; Test driver to exercise graphics routines. ; ; The general organization of the code is ; ; 1. The blitter/ folder contains all of the low-level graphics primitives ; 2. The blitter/DirectPage.s file defines all of the DP locations ; 3. Subroutines are written to try and be stateless, but, if local ; storage is needed, it is takes from the stack and uses stack-relative ; addressing. ; Allow dynamic resizing to benchmark against different games REL DSK MAINSEG use Util.Macs.s use Locator.Macs.s use Mem.Macs.s use Misc.Macs.s put ..\macros\App.Macs.s put ..\macros\EDS.GSOS.MACS.s put ..\macros\Tool222.MACS.s put .\blitter\DirectPage.s mx %00 SHADOW_REG equ $E0C035 STATE_REG equ $E0C068 NEW_VIDEO_REG equ $E0C029 BORDER_REG equ $E0C034 ; 0-3 = border, 4-7 Text color VBL_VERT_REG equ $E0C02E VBL_HORZ_REG equ $E0C02F KBD_REG equ $E0C000 KBD_STROBE_REG equ $E0C010 VBL_STATE_REG equ $E0C019 MOD_REG equ $E0C025 COMMAND_KEY_REG equ $E0C061 OPTION_KEY_REG equ $E0C062 SHADOW_SCREEN equ $012000 SHR_SCREEN equ $E12000 SHR_SCB equ $E19D00 SHR_PALETTES equ $E19E00 ; External references tiledata ext ; Feature flags NO_INTERRUPTS equ 1 ; turn off for crossrunner debugging NO_MUSIC equ 1 ; turn music + tool loading off ; Typical init phk plb ; Tool startup _TLStartUp ; normal tool initialization pha _MMStartUp _Err ; should never happen pla sta MasterId ; our master handle references the memory allocated to us ora #$0100 ; set auxID = $01 (valid values $01-0f) sta UserId ; any memory we request must use our own id _MTStartUp ; Use Tool222 (NinjaTrackerPlus) for music playback lda #NO_MUSIC bne :no_music pea $00DE pea $0000 _LoadOneTool _Err lda UserId pha _NTPStartUp pea #^MusicFile pea #MusicFile _NTPLoadOneMusic pea $0001 ; loop _NTPPlayMusic :no_music ; Install interrupt handlers. We use the VBL interrupt to keep animations ; moving at a consistent rate, regarless of the rendered frame rate. The ; one-second timer is generally just used for counters and as a handy ; frames-per-second trigger. lda #NO_INTERRUPTS bne :no_interrupts PushLong #0 pea $0015 ; Get the existing 1-second interrupt handler and save _GetVector PullLong OldOneSecVec pea $0015 ; Set the new handler and enable interrupts PushLong #OneSecHandler _SetVector pea $0006 _IntSource PushLong #VBLTASK ; Also register a Heart Beat Task _SetHeartBeat :no_interrupts ; Start up the graphics engine... jsr MemInit ; Allocate memory jsr BlitInit ; Initialize the memory jsr GrafInit ; Initialize the graphics screen ldx #0 ; jsr SetScreenMode jsr _InitBG1 ; Initialize the second background lda #0 jsr _ClearBG1Buffer ; Set up our level data jsr BG0SetUp ; Allocate room to load data jsr AllocOneBank2 ; Alloc 64KB for Load/Unpack sta BankLoad ; Store "Bank Pointer" jsr MovePlayerToOrigin ; Put the player at the beginning of the map lda #DIRTY_BIT_BG0_REFRESH ; Redraw all of the tiles on the next Render tsb DirtyBits ; jsr DoTiles ; jsr