; Collection of functions that deal with tiles. Primarily rendering tile data into ; the code fields. ; ; Tile data can be done faily often, so these routines are performance-sensitive. ; ; CopyTileConst -- the first 16 tile numbers are reserved and can be used ; to draw a solid tile block ; CopyTileLinear -- copies the tile data from the tile bank in linear order, e.g. ; 32 consecutive bytes are copied ; RenderTile ; ; A high-level function that takes a 16-bit tile descriptor and dispatched to the ; appropriate tile copy courinte based on the descritor flags ; ; Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 ; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ; |xx|xx|xx|MM|DD|VV|HH| | | | | | | | | | ; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ; \_______/ | | | | \________________________/ ; | | | | | Tile ID (0 to 511) ; | | | | | ; | | | | +-- H : Flip tile horizontally ; | | | +----- V : Flip tile vertically ; | | +-------- D : Render as a Dynamic Tile (Tile ID < 32, V and H have no effect) ; | +----------- M : Apply tile mask ; +----------------- Reserved ; ; Each logical tile (corresponding to each Tile ID) actually takes up 128 bytes of memory in the ; tile bank ; ; +0 : 32 bytes of tile data ; +32 : 32 bytes of tile mask ; +64 : 32 bytes of horizontally flipped tile data ; +96 : 32 bytes of horizontally flipped tile mask ; ; It is simply too slow to try to horizontally reverse the pixel data on the fly. This still allows ; for up to 512 tiles to be stored in a single bank, which should be sufficient. TILE_ID_MASK equ $01FF TILE_MASK_BIT equ $1000 TILE_DYN_BIT equ $0800 TILE_VFLIP_BIT equ $0400 TILE_HFLIP_BIT equ $0200 TILE_CTRL_MASK equ $1E00 ; On entry ; ; B is set to the correct code field bank ; A is set to the the tile descriptor ; Y is set to the top-left address of the tile in the code field ; X is set to the tile word offset (0 through 80 in steps of 4) ; ; tmp0/tmp1 is reserved RenderTile bit #TILE_CTRL_MASK ; Fast path for "normal" tiles beq _CopyTile cmp #TILE_MASK_BIT ; Tile 0 w/mask bit set is special, too bne *+5 brl ClearTile phx ; Save the tile offset tax and #TILE_ID_MASK ; Mask out the ID and save just that _Mul128 ; multiplied by 128 pha txa and #TILE_CTRL_MASK ; Mask out the different modifiers xba tax jmp (:actions,x) :actions dw solid,solid_hflip,solid_vflip,solid_hvflip dw dynamic,dynamic,dynamic,dynamic dw masked,masked_hflip,masked_vflip,masked_hvflip dw dyn_masked,dyn_masked,dyn_masked,dyn_masked ; _CopyTile ; ; Copy a solid tile into one of the code banks ; ; B = bank of the code field ; A = Tile ID (0 - 1023) ; Y = Base Adddress in the code field _CopyTile cmp #$0000 ; Fast-path the special zero tile bne CopyTileMem FillWord0 sta: $0001,y sta: $0004,y sta $1001,y sta $1004,y sta $2001,y sta $2004,y sta $3001,y sta $3004,y sta $4001,y sta $4004,y sta $5001,y sta $5004,y sta $6001,y sta $6004,y sta $7001,y sta $7004,y ; Fall through here intentionally ; For solid tiles FillPEAOpcode sep #$20 lda #$F4 sta: $0000,y sta: $0003,y sta $1000,y sta $1003,y sta $2000,y sta $2003,y sta $3000,y sta $3003,y sta $4000,y sta $4003,y sta $5000,y sta $5003,y sta $6000,y sta $6003,y sta $7000,y sta $7003,y rep #$20 rts CopyTileMem CopyTileMem0 tax ldal tiledata+0,x ; The low word goes in the *next* instruction sta: $0004,y ldal tiledata+2,x sta: $0001,y ldal tiledata+4,x sta $1004,y ldal tiledata+6,x sta $1001,y ldal tiledata+8,x sta $2004,y ldal tiledata+10,x sta $2001,y ldal tiledata+12,x sta $3004,y ldal tiledata+14,x sta $3001,y ldal tiledata+16,x sta $4004,y ldal tiledata+18,x