; SCB binding. Really just a fast copy from an array in memory to the SCBs for a range of ; physical lines. Follow the same calling conventions as _BltRange ; ; X = first line (inclusive), valid range of 0 to 199 ; Y = last line (exclusive), valid range >X up to 200 ; ; The lines are based on the appearance of lines in the play field, so blitting lines 0 through ; 19 will draw the first 20 lines on the play field, regardless of where the playfield is physically ; on the SHR screen or the current value of StartY ; ; This could be made faster by forcing a SCB array to be copied into PEAs ahead of time, but this ; is a bit more flexible _BltSCBOut rts _BltSCB lda SCBArrayPtr ora SCBArrayPtr+2 beq _BltSCBOut phb ; preserve the bank register tsc ; save the stack pointer stal :stk_save+1 sep #$20 ; Get the offset into the SCB array lda SCBArrayPtr+2 pha ; Stash the bank to set later rep #$20 lda SCBArrayPtr+2 bpl :bind_to_bg0 lda BG1StartY bra :bind_to_bg1 :bind_to_bg0 lda StartY :bind_to_bg1 clc adc SCBArrayPtr tax lda ScreenHeight ; Calculate the number of scan lines / entry point asl and #$FFFC ; Make sure it's a multiple of 4 eor #$FFFF inc clc adc #:scb_end sta :entry+1 lda ScreenY1 ; Get the SCB address to put into the stack register dec clc adc #SHADOW_SCREEN_SCB plb ; Pop the bank with the SCB array sei ; turn off interrupts while we slam SCBs tcs ; set the stack to teh SCB area in Bank 01 _R0W1 :entry jmp :scb_end ; 100 lda/pha to cover, potentialls, the full screen ]line equ 198 lup 100 lda: ]line,x pha ]line equ ]line-2 --^ :scb_end _R0W0 :stk_save lda #0000 ; load the stack tcs cli ; re-enable interrupts plb ; restore the bank rts ; Quick helper to set the pointer (X = low word, A = high work) SetSCBArray ENT jsr _SetSCBArray rtl _SetSCBArray stx SCBArrayPtr sta SCBArrayPtr+2 rts