; Test driver to exercise graphics routines. REL DSK MAINSEG use Locator.Macs.s use Misc.Macs.s use EDS.GSOS.MACS.s use Tool222.Macs.s use Util.Macs.s use CORE.MACS.s use ../../src/GTE.s use ../../src/Defs.s mx %00 ; Feature flags NO_INTERRUPTS equ 0 ; turn off for crossrunner debugging NO_MUSIC equ 1 ; turn music + tool loading off ; Keycodes LEFT_ARROW equ $08 RIGHT_ARROW equ $15 UP_ARROW equ $0B DOWN_ARROW equ $0A ; Typical init phk plb jsl EngineStartUp lda #^MyPalette ; Fill Palette #0 with our colors ldx #MyPalette ldy #0 jsl SetPalette ldx #5 ; Mode 0 is full-screen, mode 5 is 256x160 ldx #320 ldy #200 jsl SetScreenMode ; Set up our level data jsr BG0SetUp jsr TileAnimInit jsr SetLimits jsr InitOverlay ; Initialize the status bar stz frameCount ldal OneSecondCounter sta oldOneSecondCounter jsr UdtOverlay ; Allocate a buffer for loading files jsl AllocBank ; Alloc 64KB for Load/Unpack sta BankLoad ; Store "Bank Pointer" ; Load in the 256 color background into BG1 buffer brl :nobackground DoLoadBG1 lda BankLoad ldx #BG1DataFile jsr LoadFile ldx BankLoad lda #0 ldy BG1DataBank jsl CopyPicToBG1 ; Copy the palettes into place stz tmp0 :ploop lda tmp0 tay asl asl asl asl asl clc adc #$7E00 tax lda BankLoad jsl SetPalette inc tmp0 lda tmp0 cmp #16 bcc :ploop ; Bind the SCBs lda BankLoad ora #$8000 ; set high bit to bind to BG1 Y-position ldx #$7D00 jsl SetSCBArray :nobackground ; Initialize the sprite's global position (this is tracked outside of the tile engine) lda #16 sta PlayerGlobalX lda MaxGlobalY sec lda #40 ; 32 for tiles, 8 for sprite sta PlayerGlobalY stz PlayerXVel stz PlayerYVel ; Add a sprite to the engine and save it's sprite ID SPRITE_ID equ {SPRITE_16X16+145} MUSHROOM_ID equ {SPRITE_16X16+255} lda #MUSHROOM_ID ; 16x16 sprite, tile ID = 145 ldx #80 ldy #152 jsl AddSprite jsr UpdatePlayerLocal lda #SPRITE_ID ; 16x16 sprite, tile ID = 145 ldx PlayerX ldy PlayerY jsl AddSprite bcc :sprite_ok brl Exit ; If we could not allocate a sprite, exit :sprite_ok sta PlayerID ; Draw the initial screen lda #DIRTY_BIT_BG0_REFRESH ; Redraw all of the tiles on the next Render tsb DirtyBits jsl Render ; Set up a very specific test. First, we draw a sprite into the sprite plane, and then ; leave it alone. We are just testing the ability to merge sprite plane data into ; the play field tiles. EvtLoop jsl ReadControl ; Check the buttons first pha bit #$0100 beq :no_jump lda PlayerStanding beq :no_jump lda #$FFF8 sta PlayerYVel :no_jump ; Enable/disable v-sync lda 1,s bit #$0400 beq :no_key_down and #$007F cmp #'v' bne :not_v lda #$0001 eor vsync sta vsync :not_v :no_key_down pla and #$007F ; Ignore the buttons for now cmp #'q' bne :not_q brl Exit :not_q cmp #'d' bne :not_d lda StartX cmp MaxBG0X bcs :do_render inc jsl SetBG0XPos bra :do_render :not_d cmp #'a' bne :not_a lda StartX beq :do_render dec jsl SetBG0XPos bra :do_render :not_a cmp #'s' bne :not_s lda StartY cmp MaxBG0Y bcs :do_render inc jsl SetBG0YPos