lda EngineMode
beq :skip_bank
; TODO: Switch to loading the selected BG1 bank. No special "Alt" bank
lda RenderFlags
beq :primary
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ _BltRange
tsc ; save the stack pointer
stal stk_save+1
blt_entry jml $000000 ; Jump into the blitter code $XX/YY00
blt_return _R0W0
@ -205,9 +205,8 @@ _ApplyBG0XPos
; where the exit will be patched in
dec ; (a - 1) % 164
bpl :hop1
bpl *+5
lda #163
; If the exit byte is odd, then the left edge is even-aligned and we round down and exit at at
; that word.
@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ _ApplyBG0XPos
dec ; to get the index of the first on-screen byte
cmp #164 ; Keep the value in range
bcc :hop2
bcc *+5
sbc #164
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ _ScanlineBG0XPos
:base_address equ tmp8
:opcode equ tmp9
:odd_entry_offset equ tmp10
brk $AB
lda StartYMod208 ; This is the base line of the virtual screen
sta :virt_line_x2 ; Keep track of it
@ -38,8 +39,8 @@ _ScanlineBG0XPos
ldx :virt_line_x2
lda StartXMod164Arr,x ; Get the offset for this line
lda StartXMod164Arr,x ; Get the offset for this line
dec ; The exit point is one byte sooner
bpl *+5
lda #163
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ _ScanlineBG0XPos
sta :opcode
; Not patch in the code field line
; Now patch in the code field line
ldy BTableLow,x ; Get the address of the first code field line
@ -124,9 +125,9 @@ _ScanlineBG0XPos
sta: OPCODE_SAVE+$0000,y
txy ; ldy :exit_address -- starting at this address
ldx :exit_bra ; Copy this value into all of the lines
sta: $0000,y
; txy ; ldy :exit_address -- starting at this address
lda :exit_bra ; Copy this value into all of the lines
sta: $0000,x
; Next, patch in the CODE_ENTRY value, which is the low byte of a JMP instruction. This is an
; 8-bit operation and, since the PEA code is bank aligned, we use the entry_offset value directly
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ _ScanlineBG0XPos
; SetCodeEntry
lda :entry_offset
ldy :base_address
; ldy :base_address
sta: CODE_ENTRY+$0000,y
; SetCodeEntryOpcode
@ -151,11 +152,11 @@ _ScanlineBG0XPos
; SetOddCodeEntry
sta: ODD_ENTRY+$0000,y
; SaveHighOperand
ldx :exit_address
; ldx :exit_address
lda: $0002,x
sta: OPCODE_HIGH_SAVE+$0000,y
rep #$21 ; clear the carry
rep #$20 ; clear the carry
; Do the end of the loop -- update the virtual line counter and reduce the number
; of lines left to render
@ -193,18 +194,19 @@ _RestoreScanlineBG0Opcodes
ldx :virt_line_x2
ldy BTableLow,x ; Get the address of the first code field line
lda BTableHigh,x
ora :src_bank
lda LastPatchOffsetArr,x
lda BTableLow,x ; Get the address of the first code field line
adc LastPatchOffsetArr,x
lda OPCODE_SAVE+$0000,y
sta $0000,x
lda: OPCODE_SAVE+$0000,y
sta: $0000,x
; Do the end of the loop -- update the virtual line counter and reduce the number
; of lines left to render
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
DP_ADDR equ entry_1-base+1 ; offset to patch in the direct page for dynamic tiles
BG1_ADDR equ entry_2-base+1 ; offset to patch in the Y-reg for BG1 (dp),y addressing
STK_ADDR equ entry_3-base+1 ; offset to patch in the stack (SHR) right edge address
BNK_ADDR equ entry_0-base+1 ; offset to patch in the address of a Bank 0 memory location to load the bank register
; BNK_ADDR equ entry_0-base+1 ; offset to patch in the address of a Bank 0 memory location to load the bank register
DP_ENTRY equ entry_1-base
TWO_LYR_ENTRY equ entry_2-base
ONE_LYR_ENTRY equ entry_3-base
BANK_ENTRY equ entry_0-base
; BANK_ENTRY equ entry_0-base
CODE_ENTRY_OPCODE equ entry_jmp-base
CODE_ENTRY equ entry_jmp-base+1 ; low byte of the page-aligned jump address
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ BankPatchNum equ *-BankPatches
; the code is assembled on a page boundary to help with alignment
ds \,$00 ; pad to the next page boundary
entry_0 lda #0000 ; Used to set per-scanline bank register
;entry_0 lda #0000 ; Used to set per-scanline bank register
; tcs
; plb
entry_1 ldx #0000 ; Used for LDA 00,x addressing (Dynamic Tiles)
entry_2 ldy #0000 ; Used for LDA (00),y addressing (Second Layer; BG1)
entry_3 lda #0000 ; Sets screen address (right edge)
Reference in New Issue
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