DoLoadBG1 ; jsr Demo EvtLoop jsr ReadControl and #$007F ; Ignore the buttons for now cmp #'q' bne :1 brl Exit :1 cmp #'l' bne :1_1 jsr DoLoadFG bra EvtLoop :1_1 cmp #'b' bne :2 jsr DoLoadBG1 bra EvtLoop :2 cmp #'m' bne :3 jsr DumpBanks bra EvtLoop :3 cmp #'f' ; render a 'f'rame bne :4 jsr Render bra EvtLoop :4 cmp #'h' ; Show the 'h'eads up display bne :5 jsr DoHUP bra EvtLoop :5 cmp #'1' ; User selects a new screen size bcc :6 cmp #'9'+1 bcs :6 sec sbc #'1' tax jsr SetScreenMode jsr MovePlayerToOrigin brl EvtLoop :6 cmp #'t' bne :7 jsr DoTiles brl EvtLoop :7 cmp #$15 ; left = $08, right = $15, up = $0B, down = $0A bne :8 lda #1 jsr MoveRight brl EvtLoop :8 cmp #$08 bne :9 lda #1 jsr MoveLeft brl EvtLoop :9 cmp #$0B bne :10 lda #1 jsr MoveUp brl EvtLoop :10 cmp #$0A bne :11 lda #1 jsr MoveDown brl EvtLoop :11 cmp #'d' bne :12 lda #1 jsr Demo brl EvtLoop :12 cmp #'z' bne :13 jsr AngleUp brl EvtLoop :13 cmp #'x' bne :14 jsr AngleDown brl EvtLoop :14 brl EvtLoop ; Exit code Exit lda #NO_INTERRUPTS bne :no_interrupts pea $0007 ; disable 1-second interrupts _IntSource PushLong #VBLTASK ; Remove our heartbeat task _DelHeartBeat pea $0015 PushLong OldOneSecVec ; Reset the interrupt vector _SetVector :no_interrupts lda #NO_MUSIC bne :no_music _NTPShutDown :no_music PushWord UserId ; Deallocate all of our memory _DisposeAll _QuitGS qtRec bcs Fatal Fatal brk $00 ; Position the screen with the botom-left corner of the tilemap visible MovePlayerToOrigin lda #0 ; Set the player's position jsr SetBG0XPos lda TileMapHeight asl asl asl sec sbc ScreenHeight jsr SetBG0YPos rts ClearBankLoad lda BankLoad phb pha plb ldx #$FFFE :lp sta: $0000,x dex dex cpx #0 bne :lp plb plb rts ; Allow the user to dynamically select one of the pre-configured screen sizes ; ; 1. Full Screen : 40 x 25 320 x 200 (32,000 bytes (100.0%)) ; 2. Sword of Sodan : 34 x 24 272 x 192 (26,112 bytes ( 81.6%)) ; 3. ~NES : 32 x 25 256 x 200 (25,600 bytes ( 80.0%)) ; 4. Task Force : 32 x 22 256 x 176 (22,528 bytes ( 70.4%)) ; 5. Defender of the World : 35 x 20 280 x 160 (22,400 bytes ( 70.0%)) ; 6. Rastan : 32 x 20 256 x 160 (20,480 bytes ( 64.0%)) ; 7. Game Boy Advanced : 30 x 20 240 x 160 (19,200 bytes ( 60.0%)) ; 8. Ancient Land of Y's : 36 x 16 288 x 128 (18,432 bytes ( 57.6%)) ; 9. Game Boy Color : 20 x 18 160 x 144 (11,520 bytes ( 36.0%)) ; 10. DEBUG : 40 x 1 320 x 1 ; X=mode number ]ScreenModeWidth dw 320,272,256,256,280,256,240,288,160,320 ]ScreenModeHeight dw 200,192,200,176,160,160,160,128,144,1 SetScreenMode cpx #9 bcc :rangeOk ldx #9 :rangeOk txa asl tax lda #320 ; Calculate the screen offset sec sbc: ]ScreenModeWidth,x lsr lsr xba pha lda #200 sec sbc: ]ScreenModeHeight,x lsr ora 1,s sta 1,s ldy: ]ScreenModeHeight,x lda: ]ScreenModeWidth,x lsr tax pla jsr SetScreenRect jsr FillScreen rts SecondsStr str 'SECONDS' TicksStr str 'TICKS' ; Print a bunch of messages on screen DoHUP lda #SecondsStr ldx #{160-12*4} ldy #$7777 