bra :do_render :not_s cmp #'w' bne :not_w lda StartY beq :do_render dec jsl SetBG0YPos bra :do_render :not_w ; Do j,l to move the character left/right cmp #'j' bne :not_j lda PlayerXVel bpl :pos_xvel cmp #$FFFA bcc :not_j :pos_xvel dec dec sta PlayerXVel bra :do_render :not_j cmp #'l' bne :not_l lda PlayerXVel bmi :neg_xvel cmp #6 bcs :not_l :neg_xvel inc inc sta PlayerXVel bra :do_render :not_l ; Update the camera position :do_render jsr UpdatePlayerPos ; Moves in global cordinates jsr UpdateCameraPos ; Moves the screen jsr UpdatePlayerLocal ; Gets local sprite coordinates lda PlayerID ldx PlayerX ldy PlayerY jsl MoveSprite ; Move the sprite to this local position ; Update the timers jsl DoTimers ; Let's see what it looks like! lda vsync beq :no_vsync :vsyncloop jsl GetVerticalCounter ; 8-bit value cmp ScreenY0 bcc :vsyncloop sec sbc ScreenY0 cmp #8 bcs :vsyncloop lda #1 jsl SetBorderColor :no_vsync jsl Render lda vsync beq :no_vsync2 lda #0 jsl SetBorderColor :no_vsync2 ; Update the performance counters inc frameCount ldal OneSecondCounter cmp oldOneSecondCounter beq :noudt sta oldOneSecondCounter jsr UdtOverlay stz frameCount :noudt brl EvtLoop ; Exit code Exit jsl EngineShutDown _QuitGS qtRec bcs Fatal Fatal brk $00 BG1DataFile strl '1/sunset.c1' ; Color palette MyPalette dw $068F,$0EDA,$0000,$0000,$0BF1,$00A0,$0EEE,$0456,$0FA4,$0F59,$0E30,$01CE,$02E3,$0870,$0F93,$0FD7 ; B&W Palette ;MyPalette dw $0000,$0EDA,$0000,$0E51,$0BF1,$00A0,$0EEE,$0456,$0FA4,$0F59,$0E30,$01CE,$02E3,$0870,$0F93,$0FFF PlayerGlobalX ds 2 PlayerGlobalY ds 2 PlayerID ds 2 PlayerX ds 2 PlayerXOld ds 2 PlayerY ds 2 PlayerYOld ds 2 PlayerLastPos ds 2 PlayerXVel ds 2 PlayerYVel ds 2 KeyState ds 2 PlayerStanding ds 2 MaxGlobalX ds 2 MaxGlobalY ds 2 MaxBG0X ds 2 MaxBG0Y ds 2 oldOneSecondCounter ds 2 frameCount ds 2 PLAYER_X_MIN equ 0 PLAYER_X_MAX equ 160-4 PLAYER_Y_MIN equ 0 PLAYER_Y_MAX equ 200-8 EMPTY_TILE equ 33 ; the tile that makes up the background AdjustLocalX clc adc StartXMod164 cmp #164 bcc *+5 sbc #164 rts AdjustLocalY clc adc StartYMod208 cmp #208 bcc *+5 sbc #208 rts SetLimits lda TileMapWidth asl asl sta MaxGlobalX sec sbc ScreenWidth sta MaxBG0X lda TileMapHeight asl asl asl sta MaxGlobalY sec sbc ScreenHeight sta MaxBG0Y rts ; Set the scroll position based on the global cooridinate of the player ; Try to center the player on the screen UpdateCameraPos lda ScreenWidth lsr sta tmp0 lda PlayerGlobalX sec sbc tmp0 bpl :x_pos lda #0 :x_pos cmp MaxBG0X bcc :x_ok lda MaxBG0X :x_ok jsl SetBG0XPos lda ScreenHeight lsr sta tmp0 lda PlayerGlobalY sec sbc tmp0 bpl :y_pos lda #0 :y_pos cmp MaxBG0Y bcc :y_ok lda MaxBG0Y :y_ok jsl SetBG0YPos lda StartY lsr jsl SetBG1YPos rts ; Convert the global coordinates to adjusted local coordinated (compensating for wrap-around) UpdatePlayerLocal lda PlayerGlobalX sec sbc StartX ; jsr AdjustLocalX sta PlayerX lda PlayerGlobalY sec sbc StartY ; jsr AdjustLocalY sta PlayerY rts ; Simple updates