; IIgs Generic Tile Engine User Toolset TYP $BA ; Tool set file DSK Tool160 XPL ; Main toolbox interface and code ASM Tool.s SNA Main ; 64KB Tile Memory ASM static/TileData.s KND #$1101 ; Type and Attributes ($10=Static,$01=Data) ALI BANK SNA TDATA ; 64KB Sprite Plane Data ASM static/SprData.s KND #$1101 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data) ALI BANK SNA SDATA ; 64KB Sprite Mask Data ASM static/SprMask.s KND #$1101 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data) ALI BANK SNA SMASK ; 64KB Tile Store ASM static/TileStore.s KND #$1101 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data) ALI BANK SNA TSTORE ; 64KB Rotation Data Tables ASM RotData.s KND #$1101 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data) ALI BANK SNA ROTDATA ; GTE "Lite" blitter. One bank of static code, no relocation needed. ASM blitter/TemplateLite.s ALI BANK SNA BLTLITE ; Additional code ; ASM FastCopies.s ; KND #$1101 ; Type and Attributes ($11=Static+Bank Relative,$01=Data) ; ALI BANK ; SNA FASTCPY