jsr DrawString lda OneSecondCounter ; Number of elapsed seconds ldx #{160-4*4} ; Render the word 4 charaters from right edge jsr DrawWord lda #TicksStr ldx #{8*160+160-12*4} ldy #$7777 jsr DrawString PushLong #0 _GetTick pla plx ldx #{8*160+160-4*4} jsr DrawWord rts ; Fill up the virtual buffer with tile data DoTiles :row equ 1 :column equ 3 :tile equ 5 pea $0000 ; Allocate local variable space pea $0000 pea $0000 :rowloop lda #0 sta :column,s lda #$0010 sta :tile,s :colloop lda :row,s tay lda :column,s tax lda :tile,s jsr CopyTile ; lda :tile,s ; eor #$0003 ; sta :tile,s lda :column,s inc sta :column,s cmp #41 bcc :colloop lda :row,s inc sta :row,s cmp #26 bcc :rowloop pla ; restore the stack pla pla rts ; Load a binary file in the BG1 buffer DoLoadBG1 lda BankLoad ldx #BG1DataFile jsr LoadFile ldx BankLoad lda #0 ldy BG1DataBank jsr CopyBinToBG1 lda BankLoad ldx #BG1AltDataFile jsr LoadFile ldx BankLoad lda #0 ldy BG1AltBank jsr CopyBinToBG1 rts ; Load a raw pixture into the code buffer DoLoadFG lda BankLoad ldx #FGName jsr LoadFile ldx BankLoad ; Copy it into the code field lda #0 jsr CopyBinToField rts ; Load a simple picture format onto the SHR screen DoLoadPic lda BankLoad ldx #ImageName ; Load+Unpack Boot Picture jsr LoadPicture ; X=Name, A=Bank to use for loading ldx BankLoad ; Copy it into the code field lda #0 jsr CopyPicToField rts ; Copy a raw data file into the code field ; ; A=low word of picture address ; X=high word of pixture address CopyBinToField :srcptr equ tmp0 :line_cnt equ tmp2 :dstptr equ tmp3 :col_cnt equ tmp5 :mask equ tmp6 :data equ tmp7 :mask_color equ tmp8 sta :srcptr stx :srcptr+2 ; Check that this is a GTERAW image and save the transparent color ldy #4 :chkloop lda [:srcptr],y cmp :headerStr,y beq *+3 rts dey dey bpl :chkloop ; We have a valid header, now get the transparency word and load it in ldy #6 lda [:srcptr],y sta :mask_color ; Advance over the header lda :srcptr clc adc #8 sta :srcptr stz :line_cnt :rloop lda :line_cnt ; get the pointer to the code field line asl tax lda BTableLow,x sta :dstptr lda BTableHigh,x sta :dstptr+2 ldx #162 ; move backwards in the code field ldy #0 ; move forward in the image data lda #82 ; keep a running column count sta :col_cnt :cloop phy lda [:srcptr],y ; load the picture data cmp :mask_color beq :transparent ; a value of $0000 is transparent jsr :toMask ; Infer a mask value for this. If it's $0000, then cmp #$0000 bne :mixed ; the data is solid, otherwise mixed ; This is a solid word :solid lda [:srcptr],y ldy Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset to the code from the line start pha ; Save the data lda #$00F4 ; PEA instruction sta [:dstptr],y iny pla sta [:dstptr],y ; PEA operand bra :next :transparent lda :mask_color ; Make sure we actually have to mask cmp #$A5A5 beq :solid ldy Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset to the code from the line start lda #$B1 ; LDA (dp),y