; Test program for graphics stufff... ; ; Allow dynamic resizing to benchmark against different games rel use Util.Macs.s use Locator.Macs.s use Mem.Macs.s use Misc.Macs.s put ..\macros\App.Macs.s put ..\macros\EDS.GSOS.MACS.s put .\blitter\DirectPage.s mx %00 SHADOW_REG equ $E0C035 STATE_REG equ $E0C068 NEW_VIDEO_REG equ $E0C029 BORDER_REG equ $E0C034 ; 0-3 = border 4-7 Text color VBL_VERT_REG equ $E0C02E VBL_HORZ_REG equ $E0C02F KBD_REG equ $E0C000 KBD_STROBE_REG equ $E0C010 VBL_STATE_REG equ $E0C019 SHR_SCREEN equ $E12000 SHR_SCB equ $E19D00 ; Typical init phk plb ; Tool startup _TLStartUp ; normal tool initialization pha _MMStartUp _Err ; should never happen pla sta MasterId ; our master handle references the memory allocated to us ora #$0100 ; set auxID = $01 (valid values $01-0f) sta UserId ; any memory we request must use our own id _MTStartUp ; Install interrupt handlers PushLong #0 pea $0015 ; Get the existing 1-second interrupt handler and save _GetVector PullLong OldOneSecVec pea $0015 ; Set the new handler and enable interrupts PushLong #OneSecHandler _SetVector pea $0006 _IntSource PushLong #VBLTASK ; Also register a Heart Beat Task _SetHeartBeat ; Start up the graphics engine... jsr MemInit ; Allocate memory jsr BlitInit ; Initialize the memory jsr GrafInit ; Initialize the graphics screen ldx #6 ; Gameboy Advance size jsr SetScreenMode lda #0 ; Set the virtual Y-position jsr SetYPos ; Load a picture and copy it into Bank $E1. Then turn on the screen. jsr AllocOneBank ; Alloc 64KB for Load/Unpack sta BankLoad ; Store "Bank Pointer" EvtLoop jsr WaitForKey cmp #'q' bne :1 brl Exit :1 cmp #'l' bne :2 jsr DoLoadPic bra EvtLoop :2 cmp #'m' bne :3 jsr DumpBanks bra EvtLoop :3 cmp #'f' ; render a 'f'rame bne :4 jsr DoFrame bra EvtLoop :4 cmp #'h' ; Show the 'h'eads up display bne :5 jsr DoHUP :5 cmp #'1' bcc :6 cmp #'9'+1 bcs :6 sec sbc #'1' tax jsr SetScreenMode :6 bra EvtLoop ; Allow the user to dynamically select one of the pre-configured screen sizes ; ; 1. Full Screen : 40 x 25 320 x 200 (32,000 bytes (100.0%)) ; 2. Sword of Sodan : 34 x 24 272 x 192 (26,112 bytes ( 81.6%)) ; 3. ~NES : 32 x 25 256 x 200 (25,600 bytes ( 80.0%)) ; 4. Task Force : 32 x 22 256 x 176 (22,528 bytes ( 70.4%)) ; 5. Defender of the World : 35 x 20 280 x 160 (22,400 bytes ( 70.0%)) ; 6. Rastan : 32 x 20 256 x 160 (20,480 bytes ( 64.0%)) ; 7. Game Boy Advanced : 30 x 20 240 x 160 (19,200 bytes ( 60.0%)) ; 8. Ancient Land of Y's : 36 x 16 288 x 128 (18,432 bytes ( 57.6%)) ; 9. Game Boy Color : 20 x 18 160 x 144 (11,520 bytes ( 36.0%)) ; ; X=mode number ]ScreenModeWidth dw 320,272,256,256,280,256,240,288,160 ]ScreenModeHeight dw 200,192,200,176,160,160,160,128,144 SetScreenMode cpx #8 bcc :rangeOk ldx #8 :rangeOk txa asl tax lda #320 ; Calculate the screen offset sec sbc: ]ScreenModeWidth,x lsr lsr xba pha lda #200 sec sbc: ]ScreenModeHeight,x lsr ora 1,s sta 1,s ldy: ]ScreenModeHeight,x lda: ]ScreenModeWidth,x lsr tax pla jsr SetScreenRect jsr FillScreen rts SecondsStr str 'SECONDS' TicksStr str 'TICKS' ; Print a bunch of messages on screen DoHUP lda #SecondsStr ldx #{160-12*4} ldy #$7777 jsr DrawString lda OneSecondCounter ; Number of elapsed seconds ldx #{160-4*4} ; Render the word 4 charaters from right edge jsr DrawWord lda #TicksStr ldx #{8*160+160-12*4} ldy #$7777 jsr DrawString PushLong #0 _GetTick pla plx ldx #{8*160+160-4*4} jsr DrawWord rts ; Set up the code field and render it DoFrame ; Render some tiles :bank equ 0 :column equ 2 :tile equ 4 stz :bank stz :tile :bankloop ldx :bank ldal BlitBuff+1,x ; set the data bank to the code field pha plb plb stz :column :tileloop ldx :column ldal Col2CodeOffset,x tay iny lda :tile jsr CopyTile lda :tile inc and #$000F