; Collection of the EXTernal labels exported by GTE. This is the closest thing ; we have to an API definition. EngineStartUp EXT EngineShutDown EXT SetScreenMode EXT ReadControl EXT ; Low-Level Functions SetPalette EXT GetVBLTicks EXT ; Tilemap functions SetBG0XPos EXT SetBG0YPos EXT SetBG1XPos EXT SetBG1YPos EXT CopyBG0Tile EXT CopyBG1Tile EXT CopyTileToDyn EXT Render EXT ; Rotation ApplyBG1XPosAngle EXT ApplyBG1YPosAngle EXT CopyPicToField EXT CopyBinToField EXT CopyBinToBG1 EXT AddTimer EXT RemoveTimer EXT DoTimers EXT StartScript EXT StopScript EXT ; Sprite functions AddSprite EXT ; Direct access to internals DoScriptSeq EXT GetTileAddr EXT ; Allocate a full 64K bank AllocBank EXT ; Data references ; ; Super Hires line address lookup table for convenience ScreenAddr EXT OneSecondCounter EXT BlitBuff EXT