sta [:dstptr],y iny lda 1,s ; load the saved Y-index ora #$4800 ; put a PHA after the offset sta [:dstptr],y bra :next :mixed sta :mask ; Save the mask lda [:srcptr],y ; Refetch the screen data sta :data ldy Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset into the code field lda #$4C ; JMP exception sta [:dstptr],y iny lda JTableOffset,x ; Get the address offset and add to the base address clc adc :dstptr sta [:dstptr],y ldy JTableOffset,x ; This points to the code fragment lda 1,s ; load the offset xba ora #$00B1 sta [:dstptr],y ; write the LDA (--),y instruction iny iny iny ; advance to the AND #imm operand lda :mask sta [:dstptr],y iny iny iny ; advance to the ORA #imm operand lda :mask eor #$FFFF ; invert the mask to clear up the data and :data sta [:dstptr],y :next ply dex dex iny iny dec :col_cnt bne :cloop lda :srcptr clc adc #164 sta :srcptr inc :line_cnt lda :line_cnt cmp #200 bcs :exit brl :rloop :exit rts :toMask pha ; save original lda 1,s eor :mask_color ; only identical bits produce zero and #$F000 beq *+7 pea #$0000 bra *+5 pea #$F000 lda 3,s eor :mask_color and #$0F00 beq *+7 pea #$0000 bra *+5 pea #$0F00 lda 5,s eor :mask_color and #$00F0 beq *+7 pea #$0000 bra *+5 pea #$00F0 lda 7,s eor :mask_color and #$000F beq *+7 lda #$0000 bra *+5 lda #$000F ora 1,s sta 1,s pla ora 1,s sta 1,s pla ora 1,s sta 1,s pla sta 1,s ; pop the saved word pla rts :headerStr asc 'GTERAW' ; Copy a loaded SHR picture into the code field ; ; A=low word of picture address ; X=high workd of pixture address ; ; Picture must be within one bank CopyPicToField :srcptr equ tmp0 :line_cnt equ tmp2 :dstptr equ tmp3 :col_cnt equ tmp5 :mask equ tmp6 :data equ tmp7 sta :srcptr stx :srcptr+2 stz :line_cnt :rloop lda :line_cnt ; get the pointer to the code field line asl tax lda BTableLow,x sta :dstptr lda BTableHigh,x sta :dstptr+2 ldx #162 ; move backwards in the code field ldy #0 ; move forward in the image data lda #80 ; keep a running column count ; lda #82 ; keep a running column count sta :col_cnt :cloop phy lda [:srcptr],y ; load the picture data beq :transparent ; a value of $0000 is transparent jsr :toMask ; Infer a mask value for this. If it's $0000, then bne :mixed ; the data is solid, otherwise mixed ; This is a solid word lda [:srcptr],y ldy Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset to the code from the line start pha ; Save the data lda #$00F4 ; PEA instruction sta [:dstptr],y iny pla sta [:dstptr],y ; PEA operand bra :next :transparent ldy Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset to the code from the line start lda #$B1 ; LDA (dp),y sta [:dstptr],y iny lda 1,s ; load the saved Y-index ora #$4800 ; put a PHA after the offset sta [:dstptr],y bra :next :mixed sta :mask ; Save the mask lda [:srcptr],y ; Refetch the screen data sta :data ldy Col2CodeOffset,x ; Get the offset into the code field lda #$4C ; JMP exception sta [:dstptr],y iny lda JTableOffset,x ; Get the address offset and add to the base address clc adc :dstptr sta [:dstptr],y ldy JTableOffset,x ; This points to the code fragment lda 1,s ; load the offset xba ora #$00B1 sta [:dstptr],y ; write the LDA (--),y instruction iny iny iny ; advance to the AND #imm operand lda :mask sta [:dstptr],y iny iny iny ; advance to the ORA #imm operand lda :data sta [:dstptr],y :next ply dex dex iny iny dec :col_cnt bne :cloop lda :srcptr clc ; adc #164 adc #160 sta :srcptr inc :line_cnt lda :line_cnt ; cmp #208 cmp #200 bcs :exit brl :rloop :exit rts :toMask bit #$F000 beq *+7 and #$0FFF bra *+5 ora #$F000 bit #$0F00 beq *+7 and #$F0FF bra *+5 ora #$0F00 bit #$00F0 beq *+7 and #$FF0F bra *+5 ora #$00F0 bit #$000F beq *+7 and #$FFF0 bra *+5 ora #$000F rts ; Copy a binary image data file into BG1. Assumes the file is the correct size. ; ; A=low word of picture address ; X=high word of pixture address ; Y=high word of BG1 bank CopyBinToBG1 :srcptr equ tmp0 :line_cnt equ tmp2 :dstptr equ tmp3 :col_cnt equ tmp5 sta :srcptr stx :srcptr+2 sty :dstptr+2 ; Everything goes into this bank ; Advance over the header lda :srcptr clc adc #8 sta :srcptr stz :line_cnt :rloop lda :line_cnt ; get the pointer to the code field line asl tax lda BG1YTable,x sta :dstptr ldy #0 ; move forward in the image data and image data :cloop lda [:srcptr],y sta [:dstptr],y iny iny cpy #164 bcc :cloop lda [:srcptr] ; Duplicate the last byte in the extra space at the end of the line sta [:dstptr],y lda :srcptr clc adc #164 ; Each line is 328 pixels sta :srcptr inc :line_cnt lda :line_cnt cmp #208 ; A total of 208 lines bcc :rloop rts **************************************** * Fatal Error Handler * **************************************** PgmDeath tax pla inc phx phk pha bra ContDeath PgmDeath0 pha pea $0000 pea $0000 ContDeath ldx #$1503 jsl $E10000 ; Interrupt handlers. We install a heartbeat (1/60th second and a 1-second timer) OneSecHandler mx %11 phb pha phk plb rep #$20 inc OneSecondCounter sep #$20 ldal $E0C032 and #%10111111 ;clear IRQ source stal $E0C032 pla plb clc rtl mx %00 OneSecondCounter dw 0 OldOneSecVec ds 4 VBLTASK hex 00000000 dw 0 hex 5AA5 ; Blitter initialization BlitInit stz ScreenHeight stz ScreenWidth stz ScreenY0 stz ScreenY1 stz ScreenX0 stz ScreenX1 stz ScreenTileHeight stz ScreenTileWidth stz StartX stz OldStartX stz StartXMod164 stz StartY stz OldStartY stz StartYMod208 stz EngineMode stz DirtyBits stz LastPatchOffset stz BG1StartX stz BG1StartXMod164 stz BG1StartY stz BG1StartYMod208 stz BG1OffsetIndex stz BG0TileOriginX stz BG0TileOriginY stz OldBG0TileOriginX stz OldBG0TileOriginY stz BG1TileOriginX stz BG1TileOriginY stz OldBG1TileOriginX stz OldBG1TileOriginY stz TileMapWidth stz TileMapHeight stz TileMapPtr stz TileMapPtr+2 ]step equ 0 lup 13 ldx #BlitBuff lda #^BlitBuff ldy #]step jsr BuildBank ]step equ ]step+4 --^ rts ; Graphic screen initialization GrafInit jsr ShadowOn jsr