with gravity and collisions. It's important that eveything in this ; subroutine be done against UpdatePlayerPos stz PlayerStanding lda PlayerYVel bmi :no_ground_check ; Check if the player is standing on the ground at their current local position ldx PlayerX lda PlayerY clc adc #16 tay jsr GetTileAt and #$1FF cmp #EMPTY_TILE beq :no_ground_check lda PlayerGlobalY and #$fff8 sta PlayerGlobalY stz PlayerYVel lda #1 sta PlayerStanding :no_ground_check lda PlayerGlobalY clc adc PlayerYVel bpl *+5 lda #0 cmp MaxGlobalY bcc *+5 lda MaxGlobalY sta PlayerGlobalY lda PlayerGlobalX clc adc PlayerXVel bpl *+5 lda #0 cmp MaxGlobalX bcc *+5 lda MaxGlobalX sta PlayerGlobalX ldx LastHFlip lda PlayerXVel beq :no_dxv bpl :pos_dxv ldx #SPRITE_HFLIP inc bra :no_dxv :pos_dxv ldx #0 dec :no_dxv sta PlayerXVel stx LastHFlip ldx #0 lda PlayerStanding bne :too_fast lda PlayerYVel inc bmi :is_neg cmp #4 bcs :too_fast :is_neg ldx #SPRITE_VFLIP sta PlayerYVel :too_fast txa ora LastHFlip ora #SPRITE_ID sta SpriteFrame ; If the player is standing and XVel != 0, pick a frame lda PlayerStanding beq :frame lda PlayerXVel beq :frame jsl GetVBLTicks and #$0003 inc and #$0003 asl adc SpriteFrame sta SpriteFrame :frame ldx SpriteFrame lda PlayerID jsl UpdateSprite ; Change the tile ID and / or flags rts LastHFlip dw 0 SpriteFrame ds 2 ; X = coordinate ; Y = coordinate GetTileAt txa bmi :out clc adc StartXMod164 cmp #164 bcc *+5 sbc #164 lsr lsr tax tya bmi :out clc adc StartYMod208 cmp #208 bcc *+5 sbc #208 lsr lsr lsr tay jsl GetTileStoreOffset tax ldal TileStore+TS_TILE_ID,x rts :out lda #EMPTY_TILE rts ; Position the screen with the botom-left corner of the tilemap visible MovePlayerToOrigin lda #0 ; Set the player's position jsl SetBG0XPos lda TileMapHeight asl asl asl sec sbc ScreenHeight jsl SetBG0YPos rts openRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum adrl BG1DataFile ; pathname eofRec dw 2 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; eof readRec dw 4 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum ds 4 ; dataBuffer ds 4 ; requestCount ds 4 ; transferCount closeRec dw 1 ; pCount ds 2 ; refNum qtRec adrl $0000 da $00 vsync dw $0000 LoadFile stx openRec+4 ; X=File, A=Bank (high word) assumed zero for low stz readRec+4 sta readRec+6 :openFile _OpenGS openRec bcs :openReadErr lda openRec+2 sta eofRec+2 sta readRec+2 _GetEOFGS eofRec lda eofRec+4 sta readRec+8 lda eofRec+6 sta readRec+10 _ReadGS readRec bcs :openReadErr :closeFile _CloseGS closeRec clc lda eofRec+4 ; File Size rts :openReadErr jsr :closeFile nop nop PushWord #0 PushLong #msgLine1 PushLong #msgLine2 PushLong #msgLine3 PushLong #msgLine4 _TLTextMountVolume pla cmp #1 bne :loadFileErr brl :openFile :loadFileErr sec rts msgLine1 str 'Unable to load File' msgLine2 str 'Press a key :' msgLine3 str ' -> Return to Try Again' msgLine4 str ' -> Esc to Quit' PUT ../shell/Overlay.s PUT gen/App.TileMapBG0.s PUT gen/App.TileSetAnim.s ANGLEBNK ENT