sta :tile lda :column clc adc #4 sta :column cmp #4*40 bcc :tileloop lda :bank clc adc #4 sta :bank cmp #4*13 bcc :bankloop phk plb ; This sets up the environment for calling the blitter. The blitter code takes care of moving from ; line to line and should be set up ahead of time with appropriate epilogues for lines to periodically ; enable interrupts and other stuff. In short, we call into the code once and, when it returns, all of ; the lines set up to render will be finished. sep #$20 ; 8-bit acc lda BlitBuff+2 ; set the data bank to the code field sta blt_entry+3 ; Patch into the long jump pha pha ; push twice because we will use it later rep #$20 ldx #80*2 ; This is the word to exit from ldy Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset sep #$20 ; 8-bit acc lda BlitBuff+2 ; set the data bank to the code field sta blt_entry+3 ; Patch into the long jump rep #$20 plb ; set the data bank to the code field ldx #16*2 ; Y-register is set correctly lda #OPCODE_SAVE jsr SaveOpcode ldx #80*2 ; X-register is overwritten by SaveOpcode ldal CodeFieldEvenBRA,x ; Get the value to place there ldx #16*2 jsr SetConst ; lda #{$2000+159+15*160} ; Set the stack address to the right edge of the screen ; ldy #0 ; ldx #16*2 ; jsr SetScreenAddrs sep #$20 ; only need to do an 8-bit store lda #$06 ; This is the entry address to start drawing ldy #CODE_ENTRY ; don't actually need to set these again ldx #16*2 jsr SetConst rep #$30 ldy #$7000 ; Set the return after line 200 (Bank 13, line 8) jsr SetReturn sei ; disable interrupts ldal STATE_REG ora #$0010 ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 1 stal STATE_REG tsc ; save the stack pointer stal stk_save+1 blt_entry jml $000006 ; Jump into the blitter code $XX/YY06 blt_return ldal STATE_REG ; Read Bank 0 / Write Bank 0 and #$FFCF stal STATE_REG stk_save lda #0000 ; load the stack tcs cli ; re-enable interrupts plb ; set the bank back to the code field ldx #80*2 ; This is the word to exit from ldal Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset tay ldx #16*2 lda #OPCODE_SAVE ; jsr RestoreOpcode phk ; restore data bank plb rts DoLoadPic lda BankLoad ldx #ImageName ; Load+Unpack Boot Picture jsr LoadPicture ; X=Name, A=Bank to use for loading lda BankLoad ; get address of loaded/uncompressed picture clc adc #$0080 ; skip header? sta :copySHR+2 ; and store that over the 'ldal' address below ldx #$7FFE ; copy all image data :copySHR ldal $000000,x ; load from BankLoad we allocated stal $E12000,x ; store to SHR screen dex dex bpl :copySHR rts Exit pea $0007 ; disable 1-second interrupts _IntSource PushLong #VBLTASK ; Remove our heartbeat task _DelHeartBeat pea $0015 PushLong OldOneSecVec ; Reset the interrupt vector _SetVector PushWord UserId ; Deallocate all of our memory _DisposeAll _QuitGS qtRec bcs Fatal Fatal brk $00 Hello str '000000' ; str adds leading length byte **************************************** * Fatal Error Handler * **************************************** PgmDeath tax pla inc phx phk pha bra ContDeath PgmDeath0 pha pea $0000 pea $0000 ContDeath ldx #$1503 jsl $E10000 ; Interrupt handlers. We install a heartbeat (1/60th second and a 1-second timer) OneSecHandler mx %11 phb pha phk plb rep #$20 inc OneSecondCounter sep #$20 ldal $E0C032 and #%10111111 ;clear IRQ source stal $E0C032 pla plb clc rtl mx %00 OneSecondCounter dw 0 OldOneSecVec ds 4 VBLTASK hex 00000000 dw 0 hex 5AA5 ; Blitter initialization BlitInit ]step equ 0 lup 13 ldx #BlitBuff lda #^BlitBuff ldy #]step jsr BuildBank ]step equ ]step+4 --^ rts ; Graphic screen initialization GrafInit lda #$8888 jsr ClearToColor lda #0000 jsr SetSCBs jsr GrafOn jsr ShadowOn rts ; Return the current border color ($0 - $F) in the