GrafOn lda #$8888 jsr ClearToColor lda #0000 jsr SetSCBs ldx #DefaultPalette lda #0 jsr SetPalette rts ;DefaultPalette dw $0000,$007F,$0090,$0FF0 ; dw $000F,$0080,$0f70,$0FFF dw $0fa9,$0ff0,$00e0,$04DF dw $0d00,$078f,$0ccc,$0FFF ; DefaultPalette dw $09BE,$0AA6,$0DC9,$0DB7,$09AA dw $0080,$0f70,$0FFF dw $0fa9,$0ff0,$00e0,$04DF dw $0d00,$078f,$0ccc,$0FFF ; Super Mario World Assets ;DefaultPalette dw $0EEF,$0342,$0C95,$0852,$0DB4,$00C0 dw $0FDA,$0DEE,$0000,$0CC5,$09A0,$0680,$0470,$0051 ;DefaultPalette dw $0000,$0000,$0778,$0BCC,$0368,$00AF,$0556,$0245 dw $0000,$0778,$0AAA,$0CFF,$0368,$00AF,$0556 ; Woz ;DefaultPalette dw $0EEF,$0342,$0C95,$0852,$0DB4,$00C0 dw $0666,$0999,$0CCC,$0222,$09A0,$0680,$0470,$0051 ; Fatdog color cycling ;DefaultPalette dw $0EEF,$0342,$0C95,$0852,$0DB4,$00C0 dw $0156,$0288,$03A8,$07B8,$0034,$0013,$0470,$0051 ; Plant ;DefaultPalette dw $0EEF,$0342,$0C95,$0852,$0DB4,$00C0 dw $0222,$0333,$0444,$0888,$09A0,$0680,$0470,$0051 ; SMB DefaultPalette dw $0E51,$0EDB,$0000,$068F,$0BF1,$00A0,$0EEE,$0777,$0FA4,$0F59,$0E05,$0F30 dw $0680,$0470,$0051 ; Return the current border color ($0 - $F) in the accumulator GetBorderColor lda #0000 sep #$20 ldal BORDER_REG and #$0F rep #$20 rts ; Set the border color to the accumulator value. SetBorderColor sep #$20 ; ACC = $X_Y, REG = $W_Z eorl BORDER_REG ; ACC = $(X^Y)_(Y^Z) and #$0F ; ACC = $0_(Y^Z) eorl BORDER_REG ; ACC = $W_(Y^Z^Z) = $W_Y stal BORDER_REG rep #$20 rts ; Clear to SHR screen to a specific color ClearToColor ldx #$7D00 ;start at top of pixel data! ($2000-9D00) :clearloop dex dex stal SHR_SCREEN,x ;screen location bne :clearloop ;loop until we've worked our way down to 0 rts ; Set a palette values ; A = palette number, X = palette address SetPalette and #$000F ; palette values are 0 - 15 and each palette is 32 bytes asl asl asl asl asl txy tax ]idx equ 0 lup 16 lda: $0000+]idx,y stal SHR_PALETTES+]idx,x ]idx equ ]idx+2 --^ rts ; Initialize the SCB SetSCBs ldx #$0100 ;set all $100 scbs to A :scbloop dex dex stal SHR_SCB,x bne :scbloop rts ; Turn SHR screen On/Off GrafOn sep #$20 lda #$81 stal NEW_VIDEO_REG rep #$20 rts GrafOff sep #$20 lda #$01 stal NEW_VIDEO_REG rep #$20 rts ; Enable/Disable Shadowing. ShadowOn sep #$20 ldal SHADOW_REG and #$F7 stal SHADOW_REG rep #$20 rts ShadowOff sep #$20 ldal SHADOW_REG ora #$08 stal SHADOW_REG rep #$20 rts GetVBL sep #$20 ldal VBL_HORZ_REG asl ldal VBL_VERT_REG rol ; put V5 into carry bit, if needed. See TN #39 for details. rep #$20 and #$00FF rts WaitForVBL sep #$20 :wait1 ldal VBL_STATE_REG ; If we are already in VBL, then wait bmi :wait1 :wait2 ldal VBL_STATE_REG bpl :wait2 ; spin until transition into VBL rep #$20 rts WaitForKey sep #$20 stal KBD_STROBE_REG ; clear the strobe :WFK ldal KBD_REG bpl :WFK rep #$20 and #$007F rts ClearKeyboardStrobe sep #$20 stal KBD_STROBE_REG rep #$20 rts ReadControl pea $0000 ; low byte = key code, high byte = %------AB sep #$20 ldal OPTION_KEY_REG ; 'B' button and #$80 beq :BNotDown lda #1 ora 1,s sta 1,s :BNotDown ldal COMMAND_KEY_REG and #$80 beq :ANotDown lda #2 ora 1,s sta 1,s :ANotDown ldal KBD_STROBE_REG ; read the keyboard bit #$80 beq :KbdNotDwn ; check the key-down status and #$7f ora 1,s sta 1,s :KbdNotDwn rep #$20 pla rts ; Graphics helpers LoadPicture jsr LoadFile ; X=Nom Image, A=Banc de chargement XX/00 bcc :loadOK rts :loadOK jsr UnpackPicture ; A=Packed Size rts UnpackPicture sta UP_PackedSize ; Size of Packed Data lda #$8000 ; Size of output Data Buffer sta UP_UnPackedSize lda BankLoad ; Banc de chargement / Decompression sta UP_Packed+1 ; Packed Data clc adc #$0080 stz UP_UnPacked ; On remet a zero car modifie par l'appel stz UP_UnPacked+2 sta UP_UnPacked+1 ; Unpacked Data buffer PushWord #0 ; Space for Result : Number of bytes unpacked PushLong UP_Packed ; Pointer to buffer containing the packed data PushWord UP_PackedSize ; Size of the Packed Data PushLong #UP_UnPacked ; Pointer to Pointer to unpacked buffer PushLong #UP_UnPackedSize ; Pointer to a Word containing size of unpacked data _UnPackBytes pla ; Number of byte unpacked rts UP_Packed hex 00000000 ; Address of Packed Data UP_PackedSize hex 0000 ; Size of Packed Data UP_UnPacked hex 00000000 ; Address of Unpacked Data Buffer (modified) UP_UnPackedSize hex 0000 ; Size of Unpacked Data Buffer (modified) ; Basic I/O function to load files LoadFile stx openRec+4 ; X=File, A=Bank (high word) assumed zero for low stz readRec+4 sta readRec+6 jsr ClearBankLoad :openFile _OpenGS openRec bcs :openReadErr lda openRec+2 sta eofRec+2 sta readRec+2 _GetEOFGS eofRec lda eofRec+4 sta readRec+8 lda eofRec+6 sta readRec+10 _ReadGS readRec bcs :openReadErr :closeFile _CloseGS closeRec clc lda eofRec+4 ; File Size rts :openReadErr jsr :closeFile nop nop PushWord #0 PushLong #msgLine1 PushLong #msgLine2 PushLong #msgLine3 PushLong #msgLine4 _TLTextMountVolume pla cmp #1 bne :loadFileErr brl :openFile :loadFileErr sec rts msgLine1 str 'Unable to load File' msgLine2 str 'Press a key :' msgLine3 str ' -> Return to Try Again' msgLine4 str ' -> Esc to Quit' ; Data storage MusicFile str '1/main.ntp' BG1DataFile strl '1/bg1a.bin' BG1AltDataFile strl '1/bg1b.bin' ImageName strl '1/test.pic' FGName strl '1/fg1.bin' MasterId ds 2 UserId ds 2 openRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum adrl FGName ; pathname eofRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; eof readRec dw 4 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; dataBuffer ds 4 ; requestCount ds 4 ; transferCount closeRec dw 1 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 put App.Init.s put App.Msg.s put Actions.s put font.s put Render.s put Overlay.s put blitter/Blitter.s put blitter/Horz.s put blitter/PEISlammer.s put blitter/Tables.s put blitter/Template.s put blitter/Tiles.s put blitter/Vert.s put blitter/BG1.s PUT TileMap.s PUT App.TileMapBG0.s PUT App.TileMapBG1.s