sta $4001,y ldal tiledata+20,x sta $5004,y ldal tiledata+22,x sta $5001,y ldal tiledata+24,x sta $6004,y ldal tiledata+26,x sta $6001,y ldal tiledata+28,x sta $7004,y ldal tiledata+30,x sta $7001,y rts ; Masked tiles ; ; Can result in one or three different code sequences ; ; If mask === $0000, then insert PEA $DATA ; If mask === $FFFF, then insert LDA (DP),y / PHA ; Else then insert JMP and patch exception handler ; ; Because every word of the tile can lead to different opcodes, we ; do the entire setup for each word rather than breaking them up into ; 16-bit and 8-bit operations. ; Macro to make the loop simpler. Takes three arguments ; ; ]1 = address of tile data ; ]2 = address of tile mask ; ]3 = address of target in code field _X_REG equ tiletmp _Y_REG equ tiletmp+2 _T_PTR equ tiletmp+4 ; Copy of the tile address pointer _BASE_ADDR equ tiletmp+6 ; Copy of BTableLow for this tile CopyTileMemM stx _X_REG ; Save these values as we will need to reload them sty _Y_REG ; at certain points sta _T_PTR tax CopyMaskedWord tiledata+0;tiledata+32+0;$0003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+2;tiledata+32+2;$0000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+4;tiledata+32+4;$1003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+6;tiledata+32+6;$1000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+8;tiledata+32+8;$2003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+10;tiledata+32+10;$2000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+12;tiledata+32+12;$3003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+14;tiledata+32+14;$3000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+16;tiledata+32+16;$4003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+18;tiledata+32+18;$4000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+20;tiledata+32+20;$5003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+22;tiledata+32+22;$5000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+24;tiledata+32+24;$6003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+28;tiledata+32+26;$6000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+30;tiledata+32+28;$7003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+32;tiledata+32+30;$7000 rts CopyTileMemMV stx _X_REG ; Save these values as we will need to reload them sty _Y_REG ; at certain points sta _T_PTR tax CopyMaskedWord tiledata+0;tiledata+32+0;$7003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+2;tiledata+32+2;$7000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+4;tiledata+32+4;$6003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+6;tiledata+32+6;$6000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+8;tiledata+32+8;$5003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+10;tiledata+32+10;$5000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+12;tiledata+32+12;$4003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+14;tiledata+32+14;$4000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+16;tiledata+32+16;$3003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+18;tiledata+32+18;$3000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+20;tiledata+32+20;$2003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+22;tiledata+32+22;$2000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+24;tiledata+32+24;$1003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+28;tiledata+32+26;$1000 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+30;tiledata+32+28;$0003 CopyMaskedWord tiledata+32;tiledata+32+30;$0000 rts TilePatterns dw $0000,$1111,$2222,$3333 dw $4444,$5555,$6666,$7777 dw $8888,$9999,$AAAA,$BBBB dw $CCCC,$DDDD,$EEEE,$FFFF ClearTile sep #$20 lda #$B1 ; This is a special case where we can set all the words to LDA (DP),y sta: $0000,y sta: $0003,y sta $1000,y sta $1003,y sta $2000,y sta $2003,y sta $3000,y sta $3003,y sta $4000,y sta $4003,y sta $5000,y sta $5003,y sta $6000,y sta $6003,y sta $7000,y sta $7003,y rep #$20 txa and #$00FF ora #$4800 sta: $0004,y sta $1004,y sta $2004,y sta $3004,y sta $4004,y sta $5004,y sta $6004,y sta $7004,y inc inc sta: $0001,y sta $1001,y sta $2001,y sta $3001,y sta $4001,y sta $5001,y sta $6001,y sta $7001,y rts ; Copy a tile, but vertically flip the data CopyTileMemV tax ldal tiledata+0,x ; The low word goes in the *next* instruction sta $7004,y ldal tiledata+2,x sta $7001,y ldal tiledata+4,x sta $6004,y ldal tiledata+6,x sta $6001,y ldal tiledata+8,x sta $5004,y ldal tiledata+10,x sta $5001,y ldal tiledata+12,x sta $4004,y ldal tiledata+14,x sta $4001,y ldal tiledata+16,x sta $3004,y ldal tiledata+18,x sta $3001,y ldal tiledata+20,x sta $2004,y ldal tiledata+22,x sta $2001,y ldal tiledata+24,x sta $1004,y ldal tiledata+26,x sta $1001,y ldal tiledata+28,x sta: $0004,y ldal tiledata+30,x sta: $0001,y rts ; Primitives to render a dynamic tile ; ; LDA 00,x / PHA where the operand is fixed when the tile is rendered ; $B5 $00 $48 ; ; A = dynamic tile id (must be an 8-bit value) DynTile and #$00FF ora #$4800 sta: $0004,y sta $1004,y sta $2004,y sta $3004,y sta $4004,y sta $5004,y sta $6004,y sta $7004,y inc inc sta: $0001,y sta $1001,y sta $2001,y sta $3001,y sta $4001,y sta $5001,y sta $6001,y sta $7001,y sep #$20 lda #$B5 sta: $0000,y sta: $0003,y sta $1000,y sta $1003,y sta $2000,y sta $2003,y sta $3000,y sta $3003,y sta $4000,y sta $4003,y sta $5000,y sta $5003,y sta $6000,y sta $6003,y sta $7000,y sta $7003,y rep #$20 rts ; This should never be called, because empty control value should be fast-pathed solid plx pla rts solid_hflip plx pla clc adc #64 ; Advance to the flipped version brl CopyTileMem solid_vflip plx pla brl CopyTileMemV solid_hvflip plx pla clc adc #64 ; Advance to the flipped version brl CopyTileMemV masked plx pla brl CopyTileMemM masked_hflip plx pla clc adc #64 ; Advance to the flipped version brl CopyTileMemM masked_vflip plx pla brl CopyTileMemMV masked_hvflip plx pla clc adc #64 ; Advance to the flipped version brl CopyTileMemMV dynamic dyn_masked plx pla rts ; CopyTile ; ; A low-level function that copies 8x8 tiles directly into the code field space. ; ; A = Tile ID (0 - 511) ; X = Tile column (0 - 40) ; Y = Tile row (0 - 25) CopyTile phb ; save the current bank phx ; save the original x-value pha ; save the tile ID tya ; lookup the address of the virtual line (y * 8) asl asl asl asl tay sep #$20 ; set the bank register lda BTableHigh,y pha ; save for a few instruction rep #$20 phx ; Reverse the tile index since x = 0 is at the end lda #40 sec sbc 1,s plx asl ; there are two columns per tile, so multiple by 4 asl ; asl will clear the carry bit tax lda BTableLow,y sta _BASE_ADDR ; Used in masked tile renderer clc adc Col2CodeOffset,x tay ; Optimization note: We could make a Tile2CodeOffset table that is pre-reversed, which should simplify ; the code starting after the 'rep #$20' to just be this. Saves around 16 cycles / tile... ; ; There would need to be a similar modification made to the JTable as well. ; ; txa ; asl ; tax ; lda BTableLow,y ; sta _BASE_ADDR ; Used in masked tile renderer ; adc Col2CodeOffset,x plb ; set the bank pla ; pop the tile ID jsr RenderTile plx ; pop the x-register plb ; restore the data bank and return rts