accumulator GetBorderColor lda #0000 sep #$20 ldal BORDER_REG and #$0F rep #$20 rts ; Set the border color to the accumulator value. SetBorderColor sep #$20 ; ACC = $X_Y, REG = $W_Z eorl BORDER_REG ; ACC = $(X^Y)_(Y^Z) and #$0F ; ACC = $0_(Y^Z) eorl BORDER_REG ; ACC = $W_(Y^Z^Z) = $W_Y stal BORDER_REG rep #$20 rts ; Clear to SHR screen to a specific color ClearToColor ldx #$7D00 ;start at top of pixel data! ($2000-9D00) :clearloop dex dex stal SHR_SCREEN,x ;screen location bne :clearloop ;loop until we've worked our way down to 0 rts ; Initialize the SCB SetSCBs ldx #$0100 ;set all $100 scbs to A :scbloop dex dex stal SHR_SCB,x bne :scbloop rts ; Turn SHR screen On/Off GrafOn sep #$20 lda #$81 stal NEW_VIDEO_REG rep #$20 rts GrafOff sep #$20 lda #$01 stal NEW_VIDEO_REG rep #$20 rts ; Enable/Disable Shadowing. ShadowOn sep #$20 ldal SHADOW_REG and #$F7 stal SHADOW_REG rep #$20 rts ShadowOff sep #$20 ldal SHADOW_REG ora #$08 stal SHADOW_REG rep #$20 rts GetVBL sep #$20 ldal VBL_HORZ_REG asl ldal VBL_VERT_REG rol ; put V5 into carry bit, if needed. See TN #39 for details. rep #$20 and #$00FF rts WaitForVBL sep #$20 :wait1 ldal VBL_STATE_REG ; If we are already in VBL, then wait bmi :wait1 :wait2 ldal VBL_STATE_REG bpl :wait2 ; spin until transition into VBL rep #$20 rts WaitForKey sep #$20 stal KBD_STROBE_REG ; clear the strobe :WFK ldal KBD_REG bpl :WFK rep #$20 and #$007F rts ClearKeyboardStrobe sep #$20 stal KBD_STROBE_REG rep #$20 rts ; Graphics helpers LoadPicture jsr LoadFile ; X=Nom Image, A=Banc de chargement XX/00 bcc :loadOK rts :loadOK jsr UnpackPicture ; A=Packed Size rts UnpackPicture sta UP_PackedSize ; Size of Packed Data lda #$8000 ; Size of output Data Buffer sta UP_UnPackedSize lda BankLoad ; Banc de chargement / Decompression sta UP_Packed+1 ; Packed Data clc adc #$0080 stz UP_UnPacked ; On remet a zero car modifie par l'appel stz UP_UnPacked+2 sta UP_UnPacked+1 ; Unpacked Data buffer PushWord #0 ; Space for Result : Number of bytes unpacked PushLong UP_Packed ; Pointer to buffer containing the packed data PushWord UP_PackedSize ; Size of the Packed Data PushLong #UP_UnPacked ; Pointer to Pointer to unpacked buffer PushLong #UP_UnPackedSize ; Pointer to a Word containing size of unpacked data _UnPackBytes pla ; Number of byte unpacked rts UP_Packed hex 00000000 ; Address of Packed Data UP_PackedSize hex 0000 ; Size of Packed Data UP_UnPacked hex 00000000 ; Address of Unpacked Data Buffer (modified) UP_UnPackedSize hex 0000 ; Size of Unpacked Data Buffer (modified) ; Basic I/O function to load files LoadFile stx openRec+4 ; X=File, A=Bank/Page XX/00 sta readRec+5 :openFile _OpenGS openRec bcs :openReadErr lda openRec+2 sta eofRec+2 sta readRec+2 _GetEOFGS eofRec lda eofRec+4 sta readRec+8 lda eofRec+6 sta readRec+10 _ReadGS readRec bcs :openReadErr :closeFile _CloseGS closeRec clc lda eofRec+4 ; File Size rts :openReadErr jsr :closeFile nop nop PushWord #0 PushLong #msgLine1 PushLong #msgLine2 PushLong #msgLine3 PushLong #msgLine4 _TLTextMountVolume pla cmp #1 bne :loadFileErr brl :openFile :loadFileErr sec rts msgLine1 str 'Unable to load File' msgLine2 str 'Press a key :' msgLine3 str ' -> Return to Try Again' msgLine4 str ' -> Esc to Quit' ; Data storage ImageName strl '1/test.pic' MasterId ds 2 UserId ds 2 BankLoad hex 0000 openRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum adrl ImageName ; pathname eofRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; eof readRec dw 4 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; dataBuffer ds 4 ; requestCount ds 4 ; transferCount closeRec dw 1 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 put App.Init.s put App.Msg.s put font.s put blitter/Template.s put blitter/Tables.s